President Bush’s popularity is falling faster among his base than an old dick who cant remember his viagra connection.

According to Pew Research polling numbers released yesterday, Bush’s popularity has plummeted among all groups since December 2004. Ouch, my dog just bit me!

Two of the poll results stick out.


December 2004 approval- 77%
Today- 55%

Yes the same people who you just know are determined to beat all those muslim wankers back to the middle ages by systematically taking over the military, the three houses of the federal government AND overturning our cherished rights to cheap and easy abortions, as constitutionally guaranteed by our extremely progressive founding fathers.

Yes the same ones who cynically go off to foreign locales to promote photo ops with dying AIDS victims instead of truly fighting the real fight against this scourge of humanity like all good liberals who never fail to use condoms when cheating on their husbands, wives and/or lovers (of either sex).

Me, I’ve gotten to the point where I require a condom just to masturbate. It simply doesnt feel right anymore, this skin on skin interaction.

Rubber means never having to say you’re sorry.


December 2004 approval- 56%
Today- 36%

Yes the same red necks white sox and blue ribbon beerhounds who have completely destroyed the free world as we knew it back in the day of the extremely progressive founding fathers are also turning away from Bubba W. Bush in large numbers.

Who woulda thunk it almost two long long years ago that these unwashed backwoods morons–you know the ones who squat in trailers without trailer parks and allow their always naked kids to climb up into and pretend drive that blocked up Chevy in the front yard as you and I speed by on the highway to NYC or SF–who woulda thunk that only about 1 in 3 would support Bubba W. today?


But dont forget to wrap that sausage.