Well, it’s Friday again! Time to start the holiday weekend with a nice frou-frou frozen drink (or maybe two, with the news that Justice O’Connor is stepping down):
A word of caution: Be sure to keep the limeade frozen so the beverage will be slushy!
5 cups cubed seeded watermelon
1 cup sparkling water, chilled
3/4 cup white rum
1/4 cup chopped fresh mint
1 (6-ounce) can frozen limeade concentrate, undiluted
Mint sprigs (optional)
Lime slices (optional)
Arrange watermelon in a single layer on a baking sheet; freeze 2 hours or until completely frozen.
Combine frozen watermelon, sparkling water, rum, mint, and limeade in a blender; process until smooth. Garnish with mint sprigs and lime slices, if desired. Serve immediately.
Yield: 8 servings
Inspired by some of the comments on MAJeff’s excellent diary on Dating and the Class Divide, I have a funny story and some related links for you all this week.
Earlier this week, my best friend emailed me the link to one of her guy friend’s website, with the message, “I dare you to do this!” (She had previously sent me the link to a movie clip from his “Shotgun Wedding Party” where he was dressed in a tuxedo t-shirt and mullet wig, which was pretty funny!)
Well, the link was to his “Win a Date With a Web Guy!” contest. Apparently, he’s trying to think of new ways to meet women (although he’s apparently not quite as desperate as this guy yet!) The ad for the contest said:
So if you think that a date with AL might be fun and wouldn’t raise your insurance premiums, why not try to “Win a Date with a Web Guy”. Out of the hundreds of entries each month (Ok, more like 3 entries) we select the most creative and set them up on a date with AL. So if you feel daring and don’t have a heart condition… give it a shot. Oh… and if you are wondering… you can try the Marriage Reality Check
Well, my friend knew (of course!) that I don’t often refuse a dare, as long it’s fun and not life-threatening!
So here is my contest submission, complete with graphics:
I am writin’ to y’all to express my interest in your “Win a date with a web guy” contest. I know the competition is stiff, what with 3 entries a month and all, but I think I have plenty to offer a fella like yourself.
About me: I have been described as attractive, in a “South Beach meets Deliverance” kind of way. I only have one tattoo, so I’m sorry if you’re disappointed, but I’m savin’ up fer another.
I have done many great things with my life, and one of my proudest moments was being the first one in my family to still have all my teeth (in my mouth, not in a jar on the mantel) beyond the age of 30. I saw on your website you have a fondness for diners. I was once a diner waitress, and I can cook real good too. Why just last summer, I helped make and consume the test batches of jello shots for my best friend’s weddin’!
My rekreashunal activities include kayakin’ in the bayou lookin’ fer gators to wrestle and tyin’ myself up like a pretzel at the local yo-ga class. I was a bit of a thrill seeker back before the young’uns was born, and I still like to dance my way through concerts and ride in the front seat of the roller coaster while I scream my head off (just for fun, mind you, I ain’t really scairt).
Just so you know what I’m lookin’ fer, here is a picture of my dream home…all I need now is a feller rich enough ta’ buy it fer me. My Maw has been savin’ all her best lawn ornaments fer me to decorate it with!
I’ll be wishin’ and hopin’ I win the contest…gosh, it reminds me of that TV show, Beauty and the Geek! Oh, to be that lucky!
Anyway, I’m lookin’ forward to hearin’ from you, and Gawd, I hope this is less than 1000 words, `cause I have trouble countin’ that high.
Sincerely yours,
Cabin Girl
I haven’t heard anything from him yet…
So, how about sharing any silly or tragic or funny or happy dating stories you have? Here’s your chance to get some mileage out of some of your AFOG (another fucking opportunity for growth, courtesy of MAJeff) moments!
I am in a really silly mood this week?
Look what you’ve done with the Cafe`!!!
I’ll start with coffee and keep it coming. . .
MMM…caffeine…one of the four major food groups (alcohol, sugar, and chocolate being the other three)!
Hey, I think the little pink house is cute! So that’s the “Cabin” in Cabin Girl, 😉
The line about being able to contort yourself into a pretzel oughta do the trick.
Top ‘o’ the Friday to everybody. I’m off. I’d finish that sentence but it makes too much sense just as it is.
See ya later, agitators!
the pretzel comment ought to do it. Though he may be sorry you still have all yer teeth!
Sorry, it’s far too early in the day to be this perverted.
We were cruising around, looking for a summer place near the Chesapeake bay, and I saw that place and just had to have a picture of it!
