If you haven’t heard about this already, the NY Transit Workers Union (TWU) Local 100 voted to join the protestors in the financial District of New York City, and so have the Verizon union members. Other unions, including the Teamsters (yes, those Teamsters who once supported Ronald Reagan) have issued public statements of support for Occupy Wall Street (OWS) protests. Here’s a link to a business publication about this story:
A member of TWU Local 100 told a reporter that they would join the protest Friday at 4PM. […]
Occupy Wall Street has been picking up some decent support from unions in the past few days. Yesterday we reported that the Teamsters Union declared their support for protestors, and we also found out that the United Pilots Union had members at the protest demonstrating in uniform.
Today we learned the Industrial Workers of the World put a message of support on their website as well.
… Verizon union workers have joined the protestors in NYC.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/a-massive-union-just-voted-to-side-with-the-wall-street-protesters-2011-9#ixzz1ZNNy1Cpz
It should be noted that OWS is a non-violent protest movement despite the best efforts of the conservative media and blogs to spin the story that they represent thugs, criminals, etc. Indeed, the only real violence we have seen has been from certain NYPD offciers and commanders (I don’t wish to impugn all of the members of the NYPD by the actions of a few), particularly this individual, Tony Bologna (how apt a name):
It would be foolish at this point for National Democrats, especially members of the Progressive Caucus to keep standing on the sideline. Whether the heads of the major Democratic Party organizations (DNC, DSCC, Obama for America, DCCC, etc.) like it or not, the people (mostly young people, but that is changing, too) have decided the Democratic Party is not an effective mechanism to change the system, a system that is bleeding old and young alike, not only of money, jobs but also hopes and dreams.
My question for the major national Democratic political leaders is when will you come out to actively support OWS and attend the protests yourself in a display of solidarity? I won’t hold my breath, but it is my belief that failing to join with the people who organized this movement, or at the very least express support for the protestors, will be detrimental to Democrats in the 2012 elections. Whether you like it or not, these people are a major part of the base that helped Democrats obtain control of Congress in 2006 and elect the President in 2008. If the party ignores and abandons them, hoping to shove them under the rug, while still maintaining cozy relationships with Wall Street financiers who would love to see a Republican in the White House, as Senate Majority Leader and as Speaker of the House–well, I see that as the Democrats collectively offering Wall Street and Republicans the opportunity to cut Dem candidates off at the knees in November 2012.
The country is ripe for the message the protesters are pushing, even if no one in Big Corporate Media is willing to accept that yes, they do have a message. And that message is not hard to divine: simply stated, it is time to stop enabling the casino operators and Banksters on Wall Street and fight for the working poor and middle class, the elderly on fixed incomes and everyone else who has seen their dreams deferred extinguished by the “Protect the Top 1% Firsters.” Why do you think the Republican candidates try so desperately to portray themselves as populists and not as aiders and abetters of the corporations and speculators who robbed us (we the people and our governments, state, local and federal) with their full acquiescence during the Bush years?
Because they fear a Democratic party that would actually support and promote a genuine reform movement and a reform agenda, rather than the one that exists now: weak, indecisive and still trolling for campaign cash on their knees from the very same people who hate their guts. Let me quote to you these words from Glenn Greenwald with which I agree:
A [significant] aspect of this progressive disdain is grounded in the belief that the only valid form of political activism is support for Democratic Party candidates, and a corresponding desire to undermine anything that distracts from that goal. Indeed, the loyalists of both parties have an interest in marginalizing anything that might serve as a vehicle for activism outside of fealty to one of the two parties (Fox News’ firing of Glenn Beck was almost certainly motivated by his frequent deviation from the GOP party-line orthodoxy which Fox exists to foster).
