Hello again painting fans.
This week I will be continuing with the Cold Spring, NY scene. The photo that I’m using is seen directly below. I’ll be using my usual acrylic paints on a 5×7 inch canvas.
When last seen, the painting appeared as it does in the photo directly below.
Since that time I have continued to work on the painting.
Starting to the far rear, I’ve added more green to the large trees. This continues to the shrubs out in front. Up on the two gables, I have added lit elements and shadows. This carries down to the porch. The dark shadow now continues onto the side facing gable. At the curb, the left side car has been refined a bit as well as the curb itself.
The current state of the painting is seen in the photo directly below.
I’ll have more progress to show you next week. See you then.
Earlier paintings in this series can be seen here.
Open it is.
Was looking at my collection of photos for the year so far and realized that I had barely taken any photos. Admittedly I have a lot on my plate. Hopefully some of that will change soon.
There’s an anime I got turned on quite a number of years back, Trigun. The previews for the next episode each week would have these really nifty soliloquies, like this one:
Vash The Stampede is one of my favorite characters in just about any genre.
Waiting for the big snow here in the Hudson Valley.
We finally got our cool-down this weekend. Actually feels like late winter. Didn’t stop us from getting some spring flowers to plant. Someone in the family has a green thumb. Not me. I kill cacti. Still, the yard should look quite nice later this spring and into the summer. Looking forward to that.
Mid 70’s here, and 80 inland. We may get more rain, but winter has up and gone. Spring, and the weeds it brings, is back.
The weather has been insane here. We blew through a record high a few weeks ago – hitting around 90 degrees Fahrenheit in mid-February is unheard of. So is turning on the A/C. Then a cool-down to almost average, then more near-record high temps, then severe storms, then a winter blast that will last all of a couple days. Actually I am referring to our seasons this past year as 2016 gave us an extended summer, and then an extended fall that has more or less morphed into spring. Happened back in 2011-2012 as well. Old-timers in these parts tell me this never happens. When I first moved here, they assured me I’d see something a bit more typical for the area soon. Those assurances stopped a while back.