storiesinamerica has a wonderful diary up about the minimum wage issue and how we need to support the Democrat effort to push this issue.
I can’t imagine going 9 years without so much as a one penny raise. This from the AFL-CIO Working Families site:
Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) has introduced the Fair Minimum Wage Act, and you can help by signing on as a citizen co-sponsor of the bill.
If you would like to help the effort by co-sponsoring this bill, here’s the link.
Still here? The working poor are still waiting for that raise…
This really is an unmitigated travesty towards all working people in this country…the minimum wage and the long time between any kind of substantial raise..I had already gotten an email from John Edwards on this who is urging everyone to sign petition towards this being passed.
Maybe when Congress votes themselves their gdamn raises they should have to automatically raise minimum wage also..yeah right.
I said in storiesinamerica’s diary that I said that congresscritters should work for minimum wage and have Medicare D as their health insurance, as opposed to what they have now. But, I’ve changed my mind. Congresscritters should receive no more than a monthly SSI check! Hell, they are no better than we are!
Who said they even deserve SSI? I say let ’em work under Santorum’s plan… they get tips (bribes, donations, trips, etc)… so let ’em work for NO WAGES and pay taxes on all of their bribes.
Wish some of these assholes would get nailed for tax evasion! I’m serious, that is how Al Capone went down!
Oh, CI, I love that Gandhi quote!! I’ve thought a lot about how Bush and Bush Republicans treat the American people. He can’t relate to people one at a time… what makes us think that he gives a shit about the general population? We know better, don’t we?
The poor are our ‘untouchable’ class in this country. Republicans love to engage in their favorite sports… ‘blame the victim’ and ‘rolling the poor’ for spare change. This subject really makes me burn. How can anyone show their face in Congress and argue against a raise for the poorest workers among us? If God really was vengeful, there’d be a lot of Republicans with lightening burns on their ass.