The very idea that one can effectively battle Wall Street’s corruption and control by working for the Democratic Party is absurd on its face: Wall Street’s favorite candidate in 2008 was Barack Obama, whose administration — led by a Wall Street White House Chief of Staff and Wall-Street-subservient Treasury Secretary and filled to the brim with Goldman Sachs officials — is now working hard to protect bankers from meaningful accountability (and though he’s behind Wall Street’s own Mitt Romney in the Wall Street cash sweepstakes this year, Obama is still doing well); one of Wall Street’s most faithful servants is Chuck Schumer, the money man of the Democratic Party; and the second-ranking Senate Democrat acknowledged — when Democrats controlled the Congress — that the owners of Congress are bankers. There are individuals who impressively rail against the crony capitalism and corporatism that sustains Wall Street’s power, but they’re no match for the party apparatus that remains fully owned and controlled by it.
But much of this progressive criticism consists of relatively (ostensibly) well-intentioned tactical and organizational critiques of the protests: there wasn’t a clear unified message; it lacked a coherent media strategy; the neo-hippie participants were too off-putting to Middle America; the resulting police brutality overwhelmed the message, etc. etc. That’s the high-minded form which most progressive scorn for the protests took: it’s just not professionally organized or effective.
As Glenn notes, these criticisms seem at best wrong-headed and misinformed, and at worst the result of sheer envy that someone other than “professional” Democratic activists are being held up as champions of the “little guy and gal.” Yet, why would a young man or woman, a recent graduate say of a university who cannot find a job or can only find work that is menial in nature, much less the vast numbers of other, older unemployed and under-employed Americans, not feel legitimately that the President and the Democratic Party let them down?
I know some don’t like to hear the comparison, but FDR was willing to be hated in order to pass legislation that would save Wall Street and Big Business from their own greed and short-term thinking. Obama, despite being hated no matter what he does, has consistently presented himself as a man willing to compromise with the very political adversaries who would impeach him if they could, and who have stated that their only goal is not to help the country’s economy improve and lessen the suffering of the millions of people harmed by the “Great Recession,” but to defeat Obama in 2012.
Appearances (or as we now say “perceptions”) are everything, and the Republicans and conservatives, and their wealthy funders such as the Koch brothers, have been winning the perception war since the day Obama took office (some might even argue since before he took office). The perception, which I believe is an accurate one for the most part (though it really doesn’t matter what I believe), is that Obama has been too weak or too compromising in negotiating with conservative Democrats and Republicans and too reluctant to aggressively back promote progressive policies and his progressive supporters. The other perception many hold is that he has been too willing to embrace policies that Republicans supported when Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich ruled the House roost in the mid-90’s. I won’t bother with all the evidence that supports these perceptions because that isn’t my point. The point is that this is how many Americans, right or left, view Obama and by association the Democratic party. You cannot change those perceptions unless you are willing to take aggressive and, yes, risky actions to reverse them.
And yes, I know about Obama’s “Jobs Plan” but is anyone listening to him at this point? Not among the many working class and rural white Americans who have been deceived by the Fox News propaganda machine, not among many in his own party (as evidenced by the news of discontent with Obama’s continual attempts at rapprochement with the House Republicans and Speaker John Boehner during the debt ceiling debacle) and certainly not among many of the very activists whose tireless efforts in 2008 made the election of our first non-white President a reality three years ago.
The major accomplishment that the Obama administration and his defenders point to again and again is the health care reform legislation known as the Affordable care Act. Yet, as many of us know, that legislation is deeply flawed, gave away far too much to the Pharmaceutical and Insurance Industries and has not yet been viewed by the public as a panacea for our health care systems failures–and with good reason. People are still paying too much for lousy insurance, many of the most important provisions of the bill don’t kick in until 2013 or later, and if the Republicans win the presidency in 2012 (something I think is far more likely to occur than many Democrats realize) the ACA will be repealed and Paul Ryan’s “Killing Medicare Softly” proposal will be reinvigorated and re-introduced in Congress.
Yet, even assuming Obama wins re-election, in 2016, if this economy has not completely reversed course, guess what? Say hello to Mr. or Ms. Republican President who will work to repeal the ACA and kill Medicare as soon as he or she takes the oath of office. As it is, Medicaid might already have been terminated long before 2016 depending on what happens over the next half-decade. Meanwhile, nothing is being done to create jobs now despite all the rhetoric issuing from Washington.
