The political condition of the Republican Party is not static. Their position has deteriorated steadily over the last year. At this point, one out of six Republican seats in the House of Representatives is going uncontested by the incumbent and, according to Dave Wasserman of the Cook Political Report, the pool of vulnerable GOP-held districts has nearly doubled over the last eight months.
Wasserman explains this trend in a fairly easy to understand way. The first point he makes is one I’ve been making off and on myself, which is that Trump’s strongest supporters have never liked House Republicans (or Senators, for that matter) and that they therefore cannot be counted on to show up to vote for them.
“They believed in Trump fervently, but they’ve never liked congressional Republicans at all. In fact, Trump gained ground by running against them in 2016. So why are they going to turn out this year for congressional Republicans?”
There’s a lot of overlap between these voters and the voters who made up the Tea Party surge of 2010. They aren’t matching Democratic enthusiasm this time around.
The second explanation Wasserman offers is one that is observable to even the most casually engaged voter.
“The most telling number in the most recent NBC/WSJ poll is that Trump’s approval rating among women with college degrees was 26 percent. That’s absolutely awful and the intensity of that group is extraordinary. They’re already the most likely demographic to turn out to vote in midterms. But never have they been this fervently anti-Republican.”
“Yes, it’s about how upset suburban professional women are, with regard to family separations at the border and Trump’s temperament and behavior.”
I think it’s severely inadequate to attribute this hostility from college-educated women to distaste for child kidnapping at the border and Trump’s personality and behavior. What distinguishes college-educated women is that their very existence as independent, professional women is now threatened. If Brett Kavanaugh is confirmed to the Supreme Court, there will be a conservative majority to overturn Roe v. Wade for the first time. Women’s reproductive health will come under assault not just from Republican legislators. Restrictions on access to contraceptives can be expected to be upheld in the courts. Women will find it harder to find relief for workplace harassment, discrimination and unequal treatment. Title IX protections will be eviscerated.
For a long time it has been difficult to convince people that this is where Republican majorities would eventually lead, but it’s safe to say that college-educated women have collectively awoken to how far advanced the threat has become, and they’ve snapped into an appropriately urgent state of political resistance.
There is such a wide array of danger signs. Professional women understand that a career depends on the ability to delay and control childbirth. The same can be said for true independence which grants real free choice in decisions on marriage or sexual partnership. Basic protections against sexual discrimination and especially sexual assault are key factors in women’s ability to safely navigate and succeed in both academia and the workplace. It was appalling enough to see Trump get elected despite all the credible allegations of assault (and worse) leveled against him, but to see those values begin to translate into actual policy is a challenge to the very idea of the modern woman.
It’s safe to say that almost every professional woman could recognize and take umbrage at the spectacle of an unqualified man getting a promotion to the presidency over a woman who had checked all the boxes and clearly deserved the job. That alone was a mobilizing event. But it’s the prospect that the very prerequisites to a professional life are under threat that has really set this cohort in motion. By some estimates, seventy percent of the people involved in local resistance groups are women, and women make up the majority of these groups’ leadership positions. There are a record number of women running for office this year, despite the fact that it’s not a record on the Republican side.
Despite all the signs that professional and college-educated women are coming for the Republicans this November, the Trump supporters have been conditioned to disbelieve the evidence. Here’s Jonathan Swan reporting on this phenomenon:
“One of those [GOP] strategists told me he’s detecting something interesting — and concerning — from focus groups of Trump voters.”
Said the strategist: “We’ve seen it in focus groups, with Republican base voters, where you’ll come up with a hypothetical that the Democrats win, and people are like, ‘That’s not going to happen, that’s stupid.’ … They’re like, ‘Oh, to hell with this crap, we were told Trump wasn’t going to win. It’s bullshit.’”
Based on experience, they’d be justified if their skepticism was based on nothing more than polling data, but there is plenty more evidence than that to indicate a major boost in turnout from college-educated women. They feel like they are under assault because they are under assault. This isn’t voting from a position of privilege. That’s in the past.
It’s been widely noted and retroactively recognized that it went unappreciated how many people felt under assault by the demographic changes in our country that Trump made the organizing principle and rationale for his campaign. This is a different election cycle, and there will be no excuse for anyone who didn’t see this particular wave coming. Trump has come to symbolize everything professional women hate, and his actual real-world influence is not symbolic at all, but entirely real. He has created a political force every bit as powerful as the Tea Party, and probably far more so.
Good post, but I’m not sure that I wholly agree with the conclusions. I hope I’m wrong.
Anecdotally, my experience of college-educated Republican women (I know quite a few but still agree that it’s a small amount) is that MAYBE they’ll agree that SOME women’s rights are being trampled on, but all the ones I know will continue to vote Republican no matter what.
One woman I know said simply: Well I’m a “conservative” so I vote Republican. And this was followed with a lot of the usual rightwing Fox/Rush “talking points” du jour.
Plus a lot of the issues of concern mentioned in the post, simply don’t concern the Republican women I know. Less access to birth control? So? Who needs it except sluts? No abortion? HOORAY!!! YAY!!!! I’m so happy about that (truly). Title IX? What’s that and why should I care? And so on.
