Because it cannot be repeated enough:
Despite President Bush’s claims that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons that could trigger ”World War III,” experts in and out of government say there’s no conclusive evidence that Tehran has an active nuclear-weapons program.
Even his own administration appears divided about the immediacy of the threat. While Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney speak of an Iranian weapons program as a fact, Bush’s point man on Iran, Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns, has attempted to ratchet down the rhetoric.
”Iran is seeking a nuclear capability . . . that some people fear might lead to a nuclear-weapons capability,” Burns said in an interview Oct. 25 on PBS.
”I don’t think that anyone right today thinks they’re working on a bomb,” said another U.S. official, who requested anonymity because of the issue’s sensitivity.
Are we clear on this?
This is the key;
” who requested anonymity because of the issue’s sensitivity.”
Sensitive to whom? Why would the truth be sensitive?
What that means is whomever this is would be fired if his/her name came out.
And that person loves their job so much they are willing to allow a massive amount of people to die so they can stay employed.
And the media allows that (anonymity), knowing that someone else is lying.
So it all seems like good news but in fact it all shows how bankrupt the system is. And after another million deaths happen they will all wonder how it could happen.
It;s disgusting.
It is very easy to verify whether the enrichment process of the Uranium Oxide will yield the concentration needed for the Uranium to achieve critical mass which is necessary for sustaining a chain reaction.It is that chain reaction that is fundamental for an atomic weapon.
Those who talk about Iran working on a weapon don’t even speak about whether with the number of centrifuges they have put in operation if this level of concentration has been achieved.To them Uranium is Uranium is Uranium.Not so, radioactive breath,as Johnny Carson would be wont to say.
This explanation should suffice for those who doubt that this entire administration and its enablers in the Democratic Party, starting with Hillary Clinton,the DLC war maniacs,the PNAC drumbeaters and of course, the Israeli Amen Choir here and abroad are propagandists first.They want war with Iran and by God they are going to get it,truth be damned.
Yea Yea Yea.
I agree in toto.
I also want to add one more item to my previous post.
Iran has signed the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty unlike Israel.It has never been found in violation of that Treaty.And by the terms of that Treaty it is entitled to enrich Uranium Oxide to the point where it will be used as a fuel for power generation.That is exactly what Iran has done and Mohammed El-Baradei confirms it.
Of course we all can see the hype and lies, but what gets parroted by the MSM ends up as a truth discourse, and average Americans just listen to the teevee and believe exactly what the media spouts. After all, it’s the “government” that is providing, so there’s no reason to question anything at all.
The people of the United States were co-opted of their brains with the propaganda streams that came out of Washington after Harry Truman created the NSC and the NSA. We are a nation of lemmings when it comes to believing the president.
I personally believe that Iran is being defiant in this situation, but they need to produce nuclear power. No one will sell them the refining technology to fractionate their own oil. Is that a scandal or what? Iran can’t refine it’s own oil, but it will be able to get nuclear technology from Western and Eastern powers? Huh??
Give them the plans for oil refining, and this nuclear issue would be over!
Fucking oil companies and the governments in their pockets.
No one actually believes it, but it sounds good if one is a neocon looking to foment war.
I assume then that the war in Iraq is a figment of our imagination,the machiavellian intrigues of Kristol,Kagans,Perle,Feith and other neocons in drumming up wars in Lebanon and now Iran are also complete fictions.
War has become such an ingrained habit of mind of our ruling class and their Sancho Panzas in Israel we are being told that even when a war arises from their efforts, we are not supposed to see them for what they are?
Give us all a break.
I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. You have apparently misunderstood my comment, but that seems to be a continuing theme this weekend.
To clarify, since it is apparently necessary, no one believes that Iran is gearing up to produce a nuclear weapon but the fiction that it is doing so is useful to necons looking to create the impression that it is necessary to start a war there.
I really need to take a break from this place.
I am sorry I misunderstood your post>you appeared to say in your first post that no one gives any credence to Iran’s claim that it is not working on a weapon.
And that war fever from the neocons was also something Israel’s opponents were imagining.
I am sorry.
I knew it!
For two and a half long and confusing years I’ve suspected that you were a right wing plant. A clandestine operative of the Office of Special Plans, sent here to foment confusion and to use reverse sarcasm as a diabolical tool to further the dastardly plans of Cheney and Rumsfeld.
Do I wish it weren’t true? You bet!
It also must be assumed now that you were the one who exposed those of us who went to the Sept. 24th, 2005 anti-war protest to the deadly rabbit fever that was detected by CDC sensors on the National Mall…
Busted!! :o)
I’m also responsible for the heartbreak of psoraisis. I’ll start composing my mea culpa forthwith.
I’m sure you can scratch off something pretty quick!
sabre-rattling keeps oil profits high.
Wacking Iran just got a lot more difficult.
Not a word in US media as far as I can tell but Reuters at mid week reported The Saudis and U.S.- allied Gulf States “were willing to set up a body to provide enriched uranium to Iran to defuse Tehran’s standoff with the West.”
Also Russia and China warning against an attack on Iran.
Then there’s the coup within a coup in nuclear-armed Pakistan- Fears of civil war writes The London Times, UK
Imho, the turmoil in Pakistan puts Iran on the back burner.
The question of the day – has the US lost the Middle East? 4,000 died to get Saddam and trillions wasted.
according to zogby, 52% of america is clear on it…and you, l, and all the rest of the ‘murica haters’ are just along for the ride.
ims, cheney said they only needed 40% to go…either that, or the madman strategy is alive and well.
call in a few of those israli chits to go along with a compliant congress and a comatose public…they just might pinch this one out…buckle up…incoming neocon wet dreams of armageddon.
Ah, but they have an active oil program! That’s enough.