For earlier results (6PM-8PM poll closings) and discussion, see the thread immediately below:
NOTES: (1) CNN Elections Projections tells you who’s been declared a winner. (2) And TPMCafe’s Election Central Scoreboard has a tally of all the races at the top, which should be updated to give us the new totals as races are called. (ALSO: CNN Elections Projects has an ongoing tally of the number of Dems/Repubs in the Senate/House in the right column.)
8:30 p.m.
Arkansas G
9 p.m.
Arizona GS Colorado G Louisiana Minnesota GS |
Nebraska GS New Mexico GS New York GS Rhode Island GS |
South Dakota G Wisconsin GS Wyoming GS |
10 p.m.
Idaho G Iowa G |
Montana S Nevada GS |
Utah S |
11 p.m.
California GS Hawaii GS |
Oregon G Washington S |
Alaska G
(Please don’t let this turn bad)
TPM has Lamont up by 2% over LIEberman
T-SEN Lamont: 44% Schlesinger: 12% Lieberman (CFL): 42% n/a 0% 08:49 pm EST
Of course, no precincts reporting yet, but a girl can dream.
Oh, please. Oh, please!
Sigh…short lived joy:
CT-SEN Lamont (D): 42% Schlesinger (R): 10% Lieberman (CFL): 47% n/a 1% 09:09 pm EST
I so want Lamont to win. It would shake up the Dems for years to come.
We’re all here at Patrick Murphy (PA-08) shindig at the Sheraton waiting for some results to come in. So far, no news.
From TPM Cafe:
Very, very early obviously. Best of luck!
Pirro predicted to lose. Bwahaha!!!
over Lamont — hoping that they’ll be just as wrong as they were in 2000 with Gore over Bush (stupidity can run both ways, can’t it?)…
Steele (MD-Sen) has big lead, but MSNBC calling it for the Dems…we’ll see if it holds…
I may have to switch over to the hockey game in an hour just to save my blood pressure…
That’s ridiculous, they called him with only 4% of the precincts in!
It is close and I refuse to give up hope yet.
CNN now reports with 10% of the precincts, 45% Lamont and 45% LIEberman, with Joebloe ahead by about 200 votes.
I don’t see how they are calling this so soon.
For some reason stupidity doesn’t ever seem to favor us. Does it?
Cali Scribe, I am so fucking sick and tired of hearing Tweety, but CNN is worse with their bank (panel) of outta work and outta power former politicians, including recovering gambling addict William Bennett and recovering Republican J.C. Watts.
He even got under Dean’s scalp.
Olbermann is the only one keeping me from turning tube off early and listening to Air America.
Tweety’s never learned how to shut the fuck up!
Ford and Lamont have gotta do it!
When I get ready to throttle Tweety, I listen to Air America. After I’ve calmed down a bit, I check out MSNBC again.
For some reason Tweety isn’t bothering me as much as I expected. I think it’s his near constant rants against the war. He’s late-ish to the party (I know he’s been back and forth on it from the beginning) but it’s pretty sweet tonight.
Tweety is really nuts tonight — like he got some of Haggard’s crystal meth for chrissakes!
He slammed Joe, who really came back at him and let him HAVE IT.
It’s good to see you.
Very good to see you.
to switching between MSNBC and my local team’s hockey game…would it be bad karma to wish a case of laryngitis on Matthews in two years? 😉
Wish a motherfucker would catch a case of laryngitis. Seriously. Every couple of minutes he would say something egregious and over the top–to me–and I would growl, “Shut up, Tweety!” Or worse, “STFU, you twerp!”
I think Keith Olbermann is my future husband…but I am going to have to kick Stephanie Miller to the curb for that honor…
I also saw the panel of three newsheads, from Brian Williams to Tom Brokaw. Brokaw, frankly, looks as OLD AS WATER. It’s like, what the fuck happened to you? I really don’t think that it’s lack of make up either.
What do really think?
Ugh Lieberman wins. What a bummer.
CNN says Chafee’s going down.