I truly hope I’m wrong, but I simply don’t see a mass defection of college-educated Republican women to vote Democratic. I think they would rather sell their kids into slavery than do that. Yeah, a bit snarkish but not much.
JMHO, of course.
One credible promise to devolve ownership of the means of production and distribution upon the workers, one credible call on them to help expropriate the expropriators, and they’ll defect.
It’s what they’ve been waiting for all these years.
After all, misogyny is just an epiphenomenon of our prevailing capitalist mode of production.
In some circles they say that among college educated, men are only as conservative as they can be and still get laid. While among non-college eds it is women that are only as liberal as they can be and still get married.
They already did in 2016, which is shocking enough. I figured Clinton might be able to win the white woman vote, maybe…but it would have been by the barest of margins. Exit polls said she didn’t win them. But now we have voter files, and she crushed with college educated whites, so magnify college educated white women:
From my own local experience to the interviews I’ve seen and read, the majority of the female candidates have either been in the Democratic Party and/or progressive activism for some time. As for the voters, most are a mix of lean to solid progressives coming of age or are part of our large “I never liked politics” non-voter class who have had their backs put against the wall for all the reasons Booman lists.
So while the media will over focus on the few Republican women who “cross over” if 2018 is as bad for Republicans as predicted, I think what we are really seeing is more likely a critical mass event of American women political conscience that has been decades in the making.
Another big stick on an already blazing fire. I’ve been wondering for a while how many more of these Trump could survive before his “base” got too small to matter.
What are our chances of blocking Kavanaugh?
Based on 21st Century history? zero.
Which Repub votes against him? Hell, how many Trump-state Dems vote against him?
Well that’s depressing.
Dems would have to (somehow) cause a delay of the vote and then win the senate.
And (somehow) prevent a vote by the vile McConnell and his lame duck Repub turds.
I suppose this is greater than zero, but not by a whole hell of a lot.
. . . worth trying
Yes. Dems simply must be seen as strongly opposing the 5 Horsemen of the Apocalypse, which is what the Trumper Court is going to be.
Because Chuckie doesn’t want to play hardball? Can’t he deny unanimous consent and basically shut down the Senate?
Whether he can or not is immaterial, as we have seen several times in the past.
He already is for any substantial vote, but now that McConnell has negated the filibuster for Supreme Court nominations, it doesn’t stop the confirmation.
. . . the “blue slip” tradition also on board.
. . . this (plus followup).
In fact, I find it hard to imagine any more urgent priority if one hasn’t yet done even that much.
The odds against success are long, but not zero. And the consequences of failure are really, really bad.
Remember the women’s march? People have been watching the income gap between the 1 percent and everyone else grow; when it comes to their rights as people I don’t think they’ll be so passive, and I don’t think it’s going to stay non-violent for long.
I hope this is a “thing”.
Observation of conservatives is that they cannot change positions until they personally experience the consequences of their inadequate philosophy. (True to some extent with everybody, but more so with this mindset.) We have to wait for the passage of the Fugitive Fetus Act and arrests at the border for this to happen.
Real right wingers – no way. And there are plenty of college educated ones. They might even think they deserve the consequences.
Even some of my most ardently pro-choice friends seem to have trouble grasping the likely reality that in an intensely pro-life legal atmosphere, any pregnancy that doesn’t end in a live birth will be scrutinized by law enforcement as a possible crime. In addition, any OB/GYN who has a suspicious percentage of his patients fail to carry pregnancies to term will be harassed by the fertility cops. This pretty much guarantees that doctors who specialize in managing high-risk pregnancies will want to move their practices to Belgium or some such place.
. . . anymore.
That’s the spirit! And their patients will be met by ICE at the border when government adds foetus patroller to their writ.
If such a world came to be, I’d guarantee those fertility cops would only be patrolling hospitals and medical centers largely utilized by combinations of poor, brown, immigrant, and uppity (aka. not conservative).
Conservative Evangelicals, upper middle class courtiers, and Oligarchs will never have to worry about what OB/GYN services they can and cannot get for their daughters.
It’ll be pretty much like enforcement of the Volstead act. Lots of spectacular show trials and theatrical enforcement, lots of corruption and bribery available to the 1%. The poor whites might get lighter sentences but that’s not going to be much comfort.
Perfectly understandable, since the “conservative” personality lacks even an understanding of empathy, let alone the feeling itself. When it is explained to them, they mock it–including the (self-proclaimed) “Christian” ones.
American “conservatism” (as a movement) seeks out the broken.
The only way Republican’s thought processes can be rehabilitated is through strict application of the Ludovico technique.
Ew. No, natural consequences will work, but only with some of them, and only with direct application to the forehead, or whatever part of their anatomy does the thinking.
Well, Repubs might find it tough to suppress the vote of that demographic!
Presumably Mitch’s Kavanaugh Kram-down will enrage this demographic, especially if the hapless Dems on the Judiciary Committee could engage in some actual incendiary rhetoric and forceful denunciation of the Smilin’ Conservative White Boy and All-Around Great Carpool Dad. But their feeble performances from Roberts on down through the illegitimate Gorsuch don’t inspire much confidence. Of course the useless corporate media will play its part as always. But proof once again that maximum fight is the only possible (let alone honorable) strategy in September 2018.
