I am Barry Welsh Indiana’s 6th District Democratic Party Congressional Candidate.

I just became aware of “Opening Up the Netroots Page for Nominations” by DavidNYC asking for recommendations for netroots candidates.  It was Front Paged at Big Orange, and I missed it.  If anyone feels that our effort is worthy, please consider a recommendation if it is not too late.

Associated Press Interview, and campaign update below.

Our 15 Minute window of attention has just opened, and we have to take advantage of it as effectively as possible.  I just completed a 20 minute interview with the Associated Press for an upcoming story.  

It seems that the sheriff and our campaign are the story of the moment in Indiana, since the other races are all “retreads” (not my term) and the sheriff has been gone over repeatedly, so I am the `new candidate on the block’ and the story of the moment.  I was also told “Hey, in six months you could be a Congressman, how many people can say that?”   That did not hit home until that moment.

We spent all but $36.00 of the campaign funds on marketing and advertising in hopes of a blow out Primary win to draw attention.  We won all 19 Counties, and won with a 70% -30% margin, and even had more democratic votes than Pence had republican votes in two of the counties!  Step one worked.  We have drawn some attention, and we have united the party.

Step two, defeating Congressman Mike Pence, has begun, and it is not a fantasy.  It is a possibility that we will make reality.  We are organizing with every campaign in every county cross ticket, and we are going to use our funds frugally.  We will have campaign managers in each of the 19 counties,and already do in most, and run 19 individual campaigns with one single message: Had Enough?  

All of our issue positions are solidified, all of our grass roots are in place or soon will be, our net roots presence is on par with any other campaign.

We need to raise $300,000 Dollars

$93,000 Single Mail Piece to 232,000 Non primary voters.  

$74,000 Two mail pieces to Democratic and Swing primary voters.

$25,000 Radio Advertising final sixty days of General

$50,000 Billboard Advertising for final sixty days

$25,000 Print advertising for final sixty days.

$33,000 For shirts, banners, hats, parade candy, etc.  

Total $300,000

I was called by local papers to respond to Congressman Pence’ latest fact finding trip to Iraq.  I close this update with that response.


From:  Barry Welsh, 6th District Democratic Party Congressional Candidate

To:  Indiana Media

Re: Congressman Pence Iraq Trip

Democratic Contender Barry Welsh says:

“Congressman Pence has just gone to Iraq for the forth time on taxpayer
These are called ‘fact finding trips’ and it seems his facts are the same
each time.
‘Peace and prosperity are coming, and we must keep doing exactly what we
have been doing. ‘ Is what we are told to believe.

Congressman Pence continues to push the Bush Agenda, be it Iraq, or the
Congressman’s votes for Big Oil, and higher gas prices.  There are American
Soldiers dying daily, there are numerous Iraqis dying daily, and we are told
to continue unquestioned support?  Mission Accomplished was declared long
ago, and yet there are now at least 2,400 American sons and daughters dead.
Over 17,600 maimed.  That means widows, orphans, class reunions without
members, the effects go on and on to those that are not desensitized to the
deaths.  We cannot stay the course as our current Congressman,
rubber-stamping the President, suggests.  We must begin to end this conflict
that we were lead into with false information.  We should have never gone to
Iraq; we should have continued to pursue Osama Bin Laden who actually was
responsible for attacking our nation.  Bin Laden is still at large and not
held accountable, and that is even more disgraceful than misleading this
country by saying ‘peace and prosperity are on the way in Iraq’.”

Barry Welsh Indiana 6th District Democratic Party Congressional Candidate