Did I forget to mention that my boys were delighted when they saw the picture, and wanted to go there and bring their friends?
They have good taste in dwelling, don’t they?
This could be long, but I need to get it off my chest, so please bear with me.
A few months ago, an acquaintance (we’ll call her Joanna) revealed to me that, while she was looking for a picture file on her computer at work, she came across child pornography. Lots of it. Thousands of files, all of them horrifying enough that she went home that night and threw up. She did what anyone would do, and went to her boss (we’ll call him Dick) about it. He said something along the lines of “Gee, that’s weird. Wonder where that came from?” When she went back on the network to try to figure out where it had come from, she realized that it originated on HIS computer. So she’s now put herself in an akward position – he knows she knows. She is looking for a new job and has promised to turn him in as soon as she finds one. For the record, Dick is a sexist, a racist and just generally an s.o.b., and as far as I’m concerned he deserves whatever’s coming to him.
There’s a catch, though: Joanna’s boss is a close business acquaintance and friend of my boss, who has two small children. I’ve agreed to not say anything to the authorities and let Joanna handle it when she’s ready, but I feel like I have an obligation to warn my boss to keep his children away from Dick. Unfortunately, it’s unlikely he would believe me right off the bat (or, rather, he wouldn’t believe Joanna) and would almost certainly go to Dick to ask him about it (or warn him that one of his employees was spreading nasty rumors) , at which point Joanna would certainly be fired. I’m tempted to tell them anyway, because I have had friends who were molested, and the thought that someone could have prevented it tears me up inside. Joanna insists that Dick is never around my boss’s children and she doesn’t think he’s a threat to anyone, but I’m not convinced.
There’s another catch, though: Joanna is emotionally unstable. A lifetime of abuse (of varying kinds, by different people) has left her in bad shape, and she’s in a particularly bad place right now. As much as she hates her job, it’s all she has. When I mentioned to her I felt I had to tell my boss, she got so scared she burst into tears. She has attempted suicide in the past, and is threatening to do it again if I say something that gets her fired. The last time we talked, she stopped just short of threatening ME, as well. I finally promised her I wouldn’t say anything. She is confident she will have a new job by the end of the year, at which point I’m no longer sworn to secrecy.
After weighing the consequences of both options, I’ve decided to keep my promise to her, but nothing she can say can convince me that I’m not doing a terrible thing.
Sorry to dump that on you guys, on a Friday morning, so less, but it’s driving me crazy and I needed to talk about it.
Oh my God. What a horrible dilemma.
I would break the confidence to Joanna and tell your boss to keep his kids away from the aptly named Dick.
Barring that, I would make an anonymous call to the local police and lead them to Dick.
Wow, good luck. To me the safety of children everywhere trumps your confidence to Joanna. They might catch whomever is producing this filth as well as those possessing it.
I agree with the anonymous phone call to the police, but I think that puts Joanna at risk-she needs a new job! What a horrible dilemma!
Sorry, that was a wimpy answer and didn’t address Joanna’s emotional state at all.
If the authorities bust Dick, will Joanna automatically lose her job, or just have a change of boss?
As her friend I would offer to go with her and hold her hand as much as you can. I believe in Karma, or a higher power or whatever, and I really believe that she will benefit from doing the right thing.
I’ll be thinking of you and hoping you find your way out of this.
For what it’s worth….I bet you know what the right thing to do is. I think your friend will land on her feet. Sounds like she needs help.
Thanks, guys. As far as Joanna goes, I don’t know her all that well. We talk on the phone pretty regularly, because we come into contact through work, but we’ve only hung out once. She really is more of an acquaintance than a friend. Also, her boss pretty much IS the company. If anything happened to him, it would go under and she would be out of a job.
No matter how much I think about this, I keep coming down on the side of not saying anything. The reason is, I don’t have any reason to think that Dick is doing anything beyond looking at pictures (which is really bad, and he will get in trouble for it very soon), but I have a very good reason to be afraid of what Joanna will do if I say anything. I wouldn’t put it past her to hurt herself or someone else (me included). On the one hand, the possibility of a child being hurt is a lot worse, but it’s a much less definite possibility.
