It’s hard to get lower than concern trolling the literal accuracy of a eulogy. Maybe some ethics professor can chime in with a theory on the propriety of hyperbolic praise on the occasion of someone’s death. A few days ago, the president delivered a eulogy at the funeral of Sen. Daniel Inouye in which he said that he had first learned what a senator was while watching the Watergate hearings during a family vacation in the summer of 1973. He also said that he took special notice of Sen. Inouye because of his non-white appearance, the respect he commanded, and because his mother told him that he was their senator. He went on to say that Sen. Inouye was perhaps his earliest political inspiration.
In response, Patrick Brennan of National Review, decided to pore through Obama’s published writings to see if he had ever called Sen. Inouye an inspiration in the past. Maybe the president was exaggerating!!!
I know it’s the slow news season, but when you have to work this hard to criticize the president maybe you just don’t have any good criticisms to make.
After reading this, along with Joe Hagan’s account of his experience on the National Review cruise, I can only surmise that life for all of those at NR, and for all their pasty, gray-haired readers, is pretty sucky right now.
I’m just a sick bastard, I guess, but I find that very, very funny.
Save me a seat on your bus to Hell.
Doubt that we need to worry about that bus.
Because I’m pretty sure the definition of Hell was that cruise. 🙂
It’s possible that there are varying degrees of inspiration, and not all of them merit documentation. Of course, trying to make sense of the musings of @$$holes is a truly $hitty endeavor…
I can honestly say that the person who first inspired me from a political point of view was Richard Nixon in 1960. I doubt I would ever put that in an autobiography.
wait, you mean the same gang that
lied their asses offexaggerated Saddam Hussein’s capacity to DESTROY US ALL,totally fibbedexaggerated about “Death Panels”, andtotally made shit upmade exaggerations about Obama’s birthplace, religion, and political views have an objection to exaggerations?Fascinating.
Clearly President Obama is lying. Because by amplifying one’s relationship with a deceased politician one has much to gain. :::sigh:::
well I know he had an important conversation with classmate Fred over lunchboxes in first grade THAT DOES NOT APPEAR ANYWHERE IN ANY OF HIS PUBLISHED WRITINGS
I could maybe understand this if Barack Obama had grown up in Jersey…but, he GREW UP IN HAWAII.
W-T-F wouldn’t he know about his Senator?
Criticizing hyperbole at a eulogy is pretty low. That’s what eulogies are all about.