More bad news from the city that incited the murder of a beloved president in 1963 …

In a coordinated ambush, 5 officers killed while in the line of duty they served to protect …. while citizens protested two recent blue on black shootings.

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AMBUSH! Snipers fire from elevation positions on protest (Dallas News)

More guns to solve insecurity on the dtreets of America. No end in sight for this madness, just escalation. How very sad that violence has spread into the fabric on modern society in the US. A perpetuum movement of the pendulum towards horror at regular intervals. U.S. Congress failing its citizens.

In Dallas I have left a few tears of mine on a personal loss. We planned to attend a wedding of a dear nephew with a wonderful young woman from Arlington. A sweet and perfect couple about to start life’s journey together. He was killed in a traffic accident, a large 4×4 swerved out of control and crashed through barrier head-on killing him instantly. The wedding celebration became a very moving celebration during a funeral mass. Family members surrounded by fellow students and friends from his home state of Illinois.

In the few visits to Dallas on other occasions, I found Texans warm and friendly. After today’s event, one can only gasp once again … WHY?

[Update1:] It was a headline I didn’t prefer to use, but it did cross my mind: “It’s War!”

It didn’t take long for right-wing extremist USA to threaten Obama and the BLM movement …

Former Congressman Threatens Obama and Black Lives Matter Movement With ‘War’ | Newsweek |

Former U.S. Republican Congressman Joe Walsh reacted to the murders of five policemen at a protest against police brutality on Thursday by declaring “war” on President Barack Obama and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Snipers from rooftops in Dallas targeted police officers in the city’s downtown, killing five and wounding six more in an attack that police said was a premeditated ambush. It is one of the deadliest attacks on police in U.S. history.

Police arrested three people and a fourth gunman killed himself with a gunshot, according to local media. The fourth gunman had warned of bombs planted in the city but authorities are yet to comment on the validity of his claims.

    “This is now war. Watch out Obama.
     Watch out Black Lives Matter punks.
     Real America is coming after you”

Joe Walsh tweeted following the attack, before later deleting the post.

[Update2:] BREAKING: Dead suspect was killed by police bomb

The suspect that was killed after a standoff with Dallas police was killed by a bomb that authorities detonated, Dallas Police Chief David Brown says. “We saw no other option but to use our bomb robot and place a device on its extension for it to detonate where the suspect was. Other options would have exposed our officers to grave danger. The suspect is deceased as a result of detonating the bomb.”

[Update3:] Suspect killed by police using a robot with explosives named as Micah X. Johnson, 25, a resident of Mesquite, Texas. WTF why murder a suspect by police authority?

Dallas police chief Brown: “The suspect said he was upset at white people and he wanted to kill white people, especially white police officers. He expressed anger for Black Lives Matter.”