I talked to another acquaintance who is a psychologist and a family therapist to ask her what I should do. She said that looking at child porn doesn’t necessarily mean someone is old molesting children, but it certainly makes it more likely. Also, most child molesters start out looking at porn and slowly move on to the real thing. All she could tell me was that I didn’t have any legal obligation to report him, and I had to decide what to do on my own. I don’t think I would go with the anonymous tip to the police route, because I trust Joanna to do that when she finds a job. I just wish I could figure out a way to warn my boss that I could be sure wouldn’t get back to Dick.
What’s your relationship with your boss? If it’s good enough then you can explain to him exactly what you’ve told us and you can ask him to take precautions without jeopardizing Joanna.
My boss and I have a great relationship and I know he and his wife trust me absolutely. I’m seriously thinking about doing what you suggested, but the problem is, they are really close to this guy as well, and I don’t know if I can trust them not to say anything to him. Especially if what I’m telling them is that he has an unstable employee who is getting ready to turn him in to the authorities. They might feel obligated to warn him.
“On the horns of a dillema I stood never looking back“, was the first line of a poem I wrote long ago, and the only line I can remember, but your comment made me think of it…
I have been faced with a similar issue and my advice to you is to follow you heart, with what it tells you is right to do, sometimes you have to let the chips fall where they may, for the greater common good and moral responsibility…we each hold.
Once the info was put into your hands, the authority of what to do with it rests with you, she in essense passed on this authority by telling you, regardless of what she says…Question is can you live with not passing this info on…..can you live with passing it on…
I just was rereading previous comments about this and I think you may be able to call or connect online with child porn./abuse hot line and report this there, anomyous or not, then they can investigate through the computer, outside of you or her or him or your boss..
Also you can report to police and ask for your name to be withheld…
I certainly could go ahead and report him, but that would get my friend in trouble immediately. Since a)she’s the only one who knows about it and b)he knows the two of us hung out last night and c)today is my last day of work, it would be really obvious where the info came from. We’re right back at her threatening to kill herself.
It is my understanding that it is against the law in every state (child porn) and there are those organizations that follow computer links to child porn wherever they can. . .and so it has nothing in particular with anyone turning someone in, although that can be helpful. So why would it be necessary that her boss would automatically think it was something she had done?
Best advice is always to follow your heart. . .what seems best to you and what you can live with pro or con.
It seems unlikely that anyone would independently investigate him at this point, since he deleted all of it off his computer months ago (she’s looked for it since). Also, even if he didn’t realize it was her doing (which I think he probably would), she would know it was me. So we still have an unstable woman who has just lost her job (either through being fired, or through the company going under when he’s arrested), is devastated and broke, and feels betrayed by me. Yikes. I’m honestly afraid of what she would do.
Maybe this seems beside the point when compared to the possibility of child abuse, but I just don’t know anything concrete enough to justify risking her health (and life) and betraying a confidence she has begged me to keep repeatedly.
Analyze the problem.
What is at stake here? Someone getting hurt. Who?
However, I would first ascertain from you boss if his children ever have any contact with “Dick” before manufacturing a dangerous situation out of all this. He may already be keeping his kids away from Mr. Nasty.
There’s no dilemma here, only a choice. To do the right thing now? Or to do the expedient thing?
July 1 at 6:37 a.m., Brown County, Indiana
This is my favorite spot on our property. It’s down in a hollow so it stays quiet and shadowed all day. If I were doing a visual dictionary, this would be the definition for tranquil.
It looks beatiful there…and cool, unlike PA right now!
Well, we were in the 90’s just like you (although it is always somewhat cooler down in the hollows) but we had a big thunderstorm last night and now it is really pleasant. Since our weather generally moves in northeasterly direction, maybe the cool-off is coming your way.
They say tomorrow and Sunday will be mid 80s and pleasant…I can’t wait!
After all the seriousness above, I thought I’d put up a picture of a cat in a sink.
For those of you who were around yesterday, this is the infamous Spot.
still looks like she has no tail.
is plugging the drain.
Ok, far be it from me to give advise. So I will give you my take. IF it were me I wouldn’t hesitate for one milisecond to call the police. Thousands of pages of child porn? What have we come to that this would ever be thought of as ok? I also would be warning the other boss if their kids are around “Uncle” Dick. Believe me, there are so many instances of child sexual abuse within the family/friends circle because they are the last to be suspected. Do something before the boss dumps those files to a disc and erases them….PLEASE!
Thanks for your take, Lee. Unfortunately, since my friend told him she found the stuff, he’s long erased it. It’s been months and he’s had plenty of time to figure out how to get rid of all traces. While she’s in the process of looking for another job, she’s also trying to gather some concrete evidence that she can take to the police when she can finally leave there.
