Dear Governor Barbour:

Still think this BP oil spill is much ado about nothing?

GULFPORT, Miss. — A morning flight over the Mississippi Sound showed long, wide ribbons of orange-colored oil for as far as the eye could see and acres of both heavy and light sheen moving into the Sound between the barrier islands. What was missing was any sign of skimming operations from Horn Island to Pass Christian. […]

A scientist onboard, Mike Carron with the Northern Gulf Institute, said with this scenario, there will be oil on the beaches of the mainland.

“There’s oil in the Sound and there was no skimming,” Carron said. “No coordinated effort.”

Gee, guess when you drown the government in a bathtub, it gets hard tio find anyone capable of cleaning the bathtub up when someone makes a big mess. But, of course, that’s no reason to stop offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. Nosirreebob. That might have unfortunate consequences for campaign contributions to certain politicians in the Gulf states, after all. And there’s nothing more important than that:

Out of the 6,000 National Guard troops President Obama has authorized for response in Mississippi, Haley Barbour has mobilized only 58. However, he has declared today to be a Day of Prayer “to remember the Mississippi Gulf Coast.” […]

“The most important thing right now is the 2010 elections,” Barbour said. “We can’t wait until 2012 to take back our country.”

Fifty-eight National Guardsmen for the entire State of Mississippi? Elections the top priority right now? Any comment people of Mississippi on whether your Governor’s priorities are the right ones?

Barbour on Thursday held Washington fund-raisers for the Republican Governors Association, which he heads, and for one of his political action committees, which is raising money for GOP congressional candidates. His fund-raising is receiving some national media attention and fueling speculation that he is already gearing up for a run for president in 2012.

Gosh, I’m sure Barbour would fix everything in a jiffy if he were President, just like he has done such a bang up job as Governor of Mississippi. Can’t wait to see him take on Obama in 2012. Can you?