Froggy Bottom Cafe ~ Happy Hour
George Is Your Bartender ~ FM Is Napping
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Your first drink is on us!
Your first drink is on us!
Rude, Crude and Lewd language is encouraged.
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(and unrecommend the Cafe/Lounge from earlier) |
May the 4’s be with you
From ships to Beach blankets.
I’ve got to get dinner ready and run downtown. I’ll be back in a little while.
It’s a lovely sunny day and we’ve already been for a walk with the dog – where we encountered one wallaby, two paddymelons, and a whole flock of Bronze-wing Pidgeons.
Oh yeah? I can top that. I…um…saw a squirrel on my deck.
Big deal.
I saw a gray squirrel with a blond tail this morning. All fuzzy and shit ;o)
you may as well give it up now — nobody outcritters keres.
It’s not a competition. It’s sharing.
It’s another cold day today. But, so far, it’s a sunny one – which is why I should get the laundry on the line before the weather gods decide to send rain afterall.
I’ve had my cup-o-tea and a big bowl of yoghurt – now it’s time to get crackin’.
to talk to him about his choice of beverages. Horizons are in need of expansion.
Damn latte-drinking liberal ass squirrels.
not as good as the real thing.
to get dirty in the sand.
Somebody needs to stick their pole in cold water.
Oh my goodness!!!!
You are SOOOOOOOOOO lucky that I love you, Manito, and Love Bud… because I just gleeked out some iced Americano as I scrolled down. Holy Bud Moly!
Whoa now!
I’m feeling really disappointed that my turtles don’t actually have anything to x-out.
There’s always Photoshop.
Neather do these, but then they’re just a bit unnerving all by themselves.
Those are soooooooooooo cute!!!
DJ, go read jmstaro’s diary on the recent diary list. Very powerful anti-recruitment video.
me = dial up. Video = is hurrrrd. But I’ll go see what’s up. 🙂
Bumma. It’s very stark and well made. Maybe you can watch it at the library.
CodePink buys those DVDs and they watch em together or pass them out. 🙂
It would be great if we could pass them out at high schools.
Parents and students can demand that be done 🙂
Remind me never to get uninhibited enough to sing “The Sexual Life of the Camel” in here (in which the hedgehog features prominently — no, don’t ask).
‘no, don’t ask’ … 🙂
but the answer might be a vague whistling, followed by looking aimlessly around the ceiling and saying “My, aren’t the walls vertical tonight.”
I’ll email the link right now!
what a touching effort you made for me. 😉
I think I’ll take your second email to heart, though, and forgo posting it — for the faint of hearts in the cafe.
Sure Olivia sends you emails. I feel so left out.
Plus I’ve got three fairly new vessels around my heart, so I’m good for another 10 years.
(How’s that SN?)
ps. you’ve got mail … 🙂 … it’s not pix though.
Very good, Olivia! Maybe with both of us dogging him he’ll quit.
I know it only done out of lov
Sorry had to light a cig. love.
… and if you won’t do it for yourself, think of poor George!
Oh Olivia, you’re bringing up the guilt card.
Who do you think taught George how to use a lighter.
He prefers cigars himself, too stinky for me though.
you could at least do that right?
You and SN are right. I’m just a heartless, cruel and uncaring jerk.
I should be flogged and taken out and shot.
Oh the shame. The shame I tell you.
I get the hint … lips zipped for now. 😡
It’s only b/c we love you … 🙂
No it was a joke. I knew if ya’ll didn’t care you wouldn’t ‘nag’ me. BTW has SN been giving you lesson here lately. 🙂
SN is world class … I’m just helping her out some.
And a very good job of helping her you are doing. 🙂
I’m beginning to wonder if a career change from slackdom might be appropriate.
B/c I’m all excited thinking I’ve been let into the club!
But wait, are you insinuating a change from slacker to nag?
Would I ever do that.
BTW did you pass your first test today?
