Everyone should check out pastordan’s interview with Barack Obama.

You should also look at Robert Novak’s explanation of his role in Plamegate and Marcy Wheeler’s take on it. My take? Marcy needs more time to ruminate. Novak’s column doesn’t illuminate much, but it does support the supposition that his source was Richard Armitage and Armitage’s role was inadvertent.

I’ll never understand why a whole community can be characterized by the actions or comments of one or two members. I can’t tell you how often I get emails from people pointing to a comment and saying “since your community has now become this, I can no longer be a member.” Except, usually, they remain members. I’m sorry we don’t all agree all the time. Actually, that’s a lie. I’m not sorry. Allowing a broader area of debate has its consequences. Hurt feelings come with the territory.

If you missed it, Harold Meyerson’s column in the Washington Post is refreshing. It’s good to see an insider that understands us outsiders and has some self-consciousness.

Also, you may be asking your yourself why the terrorists hate Indiana. I have no good answer for you. But it does call to mind a really bad song.

What’s on your mind this morning?