I first wrote about Charlie Grapski, who is running for office in Florida House District 23 in this diary: Citizen-activist arrested while investigating election irregularities. For more background, see Alachua Gotcha or the AlachuaProject web site and blog. Below the jump I will include the latest update from Charlie and his time-sensitive plea for help.

Help protect democracy in Alachua, Florida. Donate to the Charlie Grapski defense fund.

This is a call for help. Many were asking in the past few weeks on how to contribute to my defense fund and the legal actions we are taking in Alachua to challenge corruption and take back our government and politics.

(Go to http://grapskidefense.org )

I personally need your help – as do we, the Alachua Project.

We have to raise at least $10,000 by this weekend for our legal fund. This is what is necessary to begin my defense against these unwarranted charges (they charged me with felony wiretapping) and for us to take legal actions against the City officials who have broken the laws.

While I should be raising money for my campaign I am forced, at the moment, to put all of my efforts into this one cause. The City has threatened to have me arrested several times more – and certain City officials have filed further sworn complaints seeking to have the State Attorney prosecute me. Other citizens who have taken a stand and asked for records of this election have been similarly threatened with arrest and are potentially facing charges for simply standing up, within the law, for their rights.

Any contribution that you can help raise is important. Please, if you can, support our efforts. And please share this post – and repost it – throughout the interent and in emails to friends and supporters.

Anyone having any questions can email me at cgrapski@mac.com

We need your help. We CAN fight City Hall and win – but it is going to be a struggle and it is going to take resources that average citizens, on their own, do not have.

Thank you,


See http://grapskidefense.org

and follow the latest news from Alachua at http://freealachua.org