Yet, in the face of this inaction it is the Republicans, especially the Tea Party version, who are united. By their sheer stubbornness they are destroying our economy by refusing to take any action that would increase demand for goods and services. Many progressives, meanwhile, are in disarray, and President Obama’s main concern appears to be re-election by any means necessary.
Sadly, his political advisers seem to think that the protestors on Wall Street and other young activists not under his campaign’s direct control are his enemies and not the allies he needs, and that his party needs. They are needed because the Democrats lack a true populist counter-movement to the Tea Party extremists, who despite their unpopularity in the polls continue to dominate both the rank and file of the Republican base and a significant faction of its elected officials. Considering the media advantage these radicals enjoy, I find it difficult to believe that Democrats will make major gains in the House and Senate in 2012 so long as the American people are not presented with a alternative movement from the left, one just as dedicated and just as devoted to their causes.
The OWS may appear to be just DFH’s at present, but I believe that any Democrat who stands up to actively and publicly support them will benefit from doing so. Elizabeth Warren seems the most likely Democrat who might take that plunge, but I would settle for anyone, even people out of power such as Howard Dean. The more the Democrats ally themselves with these young people, the more this movement will grow, the more it will diversify and the more attention it will garner.
Frankly, I sincerely believe this may be a turning point in our democracy. The Democratic party can sit on the sidelines and watch to see if they survive the negativity and deliberate refusal to cover the movement by the media elites, or they can jump in with both feet now and promote and support this movement.
I’d prefer the Democratic party stand for something other than “We’re Not as Bad as Republicans,” which other than the 2008 election seems to be the party’s default position over the course of my lifetime. Is it a risk? Sure, but one I believe will best serve the the Democrats in the coming elections and our country’s people in the long term as well. If Democrats do not act to support this movement, however, I believe they simply cede the field to the Republican activists and Christian Dominionists, while sheltering behind their safe walled blue enclaves hoping the people will someday wise up and return them to power. Well, I have news for you, the last time that strategy of passive defense worked in politics was — never.
So what is it going to be, Mr. and Ms. Democratic Politician? Stand and fight beside the people you say you support, or sit this one out because that’s what the conventional wisdom is whispering in your ear?
Of course…politics isn’t really measured along a strait line, with Tea Partiers on the far right, and Progressives on the far left…
It’s actually a circle…like Planet Earth…if you go far enought West, you end up in the East, and vice versa…
Extreme Tea Partiers and Extreme Progressives are both for the “little guy”, and against the “big guy”…the realy question is, who is the “big guy”?
You guys say “Big Business working with Big Government”…
We say “Big Government working with Big Labor”…
I heard an interview on the radio with self-proclaimed Tea Party supporter who was joing the Occupy Wall Street Movement…
I am fascinted to see what becomes of it…
Big Labor no longer exists.
What was the total dollar amount contributed to Labor Unions in the last three years to Democrat candidates?
Private Sector labor doesn’t exist…by Public Sector Big Labor is alive and well…
Quite a money laundering scheme…elect Democrats…who pass anti-right to work leglislation…which in turn forces workes to have Union dues deducted from their checks…which in turn enables the Union bosses to donate massive dollars to…Democrats!…which allows the…
election of more Democrats!
I don’t have the exact numbers (Google them for me, and get back)
But I am quite sure that the combination of Big Labor, combined with Crony Capitalists FAR outweighs the donations of evil Free Market corporations (i.e. Ford–didn’t take a bailout) and the evil Koch brothers…
Do the research…
What was the total dollar amount contributed by Corporations and Executives to Republican Party candidates?
P.S. I assume you meant Democratic Party candidates. There is no Democrat Party.
I don’t actually know the number…which is why I put the challenge out there…
Regarding the verbage of Democrat versus Democratic…
Are you a Democrat?
Or are you Democratic?
If you come here to make insults, expect to get ignored.
You know how to use google, yes?
I meant no insult to anyone…
But I object when my love of freedom (admittedly in my words) is responded to by accusations of racism…or facism…or “heartlessness”…or cruelty…or, in Boo’s favorite phrase, “Stupidity”…
Which side insults which?
