Yes, you can adopt a sniper, and here’s why:
I got the link to Adopt A Sniper from Froggy Ruminations, a blog by a former Navy SEAL who I thought of today, because I figured he’d be very upset about the bad news from Afghanistan.

And, yes, he’s upset, and he’s blogging about the news.

Here are some reasons there’s a site to help out snipers in Iraq:

My name is Sgt. Ben xxxxxx, sniper section leader with xxxxxxx, currently deployed to Iraq …We do have M-24’s, and M-14’s that are not in the best condition but serviceable. Most other mission essential equipment came out of our own pockets. I was wondering if you have any spotting scopes, Bow Flage, spray point, or old BDU’s you could donate to us. I have 3 teams who are all qualified but just don’t have the equipment they need. Any donations would be greatly appreciated sir.

Your package arrived at Forward Operating Base XXXXX today and was meet with great fan fair by my Marines. We are tremendously grateful for the equipment that you sent us …

I had the Marines compile a list of personal use items that they could use. Of course good stateside, Copenhagen was right at the top. Any type of Protein Bars ( We have each lost about 10-20 lbs so far), Gatorade and Poweraid Drink Mix, Dry Weapons Lubricants like Graphite ( the sand is a constant battle), Canned air, and anything else…

I’ve been in country for about 6 months and we have faced allot of problems over here with employment that the schools do not teach so it’s made my job pretty difficult. We have been able to adapt and overcome our challenges but unfortunately, it has been at our own cost because the unit does not see the reason we need different gear than the line platoons. We have had to purchase rappelling harnesses, rope, carabineers, and flack vest’s that allow us to seat the rifles in our shoulders better, along with other comfort items …

A lot of out of pocket expense, but well worth it. The only thing I foresee us needing would be good cleaning/lubricating stuff. I put my hands on as much as I could before we came out, but it goes fast.

We’re trying to get military issue winter over whites in LG and XLG. For some reason we can’t get them through our supply system here. We’re not using ghillie suits over here. We can spray paint the over whites and use them instead. They work really well in the sand and in urban conditions. …

It is true, that most of the USMC S/S teams are continually purchasing thier own equipment that doesnt exist in the military supply systems, and any help thats available is greatly appreciated.

Until now it seems we were misunderstood and under utilized. Now we are in demand and are working hard to do our jobs with half the gear. My partner and I have shelled out thousands on gear and we are still in need….

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