We’re getting ready for Harry Reid to give the keynote adddress. Then NYBri will give a speech about his campaign for State Senator.
What’s goin’ on in the pond?
We’re getting ready for Harry Reid to give the keynote adddress. Then NYBri will give a speech about his campaign for State Senator.
What’s goin’ on in the pond?
geez .. floating on my back cause of the rain here in Eastern Washington.. and um .. watching the AA video streams of the forums .. and grateful for the hope.
don’t eat any weenies booman.
i’m sticking with the sandwiches and chocolate chip cookies.
that Jerome is fighting jet-lag pretty bad, I was hoping for more pictures of all of you hanging from the Circus Circus tent rafters.
There are some pictures. Boran2 has some group photos and I think SanDiegoDem and CabinGirl have photos too. Once they stop slacking they will probably post some of them.
I’m surprised, no I’m amazed that any member of this site would slack. Get those fingers to working, transfer those pictures. We’re in Vegas through you.
Oh and when you get the chance. Down as many free drinks as you can for me. 🙂
SDD I said hello (CabinGirl too, obv), it was great to meet her in Del Mar. It was divine intervention that I decided not to make a turn-around trip up there, my truck’s alternator died last night and my dad is currently en route so we can go dismantle everything and replace the fried sucker.
I thought Jerome was on the east coast. That’s two hours to Vegas. How in hell do you get jet lag in a two hour flight?
Sure he’s not just hung over? That’s the normal Vegas malady.
Jerome a Paris, sorry for not clarifying sooner, was away from the computer (thankfully).
Armando is gone, can’t sign on to the 101st fighting keyboardists site anymore. I have to wash dishes right now to “feel useful”.
I missed this. What is Armando gone? The conservatives get to him?
I’m sure a little ole CT would explain why CSPAN had technical difficulties today, & instead of yKos aired a WINEP panel . . . 🙂
Did anyone else notice Larry Johnson stop himself in the middle of his passionate talk on the Plame panel?
He was talking about how she was a covert operative working on WMD (I’d have to check the tape top be sure, but think he was mentioning Iran). He listed off three areas her group’s work would have involved which rolled off his tongue like “Father, Son & Holy Ghost” would from a Catholic, i.e. they go together in the mind. It was the third term I found interesting, influence; which He stopped himself after uttering it & said something like ‘umm, protecting from.’
I found the use of “influence” intersting in the light of the story from Risen’s book about the CIA trying to pass off “flawed” nuclear weapons plans to the Iranians & just wondered if there might be any connection.
She’s pretty tired, not enough shut eye right now. She asked me if I had seen them on C-span this morning….but no I had not. There is a listing for yearly Kos on the C-span site but can’t get video on it yet since I missed the live video. Hopefully that will be remedied soon. She said that the subject was blogging theory.
First cspan had technical difficulties and interrupted the broadcast of yearlykos. Now, after advertising this am that they would rerun the Plame investigation panel tomorrow and that there would be some other reruns overnight – there is NO yearlykos listed on their schedule. Someone please calm me down and tell me that there is a good reason for this so I can put my tin foil hat back in storage.
Here is the quote of the day from a Freeper on what’s wrong with torture anyway?
(Sorry, I just can’t make it do that fancy blockquote thingy, so just imagine a pretty box around the rest of this post.)
to: Presbyterian Reporter
And what, “religious leader” Jimmy Carter, precisely, is wrong with torture?
I don’t see anything about it in the 10 Commandments. No “thou shalt not apply thumbscrews.” This lofty holier-than-us outrage over probably non-existent torture incidents is driving me insane. If we’re torturing captured terrorists, GREAT. I have zero moral problem with that, and I’m a devout Christian.
I hate how people just assume torture is always wrong when making arguments. Support your point, please. What is immoral about torture?
29 posted on 06/10/2006 9:24:45 PM PDT by TeenagedConservative
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It was aired a short while ago:
Keystroke Constituency-On The Media{NPR}
Take the energy of the grassroots, add the connectivity of the Internet, and the result is “netroots”, an emerging political force on the left side of the web. This weekend, its core members are congregating in Las Vegas. And judging by the slate of speakers, which includes Harry Reid and Howard Dean, politicians are taking them seriously. Brooke speaks with blogger Matt Stoller, political analyst Paul Begala, and DNC Chairman Howard Dean about the Internet as interest group.
Listen Here
Comments To: onthemedia@wnyc.org