“She should have been armed.” That’s the word from the NRA President, Wayne LaPierre, regarding Kassandra Perkins, the girlfriend of former Kansas City Chief player, Jovan Belcher, who shot her and then shot himself in a case of murder suicide last week. From the NRA’s own YouTube video of “reporter” Ginny Simone discussing Bob Costas’ commentary about the gun violence in our culture with NRA President Wayne LaPierre:
Yes, we all should be armed at all times. In the shower. At work. In school. At church. In a bar. At the parking lot of a convenience store. In movie theaters. In public restrooms. In planes, trains and automobiles. In hospitals. If we did that, why there would be no problems. A gun in every hand 24/7, because you just never know. What a grand vision, Mr. NRA Leader.
If only we’d had more guns I’m sure there would have been no Presidential assassinations, no Columbines, no Dr. Tiller or Gabby Gifford tragedies, no shoot ’em up at Knoxville Universalist Church by James Adkisson, no Virginia Tech massacre, no Aurora, Colorado midnight movie madness, maybe even no 9/11. Certainly no domestic violence. If we only had a gun – at all times, in all places – life would be so much better.
It does seems that’s the way our country is going – guns as a solution to any problem. But Mr. LaPierre, if I may, who is going to pay for all those guns and all the ammunition for people who can’t afford them? Should health insurance be required to pay for all the gun related injuries that would result if we all had guns? What about life insurance costs? Should we have mandatory safety classes for everyone, or is that too socialistic? At what age should children be allowed to carry? What about all the wrongful death lawsuits? You tell me. I don’t have the answers. Obviously, you do.
Remember this one?
Gun-toting soccer mom found shot dead
“A mother of three who became a voice of the gun-rights movement when she openly carried a loaded pistol to her daughter’s soccer game was fatally shot along with her husband, a parole officer and former prison guard, in an apparent murder-suicide at their home . . .”
Yes, hard to believe that owning a gun might be hazardous to your life.
ahh yes, we should all be armed, especially when in the company of loved ones.
And that’s what makes this the boner of, well, like, ever.
The dumbassery on the right continues unabated.
LaPierre should apologize(he won’t) and crawl under a rock somewhere never to be heard from again.
“Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency? ” Joe Welch
No, they don’t. Never have, never will.
The problem isn’t the cost of guns, or even the cost of gun related legal, insurance and health care services. The problem is the belief that all social problems can and should addressed by the threat or use of lethal violence. It is the belief that what should be horrendously abnormal in society – perpetrated only by the truly mad or bad on rare occasions – should be the norm for ordinary citizens, standing their ground, in the course of the everyday tensions and conflicts of life.
It is the belief that social conflicts are reducible to binary life or death decisions where the right outcomes are assured by being ready and prepared to use lethal force. That life is essentially an us or them, me or you, zero sum game. It is the infantile belief that life is reducible to good and bad guys and that success if about the good guys getting their retaliation in first. That might is right and only the stupid fail to prepare for that reality.
It is the worldview of the paranoid schizophrenic, clinically insane, and himself a danger to “society”. Maybe that is why they are so afraid of society: they recognise normalcy as a threat to their delusional reality.
Life as a video game ~ with real blood.
Well I was being a little snarky there at LaPierre’s expense. I agree with you that violence is rarely the solution to anything.
Arguments based on moral or philosophical principles do not resonate with a great many Americans, especially “conservative” ones, for all their hypocritical braying about Christianity and “family values”, etc. etc.
The economic costs of America’s increasing gun mayhem are very, very large—crisis care, trauma units, critical wards, $100,000 surgeries, permanent injury, lifetime disability, the list is endless. These costs are never addressed by our completely worthless corporate media. The national costs of our gun mayhem are unknown in this country.
And for a great many Americans, economic costs are the only thing that engage their mentality and cause them to contemplate anything. Morality and philosophy are really quite beyond them, and one must use whatever arguments one possesses.
“she shoulda been armed…”
I swear to God this sounds like a comedic punchline. Where’s the laugh-track, Wayne? What would a satiric genius like Oscar Wilde do with the appalling Frankenstein gun monster that we call the US of A? Where are the satirists? Another great cultural failure in this age of endless failure…
The insane ravings of these gun worshippers sound like the sort of cretinized arguments that pro-slavers would have blathered in 1850. Yes, the answer to increasing gun violence is…more guns! Obviously! Nineteenth century Frontier “justice” was the ideal, as every American knows! To quote Monty Python, I love animals, that’s why I kill ’em!
Anyway, Wayne’s got the last laugh here because our hopeless reactionary society is already adopting his proposed experiment in regressive cultural barbarism. I’m sure it will make us all safer, especially the brave gun freaks and those that love ’em!
American women might perhaps start seriously trying to find out whether the cute guy they just met is a gun freak. Most likely he’ll be delighted to expound on second amendment “rights” and “personal responsibility”. Inquire. And if you suspect they have just a little too much interest in owning a personal armory or defending George Zimmerman, you might want to find a way not to go out with them again. Continued contact will only increase your chances of being involved in a gun mayhem incident sometime in future—where you’ll be the “murder” component in some “murder-suicide” story. Just look around, and start getting a clue.
‘Cuz this is indeed the NRA’s Country and that ain’t ever gonna change now. And cuz people with guns often use guns to kill people, duh. And then a lot of crazed excuses get made up….especially by immoral monsters like Wayne LaPierre.
Yes, it’s the NRA’s country. Gun laws were more restrictive in the “Wild, Wild West” in the l9th century. I grew up in a rural conservative area in the l950’s and guns were primarily used for hunting. People then processed the meat for food. End of story.
Booman, in the late ’60s (I think it was ’68 when my mother told me this) a newly elected state legislator in Missouri proposed to introduce a bill to declare the Missouri River from Kansas City to St. Louis an open sewer. This was to bring the attention of the population to abysmal state of the River. As political theatre it was thought to be effective … for about 3 days. Then the business community got on the bus and the eventual introduction and passage became a nightmare of epic proportions. Remember, this was before EPA and the Feds turf wars would allow the river to be destroyed before the courts could effectively stop it. The whole idea was scotched by the remains of the Pendergast machine in concert with Daley and Chicago.
Please, don’t suggest that Medicare or SS pay for guns for seniors. That particular rock does not need to be turned over.
You know the answer.
Repeal the 2nd Amendment.
One should be prepared, at any time, to use deadly force against the father of one’s children, right Wayne?
I’m astounded that he really went there. When I heard this on Bill Press, I thought it was a joke.
And every home should have a water-cooled .50 caliber machine gun trained on the front door, I suppose?