Strictly from a humanitarian point of view, this is good news:

Bowing to worldwide pressure and condemnation, Israel on Sunday formally announced an eased blockade of Gaza that could significantly expand the flow of goods overland into the coastal Palestinian enclave, which the Israelis have increasingly isolated for the past three years…

…Mr. Netanyahu said that Israel “seeks to keep out of Gaza weapons and war-supporting matériel that Hamas uses” to attack Israel and its civilians. He said, however, “All other goods will be allowed into Gaza.”

In what amounted to a reversal of the system of the last three years, Israel said it would create a list of items not permitted to enter Gaza for security reasons, rather than allowing in only those items that were specifically approved, as before.

The naval blockade will remain in place, however. And the impasse is completely unresolved. As long as Israel considers itself in a technical state of war with the Hamas government of the Gaza Strip, they will continue to violate their sovereignty and refuse to negotiate with them. And as long as they not only refuse to uproot their settlements but continue to expand them in East Jerusalem and throughout the West Bank, the Americans have no argument to make against armed struggle by the Palestinians. Every single day, the Palestinians’ position gets just a little bit worse.

Of course, the Israelis’ position is deteriorating, too. I don’t think they have ever been so isolated and despised as they are right now. Losing Turkey as an ally is a brutal blow. I don’t know what the plan is for Gaza, but something has to change because neither side can afford for this to continue. It won’t continue. The check is going to come due someday soon.

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