Please quote a post in which I insult someone who has not first insulted me…
Of course…if I lived the teachings every minute of my favorite teacher…I would turn the other cheek…and pray for those who hate me…
I apologize for any inability to do so…
The official name of the party is the Democratic Party. The name of the national coordinating committee is the Democratic National Committee.
Stop being cute.
Exactly. Anyone with a reasonable grasp of contemporary American political discourse will understand that the term “Democrat Party” is a code term used by the right-wing (sometimes I’ve seen it spelled out, “DemocRAT Party” just to drive home the point that their opponents must be dehumanized). Really to use such a loaded term and then to claim to mean no insult or harm is at best ignorant and probably more accurately dishonest. And I say that as someone with practically zero sympathy for the Democratic Party and its current preferred neoliberal direction.
you’re a troll is what you are. I say this as something of a troll myself. YOU, SIR, ARE A TROLL.
We all have to be someone.
It would be especially sweet if the Democrats got on board with this: in 1970 another set of Wall Street protests, put down by the “Hardhats” of happy memory (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_Hat_Riot), was used by Nixon to cement white working-class support for the Republican party.
Thanks for this, Steven. It’s what I was thinking, but couldn’t articulate.
Thank you. This started off as just a short blurb but stuff happens and I get carried away and suddenly the front page has a big splattering of Steven D all over it. 🙂
Steven D, well done and thank-you. My only caution is that, to use an analogy from the civil rights movement, there’s a lot of blood, sweat and tears from Emmett Till’s lynching (8/28/55) to Lyndon Johnson saying to a joint session of Congress “and we shall overcome” (3/15/65). Which is to say that at this point, it doesn’t matter too much what Barack Obama, Harry Reid or Elizabeth Warren says or does. What matters is how much power OWS and the AFL-CIO and Rebuild the Dream and Center for American Progress and other progressive organizations can build. “If you build it, they (the elected officials) will come.”
The airline pilots strike is not in any way connected to OWS. This is honestly the saddest I have ever felt for the left in this country. You have 300 people camped out in a park–you have not just touched off a political revolution in this country or anything remotely large enough to threaten politicians, let alone Wall Street. Control of the message was lost on the first day–because they didn’t have one. There were bigger protests against Wall Street during and immediately after the collapse.
“Frankly, I sincerely believe this may be a turning point in our democracy.”
How can you say something like and expect it to be taken seriously, by anyone who isn’t deeply absorbed and invested in the online left? What we have are the goddamn know-it-alls of the left who sat on their asses for the last two and a half years doing nothing. They ceded the field to the Tea Party when they didn’t show up at Town Halls and display public support for items like the public option. They ceded when they just sat back and griped about financial reform, instead of organizing and pushing for stronger reforms of Wall Street, then. Your tireless activists walked off the field and ceded state government after state government to Republicans in 2010.
And instead of rallying to pass the American Jobs Act, the far left wants to engage in pie-in-the-sky fantasies about kick-starting a revolution and recapitulate us back to the divisions we seemed to get over when the President presented it and gave us something tangible to fight for.
You folks are lost in fantasies, and for the first time I truly understand why the leftwing in this country consistently loses. You simply don’t have the numbers or the organization to be this arrogant. And if there’s anyone in this country who can botch a protest of Wall Street–it’s the far left crowd, because they lose themselves in stupid arguments over drum circles and tits that distances them from the very people they claim to be fighting for, the working and middle class.
You’re certainly not helping with any messaging; you’re just reframing it as the “Obamabot”/firebagger divide. Instead of making any kind of genuine, sincere appeal to Dems, you threaten them–with clout OWS simply does not have. In other words, you’re putting the cart before the horse.
Honestly, who the hell cares anymore? The leftwing in this country couldn’t organize itself out of a box of Alphabit cereal.
The numbers are still 100 times smaller than Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert were able to put together.
There is, apparently, and I’d be happy to be proven wrong, far greater support in this country for arch, ironic detachment than social justice.
So we should give up I take it?
Ignore these people because well, the media is ignoring them, etc.
Sounds like a plan to me.
But seriously, I think this movement has the chance for rapid expansion, especially if a few Democratic notables would stand up fpr them.