He could still have the info on his home computer….and he is no doubt registered on the porn sites, which then can be traced….Can you do a google search of his name or phone number or if you knew any screen name he might have you can do a google search of that and it will show any sites he’s been on or any comments made with that screen name. BTW same is true of everyone, check out your screen name….and your phone number….
Unfortunately, I don’t know his email address or much else. And there’s no way she will give it to me, since she obviously doesn’t trust me not to tell. Fortunately, she has friends in law enforcement who are chomping at the bit to get at this guy, and are giving her all kinds of advice as to what she should do. They were asking her for his email address and she wouldn’t give it until she found another job, but when she does they will be all over it.
“…I know the competition is stiff,…”
Umm, who exactly is your competition? Surely none could compete with your entry, CabinGirl.
I must be losing my, uh, touch…
I just don’t, because of all the firewords it just drives me crazy…Where I live they just go beserk and started a week ago with regular displays every night. On the 4th it builds to a creshendo at midnight and then continues long after…
The smell, the smoke, the noise, dogs barking and going nuts, and the danger to children,homes and others from home fireworks all combine to make me dislike the 4th of July…
Besides I am not all that sure that I want to celebrate this country right now…..
But be sure to have fun and think of me on the 4th, I will be sitting here at the computer trying to find someone in the world to talk to…
Oh, I’ll be here on the 4th too. Since I moved down south 3 years ago I haven’t found much of anything to do on July 4th. It’s hellishly hot and humid, buggy, and the formal fireworks displays are wimpy in comparison to the ones I am used to in Cleveland. Plus the parking….Gaaa!
I’ll be eating something grilled and drinking something slushy and probably watching a movie with my husband and whichever of the kids doesn’t already have other plans.
And, of course, checking in here!
don’t mind the 4th…we’re mowing our grass to celebrate!
But seriously, I like going to the fireworks, there’s a local homegrown type parade that I’ve been going to since I was about 8 years old, back when everybody got out there antique cars, and there were only about 10 entries in the parade, so they went around the (country) block over and over!
And I think we’re going to have to have a good ol’ waterfight tonight, because it is SOOO steamy hot out today!
Thanks for dredging up some fond memories from my childhood, in the little hamlet of Salisbury, Pa. where all the kids decorated their bikes and rode them down the street in a parade….I thought my bike decorated with red, white and blue crepe paper was the most glorious thing I ever saw and maybe led me into my life long love of decorating…
Gee I just noticed I used decorated now 4 times in my comment..
BTW I have some old pics, and will post them on the 4th I think…anyone else start getting pics ready, and post them on the FBC diary on Mon…
Good I will have company, I will be hosting the diary on that day so good to know you will be here….We will have a big party that day…
We’re hanging relatively local this weekend — hopefully finishing up the cleaning chores, maybe going out to play one of the days.
Days like this I appreciate having a laptop; I’m sitting at Starbucks just finishing off an iced chai latte, and about to pack up and relocate to the library to get some actual work done. (ha ha)
I’ll duck into the evening Cafe later, perhaps…
I know it, I am shameless and I don’t do self promotion very well, but here it is, I posted a diary on the 37 wingnut Repug’s who voted against the Boxer Amendment.
I have linked to their records, up to 2002 and posted some of their more wingnutted stances under each of their names.
If you are represented by any of the Gang of 37 Wingnuts, I have the unfortunate disability of having both my senators on the list, spread the word about their wingnuttery.
I hope you all have a safe and happy 4th of July and remember that Repukelibans do not own Patriotism.
Your a girl so much like me. We have the same sense of humor. Only one thing I don’t think you have enough dead cars in front of your house.
Hey, Cafe Denizens! Head on over to the newly-opened store and buy something purty. I just ordered two mugs. In the diary that Boo wrote about the store I asked if maybe some day we could have mugs with Froggy Bottom Cafe on them.
Put on the pressure! heh heh heh
My daughter was just here and copied the drink recipe above for a party she is having on the 10th of July, do you have any other similar receipes that would be good and easy to make for a summer birthday party…
Where is everyone, out celebrating somewhere else…why is no one in the cafe…
I’m here Diane! Just got home from a big Italian dinner with my husband. <<<<Burp!>>>…Oh! how unattractive of me!
Good to see you here, I will have to check site stats to see how many are on line, but this reminds me of the pre influx days, when there were so few posts. Not used to the slowness now…
Well, look on the bright side…it’s more intimate this way. Ok, kind of slow, but everyone will be back before too long. Sorry I’m boring company.
I had a really weird experience at the restaurant tonight.
When my husband and I were dating several years ago we reached a point where we decided to take the summer off and “see other people.” Well, he saw someone else alright, and being 48 years old at the time you think he’d know better but she got pregnant and they gave the child up for adoption. To make a long story short, the birth mother went crazy when they broke up and though the adoption was supposed to be closed she spied on the agency until she saw the adoptive parents come in (she had seen pictures of them) and then followed them home. So instead of it being a closed adoption we knew where he lived and his new name.
Fast forward 3 years; we’ve been married almost as long and haven’t heard boo about the kid, but we see them in the restaurant tonight. Very weird. Dredged up lots of emotions for both my husband and me, because, well, I can never quite let him forget how hurt I was by the whole episode. I have to admit the kid is cute and I encouraged him to say hello and give them his business card in case they ever wanted to ask health questions, etc. They seemed pleased and happy. But the mom had fake boobs. I’m just sayin…
That must have been interesting to say the least, I don’t envy you that one..
I am so glad I have given up relationships of the romantic type at this stage of my life, it is so freeing..Spent way too many years being concerned over some man and had plenty enough of the pain..
Yes life is great without a man…
Hugs to you for your emotions kicking up…
I hear you. Is it horrible to admit that I sometimes daydream of being alone again? Too much work to maintain romantic relationships. Mothering comes easy….being a wife?…not so much.
Not horrible at all. I just wish I had come to my senses sooner rather than later, it would have saved me much suffering, but then would I know as much and be as happy as I am now…Maybe it is rite of passage, you have to go through that to get to this..
Also being a wife interferes with being a mother, hard to do both..
Which reminds me.
I had an idea a couple of years ago, before we got Iraq kicked into high Cold War Gear, that we could end the War on Terror if everybody surrendered.
I mean everybody surrender. Everyone in the world.
I figure the more of us that surrender, the fewer people Homeland needs to defend itself against. Once this thing builds momentum, the war on terror can be mopped up easily.
Of course the problem is that anyone who surrenders to Homeland disappears in an extraordinary way. So who to surrender to? Then it hit me:
It’d be win-win-win. We make our point about the WOT, and Canada being as practical as it is humane, would not be as literalist as Homeland. It wouldn’t try to actually turn all 6,000,000,000 humans into detainees. I figure we could just write and give our names & addresses.
And wouldn’t the publicity just yank Homeland’s chain so satisfyingly? Barely-armed pacifist <fill-in-the-blanks) nation wins War on Terror!<p>
How could they resist?
I even conceived a universal surrender flag with a reminder of who to turn yourself in to.
Just one question: do we have to move to Canada to surrender to them? I mean, I love all our Canadian BooTribbers, but it’s pretty cold up there. ;^)
They’re quite reasonable.
I’m convinced we could send in our names & addresses and they’d just check us off the list.
God, what a day. I can barely keep my head from spinning. Between the announcement this morning, an extremely busy day and my trainer working the crap out of me I am physically and emotionaly wiped. Just need to have a cig and a cold n/a beer, put my feet up and decompress. This looks like the place to do that. Anybody left from Happy Hour or did they all get loaded and go home?
I will serve you the non a beer, but for myself we are out of coke and I don’t know what I will do..Think I will have to send my son out for some…
I have been taking it easy for the last few days and my back is feeling better, I am trying not to think about anything negative for a couple days, at least till Tues..
Gosh I really hate typing and my fingers feel like they are sausages and can’t hit the right keys…Wonder how long it will be till we are talking on web cams and no more typing, of course we will or I will have to spiff up first.
Diane, I saw your post above, and I’ll send you a couple of recipes in the AM…is your daughter looking for food or beverage recipes?
I have a great tomato and feta cheese salad with fresh basil…
I’m just droppin’ in to check on things before I call it a night…it was a heck of a day today, wasn’t it?
How’s your trainer thing going? I started working with a trainer a couple of weeks ago, and it’s, well, hard work. But, I ran a whole mile yesterday! Now if only the scale would notice…
Hey CabinGirl, I am sorry I did not reply last evening but I zonked out on the couch right after I dropped in last night. I love my trainer and he works me hard but is exactly what I needed. I have lost 7.5 lbs so far and my tummy is getting flatter. I am incorporating running into my five times a week walk and I am feeling like a new woman. It is changing my whole outlook and the workouts and walks are a good way for me to relieve a lot of the pent up anger and stress this administration gives me. I feel that it has been a daily assault on my soul from them and my outrage meter is broken. After yesterdays news I am truly frightened for the future of our country. We as a community have a lot of work ahead of us and I for one feel we will need to take a lot of action in order to keep the flame to our reps feet to fight what the repugs are trying to do with stacking the courts for their insane agenda. I will need this outlet to keep my sanity and focus on the really important fight we have ahead of us.
