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Let me try a new trick here and give you some rockin’ tunes to incentivize you.
As for topics of conversation, have you seen what is going on in South Carolina? It’s just weird.
Gimme one more year to graduate and I’ll make up for the past four that I’ve been a reader.
Of course we don’t always agree, I still like your honest assessment of what’s going on at the Hill.
Keep up the good work, BooMan.
Things are getting mighty personal, maybe even “I’ll take my voters and go home” personal. And Bauer just gave the suspicions about him more credence. If Haley wins and the rest of the field decides against a runoff, she likely will win in November. If, as is more likely, she doesn’t win decisively and there is a runoff, it could get very interesting (especially if the other candidate is Bauer). I’m looking for Gresham Barrett to play “statesman” here and hope the other two eliminate each other. McMaster is the long shot in this field.
I haven’t had so much fun since Mark Sanford decided to hike the Appalachian Trail to Argentina.