So the idea is that this demographic (which already opposed Der Trumper in 2016 if I’m reading this correctly) is now going to vote against the “generic” Repub Congress(man) in 2018? Great if true, but after the Kavanaugh Kram-down they may find themselves a day late and dollar short….
“Despite all the signs that professional and college-educated women are coming for the Republicans this November, the Trump supporters have been conditioned to disbelieve the evidence.”
I don’t see what the republicans expect to gain from this, unless they truly believe their own hype, or, (putting my tinfoil hat on) believe they will be getting a major assist on election hacking from the Russians. Otherwise, having your people believe its in the bag will suppress their votes, the same way it suppressed women in 2016, I assume, who thought Hillary had it all but won, at least until the mid day ride of Jim Comey.
At the end of the day though, this may well just be Trump bragging on himself again, that he’s always better, more popular, etc by virtue of him being Trump, and the GOP is powerless to reign his ego in.
Trump won’t get the benefit of the doubt this time; he’s showed the world what he really is, which is not the faux populist that even had some republicans thinking he wasn’t a “real republican.” The key is, voters need to be made to realize that, when they go into the booth that a vote for the GOP is a vote for Trump.
Dems are being warned with respect to the 2018 campaign, they can’t run on impeachment, they can’t call Trump the liar he is, they can’t talk about treasonous behavior (as Brennan did) and certainly can’t talk about Russia, and have to essentially campaign as if Trump doesn’t exist if they have any hopes of winning. They can only “go high” and hope there’s enough better angels left in voters to win. Right.
Maybe its as simple as this: “2018: A vote for the GOP is a vote for Trump”
I’d argue candidates aren’t because they don’t need to.
Based on post-2016 results to date, the fact that Democrats are NOT running overtly Anti-Trump campaigns, but are instead running localized campaigns based on healthcare, jobs, education, civil rights, etc. AND are getting high enthusiasm and turn out in the miss-labeled “Trump Country” should be scaring the shit out the Republican Party and its media enablers.
What we are seeing isn’t some liberal version of the astroturfed Tea Party that was funded by the Koch’s; coordinated by Republican party operatives; and PR’ed by FoxNews….2018 is what an actual populist rebuttal to Republican electoral victories and policy since 2009 looks like.
This is something else that I hope is a “thing”.
However, is it going to result in votes? For Democrats? These issues especially healthcare seemed like covert contracts to me. Has the marketing of these issues been tested somehow?
Mr Trump seemed like the one issue everyone could focus on – useless, horrendous negativism, and non-stop lying.
It has so far.
Where it has been reported for all the special elections and such, Democratic turn out is on average up 30 percent while Republicans are only up in the single digits.
So it’s working and I too hope it becomes a long term viable thing for Democrats.
I think the majority of those who’d actually be persuadable to vote Democratic already knows how bad president is and are looking for people who will push actionable solutions.
It will be interesting when Booman starts laying out what is/should/will be the upcoming Dem strategy.
Will there be an attempt at laying out a national narrative/slogan? (there usually isn’t) When’s the roll-out? Should there be a unified attempt to advocate constitutional oversight of Der Trumper? (Americans can’t understand their own government) Why must Dems always “go high” (and lose) while Repubs can “go low” (and win)? With so many targets, which to choose?
For another day….
. . . at least in contested primaries . . . have been embracing that slogan as their own (essentially having the argument with their opponents: “A vote for me is a vote for Trump.” “NO, a vote for ME is a vote for Trump.”).
The trends booman notes seem to suggest this is suicidal for a general election in all but reliably red districts (and some previously reliably red districts aren’t anymore). Meanwhile, it probably also makes sense for winning a Banana Republican primary.
This is the bind they’ve created for themselves.
Please pass the popcorn.
. . . but it’s really too bad more of those women didn’t recognize the threat in advance and vote proactively instead of waiting until the assault on them is now in fully operative mode. Really, REALLY too bad. I.e., before the worst damage, which will be the most difficult un-do (though I support trying!) was already done or in the pipeline (by which I mean Occupant Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, in case that’s not obvious).
I often fear it’s a potentially fatal flaw of our culture that we seem incapable of being proactive to fend off looming crisis/catastrophe. Instead, we seem to require the stimulus of being in full-blown crisis mode, actually experiencing devastating consequences, in order to respond meaningfully — but then only reactively — at which point it’s too late for prevention, and even significant, successful mitigation may be a long shot.
Yes, indeed.
But of course one certainly couldn’t credit those crazylibs and all their hyped-up ChickenLittle(tm) hysteria about the phony War on Women! They’re never right!
After all, Whocouldaknown?!
Women and many others thought there was no way an ignorant, racist moron with zero experience in government, would follow as president the First Black President of the US when he’s faced with The Most Qualified Candidate in History who’s party and leader could take credit for saving the economy and getting Bin Laden.
. . . For Hillary.