Hey people, Erdogan’s Turkey is our key ally and longterm NATO partner in the region. What I said as senator, I can’t repeat as responsible president of the United States. You understand … and the 1,5 million victims at the hand of the Ottoman Turks?
How has Middle East policy worked out for you in Libya and Syria … de destabilization has caused tens of thousands of deaths after the overthrow of Libyan dictator Gaddafi. The mess created by western allies, Turkey, Jordan and the Gulf states in Syria has caused more than 200,000 deaths and millions of refugees and a multitude of displaced persons. The hypocrisy of European “leaders” is just astounding and morally corrupt. None will attend the commemoration of the Armenian bloodbath for the sake of upsetting NATO partner Turke
Statement by the President on Armenian Remembrance Day – April 24, 2014
Samantha Power on Obama and Armenian American Issues
State Department Responds to Questions on U.S. Senate Armenian Genocide Resolution
“Our common morality and our nation’s credibility as a voice or human rights challenge us to ensure that the Armenian Genocide be recognized and remembered by the Congress and the President of the United States.” — Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY)
WASHINGTON, DC – Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, in a forceful statement shared today with the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), called for Congressional passage of the Armenian Genocide Resolution and pledged that, as President, she will recognize the Armenian Genocide.
“Armenian Americans from across the United States welcome Hillary Clinton’s strong support for the adoption of the Armenian Genocide Resolution, and her pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide as President of the United States,” said ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian. “Hillary Clinton’s statement, which reflects her consistent track record of support in public office, speaks powerfully to our community’s deeply held concerns regarding the recognition of the Armenian Genocide, the expansion of the U.S.-Armenia relationship, and a fair and democratic resolution of the Nagorno Karabagh conflict.”
As a Senator, Hillary Clinton has, since 2002, has cosponsored successive Armenian Genocide resolutions. She joined Senate colleagues in cosigning letters to President Bush in 2005 and 2006 urging him to recognize the Armenian Genocide.
International Court of Justice – Advisory opinion of May 28th, 1951
I. The Genocide Convention
The Genocide Convention resulted from the inhuman and barbarous practices which prevailed in certain countries prior to and during World War II, when entire religious, racial and national minority groups were threatened with and subjected to deliberate extermination. The practice of genocide has occurred throughout human history. The Roman persecution of the Christians, the Turkish massacres of Armenians, the extermination of millions of Jews and Poles by the Nazis are outstanding examples of the crime of genocide. This was the background when the General Assembly of the United Nations considered the problem of genocide. Not once, but twice, that body declared unanimously that the practice of genocide is criminal under international law and that States ought to take steps to prevent and punish genocide.
In 1946 the First General Assembly declared by Resolution 96 (I) that genocide was a crime under international law and entrusted to the Economic and Social Council the task of drafting a convention on the subject. An Ad Hoc Committee on Genocide was constituted by the Economic and Social Council for this purpose.
A Convention drawn up by that Committee and amended by the General Assembly was unanimously approved by the General Assembly in Paris on December 9, 1948.
European leaders stand in one minute of silence for the deaths of 700 African migrants drowned off the coast of Lampedusa, Italy.
○ Armenia: Putin arrives in Yerevan for 100th anniversary of Armenian genocide
○ Armenia, Turkey still at odds a century after 1915 massacre
○ Pope Francis calls a spade a spade what western leaders refused
Poland demands apology for FBI chief’s comment on Holocaust Let’s not forget that 90% of the Jewish population in pre-WWII Poland perished.
No stain on Poland for that well-documented genocide. It was all Nazi Germany’s doing. The Nazi Germany government “collapsed” and the Allies held those murderers to account.
The Armenian genocide as perpetrated by Germany’s ally, the Ottoman Empire, did not go unrecognized.
That Turkey doesn’t officially recognize the Armenian genocide doesn’t change the fact that it happened. Perhaps they’re more sensitive than Germany and Poland because Armenia was carved out of a region of the Ottoman Empire and the new Jewish state wasn’t carved out of the preexisting German and Polish states. Turkey isn’t keen to allow its Kurdish region to split off today either.
But it is hypocritical of westerners to decry Turkey’s intransigence on this historical fact while Israel is given a pass on its current efforts to remove Palestinians and the virtual silence on all the prior genocides in the Americas.
○ US think tank report calls Turkey an increasingly undependable US ally
○ Syria: Erdogan’s False Flag Invasion Plans Revealed on YouTube
why does Turkey celebrate the beginning of the Gallipoli campaign at all? Would be like the US celebrating the 1968 Tet Offensive, a winning battle in a losing war.
Major military defeat for Britain and its allies (Australia and New Zealand) by a young rising military leader in Turkey: Mustafa Kamal Pasha. Of course he will become the father of a modern Turkey which today’s sultan Erdoğan tries to emulate.
○ ANZAC commemoration
○ Turkey, world leaders remember Gallipoli battle centenary
○ Oil of Paramount Importance to Winston Churchill – 1911
Yeah, I get that. But they still lost the freaking war. Does Germany today celebrate its winning WWI battles?
Armistice Day is hardly remembered in the US – in part because it was collapsed into WWII celebrations and renamed Veterans Day.
Hang a plaque, name a port, airport, and/or military installation for the generals, and build a monument to Pasha and be done with it.
The oddity is why the British, Aussies and Kiwi’s commemorate their defeat …
Yes, isn’t that an oddly perverse obsession?
Description of minorities as vermin and cockroaches is always telling of dehumanization. See what happened in Rwanda and today in the western world pertaining to immigrants and Muslims in general by means of a concerted effort of Islamophobia. The failure of the old-colonial powers to avoid the massacres in Iraq, Libya and Syria is a stain on humanity and a failure of promises made after World War II and the institute of the United Nations. Greed by corporations and financial institutions of the military-industrial complex which have politicians in their pockets.
○ Britain today: Katie Hopkins calling migrants vermin recalls the darkest events of history
○ Geert Wilders wants the Australian solution for migrants crossing over from Libya
○ Australia, PM Tony Abbott suggests Europe follow his country’s lead in turning away asylum seekers’ boats
For Rivlin it seems that the Armenian genocide is really all about the Jewish genocide. Is this ethnocentricity, stupidity or racism? You tell me.