Assange Defends WikiLeaks Against Allegations It’s Interfering In US Election

Really, you have to read the statement. For gawds sake, even his protector, the Ecuadoran embassy in London, was straightforward about why they cut off Assange’s Internet access: Ecuador’s government has a policy of “non-intervention in the internal affairs of other states.” The best part is this:

“[Assange] dismissed allegations that WikiLeaks has disproportionately focused on material related to Hillary Clinton’s campaign, and wrote that the organization has not received equivalent information about Donald Trump or third-party candidates which ‘fulfills our stated editorial criteria.'”

What a great dodge: Assange claims that any information they’ve got about Trump (say) just doesn’t fit their editorial criteria, so Wikileaks won’t publish it. And how exactly do we know that any such information doesn’t fit their editorial criteria? Well, the incorruptible Julian Assange told us that, so it must be true. No need for anyone outside Wikileaks to have a look.

Assange’s argument reminds me of some of the unverifiable excuses my wife’s college students come up with for not turning in assignments. This being the age of home computing, “the dog ate my homework” just doesn’t work any more, so students now come up with stuff like “my pet pig ate my flash drive”. Really.

Trust me. I’m from Wikileaks and I’m here to help!!!