To use a favorite movie quote of mine:
“Big things have small beginnings.”
But what is the big thing? What’s the goal? What is the movement moving towards?
I think anybody who doesn’t live in a cave has figured out that the FIRE sector is not our friend, and that macroeconomically we’re in a deep hole. Making that point again is useful, but sterile.
The crowd in Tahrir Square had a big thing. So did the Spartacists, so did the Chartists, and before them the crowd that stormed the Tuilleries…
How do we get from this to the end of the capitalist system, or whatever?
Become a protest too big to eliminate.
One that the media has to report about.
That;s the first big thing.
As for the ultimate big thing? Get rid of Globalization and Naked Capitalism. That goal seems clear to me.
If you would, define “Globalization” and “Naked Capitalism”, please?
Ps. The story didn’t say the pilots were on strike, or that their strike was connected to OWS, only that their members were in attendance at the OCS protests in uniform with other protestors.
The American Jobs Act is a joke. It’s nothing but more Reaganesque bullshit tax cuts and good old Chicago-style pork. It does nothing about the factories hemorrhaging to China nor the importation of wage-busting labor from India and China (H1-B).
Here’s the problem with rallying to pass the American Jobs Act. The cost/benefit ratio does not make it for a lot of people. It takes an immense amount of effort to rally about anything. But in this political environment, the Congress is so detached from the people that it is resistant to rallying.
It is up to the members of the Democratic Congressional caucus to unify behind this bill and get it passed. That unity is not apparent. Too many Democrats in Congress are showboating.
The mechanics of contacting Congress are stacked against people actually influencing their decision — unless those people have bought access. Look at the web site contact forms. Call the hapless interns who answer the phones and mark a spreadsheet or enter a tick mark into a database. Wait weeks for your letter to make it through security only to get a canned position letter.
Show me that citizen action produces results with Congress anymore.
People are pissed. That anger is going to come out somehow.
The Republicans astro-turfed the Tea Party and directed that anger into what has become an electoral disaster. They blew their wad. There are a lot of folks who were betrayed by their top-down manipulation.
There are enough folks who are disappointed in President Obama, and most especially the Congressional Democrats to fuel a movement.
And there are perennial third parties stirring the mix.
Any judgment about the effectiveness of the Occupy Wall Street action is premature. Check back in February 2012.
If you are focused on “messaging”, you are wanting a top-down solution to problems the national leadership either cannot fix or does not want to fix. The fact is that with the debt ceiling debate, DC proved itself irrelevant to the lives of ordinary citizens.
And you obviously haven’t noticed that “the leftwing in this country” were not the template for the organizers.
All of the ideological divisions, all of the pie fights. Not one of them is relevant to ordinary people. Nor is either the Republican or sadly Democratic parties.
Your impressions of what is going on clearly come from the corporate media coverage of what’s going on. And your assumption is that it automatically disadvantages Democrats electorally.
Check back in February on both those scores.
your analysis of what’s happening on the left is probably, sadly, correct, but I doubt you will be happy that you were a cheerleader for this sad development.
The left has looked at the dysfunction in Washington and decided to move on at a crucial moment.
It could regret this is a way that makes Teddy Kennedy’s primary look like cherry pie.
You are making some assumptions about its effects on electoral politics that might not turn out to be true. And it’s not exactly the left that is driving this although the Spanish left provided some of the facilitation tools that are being used in the general assemblies.
It is a long time before November 2012. I’m not exactly a cheerleader. I am an interested observer. I have been interested in how they are going about what they are doing. And it has been interesting how folks who are not bothering to either see the livestream or spend more than cursory time at Liberty Square have misread what is happening.
I get it that there are some Democrats who are scared of this development. I get it that there are serious electoral risks because this movement unsettles the political environment.
But we will know by January or so whether this movement actually has legs. And whether either party wakes up to what public sentiment actually is–simmering angry. The debt ceiling battle was a game-changing moment. The talk about entitlements is a game-changer. Folks are going to try to hunker down in their local communities in order to survive a Great Depression. Occupy Wall Street is giving them the political skills to do this. If protest does not wake up the Village and Wall Street. That’s why I say that this really is irrelevant to electoral politics in 2012. This one cannot be handicapped or compared to previous experience. And anyone handicapping the elections before February is likely foolish.
