The past few weeks have been emotional and created a fair amount of soul searching. Part of the emotion is the aftermath of Katrina, part related to politics and the future for the United States as we believed in it, and part is related to my personal and work life. Details are not important as to why or what disturbed my life. All details are the different and yet the same for all of us – important to us…and that is the important part.
When I tossed all three parts into the pot I call my life – well the low simmer of my daily life became a rolling boil of emotion.

-Perhaps I keep too many things inside of me.
-Perhaps I take things too personally.
-Perhaps I just need to re-evaluate my priorities periodically – and it takes a kick in the butt to get me thinking about them.

Tomorrow is the Autumn Equinox – a time for evaluating the summer harvest and a time for preparing for the ending of this year. The Celtic Pagan years end on Samhain – October 31. A short 5+ weeks from now. So this year I have the usual questions but I also have new questions to ponder….

-Is my home ready for the winter?
-Is my home ready for an emergency? – NEW
-Is my family safe and healthy in preparation for the winter?
-Are my finances in order in case of an emergency? – NEW
-Is my heart at peace with my actions this past year?
-Have I hurt anyone – intentionally or unintentionally – that I should work with to make amends?
-Have I made efforts to help others openly and freely – without need for acknowledgement?
-Have I practiced random acts of kindness this year?
-Have I updated my journals with major items that occurred during the past year?
-What do I hope to accomplish in the new year – as a person, at work, in life generally?

So – this is more abstract than anything today and another checklist for me to keep referring back to occasionally. Others may not feel so – but I find that time flies quickly these days. The next 5 weeks will be shorter than I would like.

Tomorrow will be a celebration of the end of summer and a beginning of my preparation for nesting at home this winter. Please join me if you would like in the review of the year.

Crossposted at The Village Blue