Buying into Birtherism is only a minor thoughtcrime? I guess the Republicans are familiar with thoughtcrimes and assign them numerical scores of seriousness. I assume subscribing to some form of Dialectical Materialism is a ’10’ and thinking the president has failed to provide a legal copy of his birth certificate is something closer to a ‘2’. Allahpundit appears offended that anyone would experience physical revulsion at the Birther accusation. But feeling revulsion to the endless repetition of a stupid lie is a normal and healthy reaction. Shrugging off stupid lies and making excuses for them is the sign of a disordered mind. Birtherism is worse than a stupid lie about the budget or the law or even history. It’s worse because it is suffused with an underlying racial and religious intolerance. It’s worse because it seeks to delegitimize the president and poison the minds of the people against him. For the gullible who will believe anything, perhaps it is a minor crime. For those perpetuating the myth, it is a major crime.
But any malicious disregard for the truth should elicit a feeling of revulsion in a normal, healthy person.
Aye, BooMan, that’s the rub. The “birthers,” read republicans, are not normal, healthy people. How does the Republic survive such a citizenry?
CNN’s John King had the infamous Orly Taitz on last night. First he allowed her to spew old as well as new allegations, and then he just shook his head and moved on. No followup fact checking, no asking where she got her information, nothing. He allowed it to stand.
A crime against journalism.
Aye, guess I wasn’t the only one aghast at John King’s performance, here’s a funny take on it
I think I know where they’re coming from. They had 8 years of the left screaming about Dubya’s illegitimacy (the fact that Dubya stole two elections is beside the point here) and from their POV that was utter BS, so if it’s fair game to malign their president’s legitimacy with baseless accusations then it’s equally fair game to malign our president’s legitimacy with baseless accusations.
False equivalence notwithstanding, I get it – it’s BS, but I get it.