AdNags and Robin Toner do a write-up on the Democratic mood. It has all of the contradictions inherent in our party. Optimism is tempered with paranoia (it ain’t paranoia if people are really out to get you). There are those that want to expand the amount of races we throw money at, and those that want to shore up the bare majority we need to take the House. There are those that are worried that displays of optimism will rally the Republican base and those that think displays of optimism will rally our base and our last minute fundraising.
I liked one quote from Barney Frank:
Representative Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, who is in line to become chairman of the Financial Services Committee in a Democratic House, offered wry evidence of the changing perception of the race. His office, Mr. Frank said, has been contacted by a portrait-painting firm offering to talk about possibilities for the traditional committee chairman’s painting, one of those perks of power long absent from the lives of House Democrats.
“I’ve acquired a lot of new friends this year,” Mr. Frank said. “And I haven’t gotten any nicer.”
But, if we want evidence that we are still plagued by overly cautious consultants, look no further than Steve Rosenthal.
“On the House side, it makes sense to be focusing on 25 seats to win 14, not 50,” said Steve Rosenthal, a political and labor consultant with close ties to the party, who described many Democrats as “overenthused.”
“If we had unlimited resources it would be different,” Mr. Rosenthal said. “But we have to be careful.”
Even Rahm Emanuel seems too cautious.
Mr. Emanuel said he was polling to see where the party might move next. But he said that barring some last-minute infusion of money, he was considering a relatively limited increase in the number of seats where Democrats would spend.
That’s why we need you to throw some cash at the Booman Tribune ActBlue candidates. Emanuel is playing it too safe. And now is the time to give because candidates will be unable to utilize money that comes in too close to the election. Things are looking good, but if we are going to have big gains we have to shoot for big gains and throw some money into the campaigns that are just on the cusp of victory.
I’d be more concerned if they weren’t being cautious.
Someone just dropped $200 on the BT candidates. Thank you. We can win some of these races, and Rahm isn’t going after most of them.
I don’t usually like to get too optimistic about Missouri but this is good news.
The 135th Missouri house District is in the Republican bastion that is Southwest Missouri and includes Springfield, Missouri. It is part of the Mo-07 that is represented in Washington by Roy Blunt. To give you an idea of HOW Republican it is, in 2004 Bush got over two thirds (67%) of the vote.
Democrats do not expect to take it but Claire McCaskill has worked hard to make Jim Talent fight for his votes down there. To win, she needs to win both cities. She also needs to cut into his support in rural Missouri. So she has spent an unusual (for a Missouri Democrat) amount of time and resources in the Springfield, Missouri area.
Today it looks like this strategy may be paying off:
I have no idea whether this is a good poll or not, but the idea of being competitive in Roy Blunt’s district makes me happy.
Rahm Emmanuel is a fool or worse a tool of those elements of the ‘Democrat’ Party who do not want to win.
Cautious don’t win in this environment.
Mr. Emmanuel is part of the ‘trash’ we’ve gotta remove from the scene before the progressive agenda can be advanced successfully.
He is the Joe Liarmann of the House.
A ReThug fluffer.