I could write a long detailed piece about all the reasons why Alberto Gonzales must be removed from office but what’s the point? Every breathing soul already knows that, or they are living in a media blackout. The Democrats either have some self-respect and some reverence for our nation’s institutions….or they don’t.
Which is it?
“The Democrats either have some self-respect and some reverence for our nation’s institutions….or they don’t. Which is it?”
i suggest submitting this to atrios to be included in his “simple answers to simple question” dept…
After watching Gonzales go up in flames today like the Hindenburg there is really nothing left to say, BooMan. The subject has been endlessly discussed, Democrats have expressed their absolute incredulity at the Attorney General’s cavalier and almost mocking attitude towards the Committee and to the whole sordid affair. He obviously feels he is beyond reach if he is willing to so baldly and daringly lie to the Senate Committee.
It is put up or shut up time. The ball is in the Committee’s court. It is time for them to show their hand. Are they bluffing, are they going to fold or are they going to call the Attorney General’s hand. The Attorney General obviously has no hesitation in going “all-in”.
Pat, Arlen, Chuck. What do you have to say? We are waiting. The whole nation is waiting.
self-respect…reverence for the constitution?
there have been no shortage of clues regarding the answer to that question over the past 6 1/2 years. it is quite clear to anyone with an iq above room temperature that abu needs to go, but then, who in this administration, including a majority of the supremes, doesn’t?
my suspicion is that we’ll know definitively soon enough whether all the investigations and bluster since january is serious, or nothing more that anohter d.c. kabuki. if reid and pelosi recess the house and the senate for august break, per you comments earlier today, you can kiss any thoughts of impeachment of, or serious charges being brought against, anyone during the next 18 months goodbye.
getting rid of abu would force everybody’s hand, all the way to the impeachment of the vp and pres. he’s the firewall, if he goes down, the jig is up, all the way to cheney, rove and bush.
l sincerely doubt they have the spine to do it, tho l’d love to be proven wrong.
Gonzos getting hammered,..I see a medal of freedom in his future.
Illuminati owned one and all!
I get to ride my Apocalyptic horse this month.
What follows is a partial list of deaths of persons connected to the family of current President George W. Bush and his father, George Herbert Walker Bush. It does not include the Anthrax attack on Senator “Motherfucker” Leahy, since he didn’t die. Who wants to go against these mobsters?
this list makes no sense. Why is Olson on a list with Lombardi and Casolaro?
Kinda let it be, reminds me of all the B.S. the Republicans use to do Prez. Clinton…who died within 7 degrees of Clinton..it was always Bill’s hand on the trigger.
(TPM) – Gonzales’s “no-dissent” testimony sought to assure outraged Senators that the Justice Department had complete confidence in the controversial warrantless surveillance program known as the TSP, which was first disclosed by the New York Times in December 2005. But that line was cast into serious doubt by ex-Deputy Attorney General James Comey’s May testimony that he thought the TSP was illegal during a stint as acting attorney general in March 2004. Indeed, the top echelon of Justice Department leadership was prepared to resign over the president’s decision to continue a surveillance program without Department authorization.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Let’s step back for a second.
If there’s any single human being on Earth who should understand the gravity of committing perjury (lying) and contempt (refusing to answer questions) before the Senate Judiciary Committee, the group that has oversight over the entire Justice Department, it should be this nation’s top lawyer.
And yet here he is, committing perjury and contempt.
Gonzales clearly at this point not only believes he’s immune to prosecution on these points, he believes he is immune to any adverse consequences whatsoever. The wingnuts say in fact we should pity the man for how badly he was savaged by those mean, mean Democrats.
Emphasis mine.
Indeed, the divide here is simple, to Democrats, getting at the truth is the point of the matter. But to Republicans, the point of all this is that the truth is beside the point.
That’s where we are in 2007. Who will prosecute these perjury and contempt charges? Not the Bush Executive Branch.
ITMFA. Now. Immediately.
The D’s, like the R’s, are not concerned with the “truth of the matter” in the slightest (except possibly in a negative way, keeping it OUT of the general public discussion). They’re concerned with building and keeping enough political/contribution support to win the 2008 elections and perhaps rebuild a viable/electable/well-funded political faction.
As much as we’d all like to see the Shrubberies gone, “OfftheTable” Pelosi, “LockEmUp” Conyers, and the rest serve as a valuable reminder that we must be careful NOT to fall into the classic “The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend” trap. Just because one guy wears a black hat doesn’t mean the other wears white.
Even if they do eventually see enough advantage to themselves in standing up to the Reich Wing to actually do something besides posture for the steno services, they won’t magically become my friends, my allies, or any more likely than the R’s to be concerned about the things I and people like me (the ones who can’t make 6-figure “good cause” contributions, can’t send certain other people’s kids to elite colleges, set up tax sheltered foundations for retired congresscritters in the Bahamas, stuff like that) need or care about.
They’re not going to stop or reverse the power grabs, but perhaps – just perhaps – switching the polarity will slow the process down just enough to let the “who and what are we as a nation?” conversation happen.
I don’t know. I don’t see a lot of evidence that the population at large even WANTS to have that conversation, and I’m continuing to prepare for that one-way trip in the near future, but I’ve been known to underestimate people before, once or twice, so I’m not ruling it out yet.
I AM still packing.