“Yes, we can,” is the right answer to the wrong question “Will he” or “Won’t he.”
Recently, DraftGore.Com submitted their petition with 100 thousand signatures to Al Gore. Al Gore could have the told them not to continue their efforts if he wanted to rule out a run or rule out being drafted. There are no signs that he did. Recently, DraftGore.Com started airing radio ads in Iowa and apparently will air national radio ads as well.
Cross-posted at Daily Kos
The draft Gore movement is a distributed campaign, which if each and every Gore supporter gets involved in, in her/his own way, and gets active by taking personal initiative, could build into a massively popular movement to draft Gore into a run. We could, among other things, spread the word, defend Gore from unfair and unfounded attacks, smears and spins, organize ballot placement drives, and work towards getting as many Gore delegates as we can to the Democratic convention in Denver next year.
Here is a series of steps that I’d like to suggest to Gore and Gore’08 supporters:
Draft Gore 2008 Suggested Steps:
July 23, 2007
- Sign the DraftGore.Com petition.
- Join AlGore.Org to get involved with organizational activities. Their blog here. Join an AGO meetup group, or start a group here (this requires registration). All Gore 2008 Meetup groups are listed here at meetup.com as well.
- Visit GoreHub.com regularly for the latest news feeds (don’t be unnerved by the negative stuff that shows up through the automatic RSS feeds; go out there and defend Gore where ever you are able to!), and get involved in the activities list on the right hand column. An upcoming site 50 States for Gore (a project by GoreHub.Com) is of interest as well. From what I understand. GoreHub.Com is being put together by Kossacks d bad, NYPopulist, Mother of Zeus, bronte17, among others.
- Join the google discussion group Bloggers for Gore
- Frequent and read diaries by JekyllnHyde where he covers latest polls and news concerning Al Gore and Gore 2008. Check out other “Al Gore” tagged Daily Kos diaries, likewise “Al Gore tagged posts at Huffington Post
- Send this information to 3-100 (or more!) people in your circle (friends, family, coworkers)
Thanks in advance for doing your share towards drafting Al Gore for President in 2008!
for taking the initiative and getting involved.
tho l must say, l’m ahead of the curve on this one…