This is the prettiest picture I’ll ever take. With all the stress of this time, step onto the road and come along with me for a few moments.
My wife and I honeymooned in W. Scotland. A Scots family we stayed with, thanks to connections, introduced us to the problem of touring Scotland. They laid out a 50 mile Sunday jaunt around NW Glasgow, Loch Lomond & environs.
At 9:30 PM we were barely 35 miles along. We came up over a hill; I saw this and exclaimed “STOP THE CAR” and took one shot. It’s the Gare Loch with Faslane at center at the left end of the water.
That’s beautiful! My husband’s family are all from Scotland and I would love to go there some day. Just need to get over this damned fear of flying!
don’t forget to email Susan if you would like to join the blogroll for the CCR campaign to Denounce Torture. It looks like she is compiling names of individual bloggers in case you don’t have your own blog. Let’s grow that list! Tell your online friends.
I’m headin’ there now ManEe!
well well well. only one diary today? all those americans are on holiday i bet.
well i’m not. the sweeping does not take a holiday, nor do i. if anyone’s around, just whistle otherwise you
might be swept off your feet by the cleaning lady, renee!
i do make the dust fly!!!!!
Feather Moon VBR mp3
feather moon
scarlet sky
living clouds
my blinded eye
waters black
wood in snow
dead of night
how bright you glow
breathe in breathe out
exhale and inhale
seven sins
god of stone
all is true
down to the bone
feather moon
scarlet sky
I love you endlessly
not knowing why
Feather Moon
Vienna Teng
Show Details
I’ve been all over the blogosphere trying to spread the word about the CCR campaign. My dream is to see it take off, but it’s rough trying to break through some of the “cliques” formed on many of the sites. I’m glad we have the FBC and WW, hopefully we won’t fall into the same trap. How goes it bayprairie
yeah i know you’re lurking
nuthin’ quite like working the graveyard shift, eh?
yep, im central time, workin til one a.m. evening shift. nice and quiet tonight sometimes i read, sometimes i listen to music.. tonight im doing both! and talking to you!
so if you’ve got broadband listen to vienna tang and tell me about CCR.. i’m up for a while
a blogger coalition to join the Center for Constitutional Rights to work for the shutdown of Guantanamo Bay. It’s a protest of the Bush Administration’s torture policies. If you look under the ads on the frontpage, you’ll see the blogs and bloggers whom have already joined the coalition. CCR has more info.
The song was great, I love acoustic music like that. We have a decent selection of local groups here in Tucson.
hey i’ll check that out.. i figure anyone bush nominates is bad news.. as far as music goes i like mine sans corporation.. anything grassroots its kewl with me… i like it free and flowing.. tucson sounds good… i’m east of you.. close to houston.. tom delay’s my rep.. heh does that suck or what?
of course your talking about gitmo and i’m flashing on on gonzales.. haha..
I lived for a few years in Norman, OK when I was a younger lad. How are the locals reacting to DeLay’s antics? I saw some bad polling for him but I expect his money machine to kick in gear for next year and make it a tough race. He is out of control…
Tom’s like licorice, people either hate him or love him, theres no in between. He’ll have to work in the next election, I hope he’s so bought into the war, and the gitmo thing, that he’ll go down with the ship. If he doesnt, I hope we don’t.
I like oklahoma too.. at least the country. Tulsa east to arkansas. Its where the woods meets the plains where the land begins to change
four seasons. The fall was always my favorite time of year. Unfortunately cactus doesn’t change colors so it’s not the same here.
yeah i know what you oklahoma has blaze orange and yellow fall colors. comes on fast like the northers that blow through there.. did you guys have a storm cellar? remember those?
know what you = know what you mean
and if you dont have broadband tell me anyway! heehee
cellar. I still have nightmares of tornadoes. I shudder when I think of the weekly test of sirens at noon on Fridays.
yeah.. bad weather rolls through there like no where else
not fading are you tucson? :::smile:::
just fighting with blogger to change up my personal blog.