MSNBC just called RI for the Dem…Chaffee is out!! Whoot!! The wave is growing into a tsunami!
I want Webb to win in VA so bad.
So much voter suppression and outright cheating there. That’s all the racist pig had in his pocket.
Don’t do a Gore-Kerry, Webb. Hang on.
Webb is UP again … by about 2,600 votes. On CNN. James Carville just went nuts! 🙂 And he said that there’ll be a recount but that historically in Virginia the recounts stick to the original figures. WOOHOOOOOOOOO!
Santorum offially conceding right now!
CNN has McKaskill down by 10% Tell me there wasn’t some shenanigans there! Exit polls had her up by 2%. That is a pretty major discrepancy.
Did anyone catch Joe S. backpedaling on his prior uses of the word Liberal? It was comical. I leave the room when Keith isn’t on.
News from New Hampshire:
MANCHESTER – 9:49 p.m.: BULLETIN: has learned that Republican U.S. Rep. Charles Bass is preparing to call Paul Hodes and congratulate the Democrat on his victory.
So glad that Sestak is throttling Weldon.
How are the two Loises doing?
RAW STORY has this for Virginia:
Allen (R) 49.8%, Webb (D) 50.0% in VA Senate; 92% counted
2% (10 out of 465) only
Madrid (D) is leading Wilson 52/48.
7% (36/465)
Madrid 54%
Dingbat 46%
Race, as expected, becoming a nail biter
Madrid 50% (73,578)
Wilson 50% (72,686)
Madrid leads by 892.
With 83% (389/465)
Madrid 50% (87,649)
Wilson (R/I) 50% (86,359)
Madrid is now leading by 1,290 votes.
thanks for the updates
Thanks Man but now it’s crunch time. This is when Wilson squeaks a win.
With 93% reporting (437/465)
Madrid 50% (95,269)
Wilson 50% (94,901)
Madrid is ahead by (gulp) 368 votes.
I am now going to have a nervous breakdown.
Deja vu all over again.
95% reporting (444/465)
Madrid 50% (96,050)
Wilson 50% (96,360)
Wilson leads by 210.
Wilson now leads by 1,171 with 95% reporting (459/465).
Madrid can still pull this out but this is the pattern of Wilson’s wins over the past 3 election cycles.
Oh, well.
Lovely. Clinton and Reid touting the wonders on centrism. Excuse me while I puke.
I’ll settle for centrism over right-wingnuttery — it’s the closest we’ve been to sanity since the early 1990’s…
so much of a fucking virtue… As if they invented the orgasm.
And with Hill and Reid, and the other enablers to moderation: do-nothing, lie-down and take-no-action when the principle is to take a stand, is still NO EXCUSE and still IS NOT HEROISM.
Now that these people are in power, the clock is ticking. Get ready the fires, yall, ’cause their feet are going to need it six months from now.
That’s another thing Tweety went on and on and on and ON about. Hillary Clinton. As if this night makes it easier for her to run in 2008. As if this is a good night for Hillary. As if Hillary is going to return to the White House.
Lawd, I don’t want that woman to run.
Being a moderate and a centrist doesn’t have to mean that you stand for nothing. But too often that is exactly what it’s meant for Reid, leader of the Spineless Dems. Hilary is so busy raising money and triangulating her positions that I’m not sure if she knows what she believes in anymore. I wish she would stay in the Senate and work to recover her principles. She’s a good Senator and could help clean up the mess there, if she spoke up and made waves.
I promised my wife I would cook dinner while she and the girls are out, so I’ll be back and forth. The TV is up loud enough to let me know when they get Ken Mehlman’s face off my screen, but not loud enough to let me hear his voice.
Sherwood (R – Mistress Stangler) Just went down.
Webb now in the lead by less than 3000 votes!
Recounts looming…we’re not going to know the results for at least a couple of weeks…
It’s really good to see you post here again.
If I’d known you were coming, I would have stayed up past ten.
It’s a glorious morning – what a thrill to see your return to the pond.
Hope you’ll stick around for a while. It just hasn’t been the same.