*I’m currently interviewing people who live in states that overwhelmingly voted for Bush.

I’ve been in Montana for just over a week and have met such a diverse group of people — people we rarely hear about in the mainstream media.
To give you a few examples: I recently interviewed a woman who works for a MT Women’s Foundation. Pro-choice, pro-women’s rights, in favor of helping poor women. She’s against the war and can’t say a nice thing about Bush. She happens to be a Republican.

I met a man at an event for the homeless. He used to be a trade consultant. Now he runs an organization that helps people get out of poverty. He was the only Republican at the event.

Last night I went to a panel discussion about conservation. All of the panelists are hardcore hunters. Almost everyone in the room was a Democrat.

Imagine how confused people would be if those people were featured in stories about choice, poverty and hunting. I have yet to begin transcribing those interviews.

But I recently posted the bumper stickers I saw on the drive from Utah to Montana. Thought you’d enjoy them as much as I did: