This week’s Immigration Blog Roundup will cover new research on the economic impact of immigrants, detention issues, the March for America on March 21st, and more…

The New York Civil Liberties Union has released "Voices from Varick: Detainee Grievances at New York City’s Only Federal Immigration Detention Facility" which analyzes detainee grievances and highlights the inadequate medical care and mistreatment by staff.  Click here for key findings.

Last month ICE had announced that the Varick Detention Center would close this week, however relocating the 300 detainees to New Jersey has been difficult with the amount of detainees suffering from serious medical problems.  Immigration officials say that the Varick Center will only be used as a processing hub where detainees would be held no more than 12 hours, however advocates are skeptical. 

The Immigration Policy Center has released their research on the economic and political influence of immigrants, Latinos, and Asians in Kansas:
-Immigrants make up 6.0% of Kansas’s population.
-31.2% of immigrants in 2007 were naturalized U.S. citizens eligible to vote.
-If all unauthorized immigrants were removed from Kansas, the state could lose $1.8 billion in expenditures, $807.2 million in economic output, and approximately 11,879 jobs.

Both the Democratic and Republican parties are struggling in securing the Latino vote.  According to NBC-Wall Street Journal polls fewer Latinos view the Democratic party favorably than did a year ago.  While the Republican Party is threatened by immigration debate hard-liners and anti-immigration activists.

Lastly, be part of Reform Immigration for America’ campaign and show your support for Comprehensive Immigration Reform in the March for America on March 21st, 2010 in Washington, D.C.  For more information go here.