Oh by the way Olivia. Every see the doctor. 😛
Whoa, I am not gonna stay in the middle of this one.
But I can’t resist. You had heart surgery and you smoke. I have one word to say about that. GAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh!
Please define GAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh!
Just doesn’t come up on goggle.
Think of a dull knife being driven through my chest. I think that explains it.
Oh heck SN. That’s nothing. Been there done that.
Well actually it was more like chest cutter and rib speaders, but my doc. would turn his head every minute or two to get a puff.
Of course I quit. Just depends on what you’re talking about.
to email you links to pictures of turtle schlongs? Hmmm
So let me get this straight. Olivia has wanted to punch someone out today, puke, and she’s mailing pictures of turtle schlongs.
I feel like I’m in a Twlight Zone show.
that olivia has a dark side.
Geez Andi now I’m feeling like I’m in Star Wars.
Darth Olivia.
Now aren’t you glad you didn’t mud wrestle her?
If I knew she was this mean, I would have never bought it up. A guy could get killed in the pit with her.
LOL whatever … So, did you get my email?
Yep, I just checked and got it. Thanks.
I’ve been saving up some questions, but I knew you’ve been glued to your TV.
Darth Tater – our housemate’s contribution to our decor.
Olivia you’re just to cute.
See your fame has spread to Tasmania.
That’s cute …
I sound like a nutbar! But I’d rather be in Twilight Zone than on Lawrence Welk … 😉
Well it could have been worse. You could have been on Bay Watch and become one big freckle. 🙂
That show is evil. Freckling would be the best thing to happen all other things considered …
I don’t know why women consider freckleing so bad. Some of the most attractive women I’ve ever see had freckles.
… and we’re ‘supposed’ to have creamy skin w/ no unsightly blemishes.
A freckel isn’t a blemish. I’m sorry, but I think some women look magnificent without makeup. Now don’t get me wrong. Other it enhances their beauty, but some I’ve seen apply it so thickly they appear to be trying out for the circus.
I’ve always thought less is more appealing.
I’m w/ you on the make-up thing though. Less is way more appealing.
Yay Senators!
I sat w/ the volume off and my fingers over my eyes. I finally looked when they were all congratulating Emery.
It’s still a loooooooong road though and I don’t think they can do it. Next game here on Sat.
I am commiserating with you. My Cleveland Cavs and LeBron kicked ass in round one of the playoffs and now they’re totally rolling over. This is just par for the course for Cleveland teams. It’s heartbreaking. Luckily our hearts are made of stone after so many years of practice.
… other than Steve Nash stuff, which is huge up here.
Are they going out in the second? Who are the Cavs playing?
They’re playing the Pistons and they’re down 2-0 in a best of 7. But the next games are at home which should help.
Looks like my ship (last cafe) came in and i missed it. Why? Why?
Sn?….I’m waiting for the answer :o)
44 ;o)
Either that, or my jellyfish, um…I mean brain, just totally missed what you said…in code language :o)
Details Here
I have to go talk to Shirlstars about this first.
I’ll get back to you guys :o)
The Fs identities have finally been revealed!
(ss, here’s the 42 reference)
Oh dear, you do overestimate us. We’d be lucky to design a nice fjord.
I just got back. What’s going on.
Doesn’t anybody watch My Name is Earl?
I sent you back an email this morning with the page of links and resources as well as the number for the apartment complex. I haven’t heard back so I’m hoping all is well. I know it went to the correct address this time. I’m thinking that maybe it would be wise for me to seek help from another blogfriend who might be able to get better info. The few people that I know to speak to where I live all have directed me to the very link I gave you and guess that wasn’t helpful.
Didn’t hear back so just wanted to somoehow check in.
geezer has left the building.
Night Andi. Actually you beat me to it.
Well if everybody can wait a minute I’m going to open a 24/7 cafe. If not just keep talking.
24/7 Café Opened