Out of 120+ pics shot today, here’s the cream of the crop. I’ve omitted some dupes of signs that CG shot as well.
I’m disappointed to report the human-form “IMPEACH!” on the grounds of the Monument did not come off spectacularly. It was based at the far end of the Mall from the rally & stepping-off point, and wasn’t well-advertised to boot. Not enough people showed up, and some of those that did ended up wandering off due to the delay in getting the shot. The organizers ended up scrunching us into a smaller set of letters. Nonetheless, I’m proud to note that the exclamation point of “IMPEACH!” is composed entirely of Tribbers. Without further ado (click thumbnail to see larger version):
The Gang in Orange in front of Big Coffee. ManE kneeling on left in green, Tampopo standing at his left shoulder.
Waitin’ to form a letter. ManE on right, emjw behind him, CG to the left, JanetT in MD with unknown Kossack in the background.
Supersoling, tampopo, CG, and a monument to someone-or-other. My feet in the foreground.
emjw & ManE checking camera settings.
Your guess is as good as mine.
This young peacenik is head & shoulders above the rest of us!
Crowds just as the march gets going.
Some Hollywood types kick off the march.
Yours truly with Niece the Elder, holding homemade signs.
Great collection here, Brother Feldspar. Thanks for being there and making this record for those who didn’t or couldn’t participate. The variety of sentiments is enormous, and so many signs so clever!
Great photos.
So sorry i missed you guys.
By the time i got to the mall the Kossacks only numbered about 25 and i didn’t find any Bootribbers there.
It was a stunning day and some of the speakers were wonderful. I hope C-Span runs all the speeches again so i can hear the ones i missed (those drums need to stop during the speeches!).
Thank you, Brother Feldspar – greatly appreciated.
It cracked me up to no end that the amigo from AZ is in shirt sleeves, while the northern folk are in warm jackets.
Granted, they were probably damn warm shirt sleeves, with hidden, inner silk linings, but bless your Southwest, compassionate soul Manny!
Fabulous pics Brother!! Thanks for representing!! Yo, Manny you rock! As all of you do. Way to go!
Great pix, BrotherFeldspar! Thanks!
Thank you, Brother. It’s great to be able to see the signs. My fave was “This isn’t democracy, it’s dementia.”
That was until I came to the veterans for peace – in my book, nobody can top those guys. It looks like a fun party until you see them and it becomes deadly serious.
Wonderful pictures – thanks for giving those of us “left behind” a better view of the day that we got from the media.
I’ve missed seeing you at the pond, BrotherF! It was very good to see this diary, and your photos.
Oh, and I appreciate your Votes for DC advocacy. We still have our “Taxation Without Representation” license plate, and hated to take it off the little flivver when we brought it back to Michigan.
Lovely, lovely photo of you and the niece. That’s a keeper.
Thanks, all, for your comments! The photographer who tried to get the shot of the IMPEACH! crowd hasn’t yet posted the pics (at http://www.bodiescount.org), but does have a blog entry about the effort that went into the attempt, and his thoughts as to why it didn’t come off as well as the Cali one.
And I’ll repeat the wish I made last night while at the Café: I look forward to seeing all of you here in DC in two years, to celebrate a Democratic Presidential Inauguration.
Thank YOU! After a bit of sleep, I returned to view all the photos, and I have to say – it heartens me so much whenever people such as yourself (and DJ) introduce the next generation to activism. Bless you.
(“Niece the elder” is a living doll!)
Oh dear…I neglected to mention the Cabin Boyz.
Bless you CG. 🙂
It’s wonderful to see you again too … 🙂
Hi BroFel,
The pictures from the Impeach on the Mall effort are up now.
How appropriate for Tribbers to put the exclamation point on the need to impeach Bush :o) I however, ended up at the bottom of the second stroke of the “M”, where I met a dude who lives 12 miles away from me. Funny how these things work out sometimes :o)
Here’s one:
Thanks for this, super!
M’s rule!
You’re welcome :o)
I was thinking about your daughter being in the same stroke of the same letter but on an opposite coast :o) Another one of those strange and pleasing coincedences :o)
Great photos BrotherF.
For some reason the picture of Manny and ej checking their settings made me laugh. I think they really WERE separated at birth.
Abolish War sign. Thank you BrotherFeldspar.
That sign got to me in particular also tracy.
Beautiful people make for beautiful pictures.
Thank you so much for posting these!!! I was there in spirit if not in person
Out of Iraq and into Peace!
Great Photos Bro!
I wasn’t there… but in some ways I was. Still am. And probably always will be I guess.
I think we leave a part of ourselves there and find more of ourselves as we march elsewhere afterwards.
Bawling because so many faces there that I love… and consider dear friends…
Gearing up for what could be a nasty nasty protest in Ft. Lewis next Monday. Will be donning the bright pink, of course… and will be taking you with me – in spirit.
I am so stoked Manny got to go and be surrounded by such great energy. Supersoling.. no words can ever amount to anything I have to say.
Good for you guys! Now… don’t stop marching – keep going 🙂 Untill we stop this insanity.
Democracy Now and Maxine Waters says that half a million people were in the street. That you guys surrounded the Capitol 🙂
You were there…trust me.
I took a long walk Sunday morning down to the Vietnam Mem. It was early and quiet, the clouds were low and it was lightly raining. I thought about you and Tracy and all of us who were there last time. It was a nice memory. Always will be. But it’s a little sad too because of how some things have changed since then. That’s alright though. We’re all coming from different perspectives, but more importantly, whether together or apart we’re heading in the same direction. And that’s all that really matters. At least to me.
Hey supersoling, I’ve been wandering through my house trying to find some way to contact you but I can’t… no number. It’s driving me nucking futs. Call me!
Wish I was physically there with you and the others.
I won’t comment on the other stuff you mention. suffice to say – yes, it is indeed very very sad.
I’ll email my cell # a little later tonight.
It’s really good to see you.
You too super … thanks for the photos and for always going … you always go super …
try to keep this quiet, but the real reason I went was to meet Manny and EJ and JanetT from Md ;o)
Well…hmphf! 😉
You and I are old buddies these days Tampopo :o) I meant to meet those I hadn’t met yet. So there! Double hmmmph! ;o)
I was going to say that Manny and EJ and JanetT were icing, but that doesn’t sound right … 🙂
I was probably one of the few that would have read your “Icing” comment as a hockey post :0)
I miss ya {{{DJ}}}
Great pix, Brother! It was great to meet you and hang out. I posted a batch of my own over at my blog, or you can see them at my flickr page. Paz, amigo!