And you know that I think the Congressional elections more important than anything else at the federal level.
By talking as if supporting the Occupy Wall St. movement and supporting the re-election of Barack Obama are incompatible, you accomplish two things: (1) you hold the supporters of Obama at arm’s length (although the unions joining the protest may help to mitigate that effect); and (2) you help to ensure a Republican takes the W.H. in 2012. Unless you were off planet during the Bush administration and haven’t noticed what’s going on these days on the right, I’m amazed a lib could do such a thing.
I didn’t say that Occupy Wall Street and the re-election of Barack Obama were incompatible. I said that the electoral process is irrelevant without something like Occupy Wall Street changing who frames the political debate. Right now that framing is totally controlled by the corporate media and DC consultants to candidates, who both have a Village mindset that really dismisses ordinary people’s actual consideration of the issues.
Yes, labor has started to support the movement, but so have Ron Paul’s supporters. And far left folks and libertarians and a bunch of repentant Republicans. Their common point is that the economic and political systems are broken. Surely to an Obama supporter that is clear as can be. And the corporate domination of culture, including the political culture, is at the core of the issue.
The politician who tries to co-opt Occupy Wall Street will likely lose. That is my primary point. One cannot put this in an old organizational framework that somehow this movement is going to be the OFA of 2012. It isn’t. If it succeeds, and that is nowhere near a certainty at this time, it will make it easier to elect a Congress that is more amenable to the agenda that many folks thought they were voting for in 2008.
I fully intend to vote for President Obama in 2012. But in the scheme of things, his victory will matter little if the current political culture does not change. It will be another four years of holding on by our fingernails in the face of media-supported Republican agendas.
This movement has the potential to change the political culture by empowering individuals to work together once again (cf. Bowling Alone), to have an independent civil society. And to end the ideological framing of politics that the Republicans have imposed on American life since the defeat of Barry Goldwater.
Politics is about getting things done. If the Congress will not or cannot get things done, the people will have to find other solutions. That is the common thing that brings folks together in this direct action. They have had enough.
The supporting of the President’s re-election and the supporting of Occupy Wall Street are not incompatible. But they are not in the same category of political action either. Occupy Wall Street is too diverse in opinion to fit even a big tent political party. I was about to say that it’s closest parallel was the non-partisan progressive movement of the last century that influence all parties and created the background political culture of the New Deal. But that’s not exactly it either.
I guess one should not rush trying to determine how a poltical candidate should respond to the movement. There really is no rush for candidates to do anything but listen to what the movement is saying. Any sort of party response could probably wait until as late as the convention. But if the movement is still strong and shows up in large numbers in Charlotte, it should be treated with respect.
Tweeted, for what I consider very obvious reasons.
It would be foolish for the Democratic leadership to hint at trying to co-opt this movement. Most folks who are active in it are pissed off with electoral politics and are seeking a change to the regime of money-media-party-controlled elections.
They would be wise to listen to the concerns that are being raised and to stay the hands that are trying to suppress it.
It is the global regime of transnational corporate irresponsibility, captive international bodies like the WTO, IMF, EuroBank, national central banks, and the governments that they have bought that is creating a backlash of folks across the world who feel their future has been sold out.
That is what is driving this movement. And why it’s popping up in unlikely places for “progressive” politics like Memphis, Nashville, NOLA, and Charleton SC.
I thought about writing this, but I was like, “Nah, fuck it…I don’t care.” Now I’m glad it was written, but especially glad it was you who wrote it 🙂
Tarheel Dem, thanks for this, and for your many other thoughtful contributions to what the late, great Peter Maurin used to call our “clarification of thought” regarding the recent actions on Wall Street.
I find it helpful to remind myself that there are multiple roles and responsibilities in any movement for change. I’d argue that as long as Occupy Wall Street is a few hundred DFHs in NYC, it shouldn’t rise to the attention of national Democratic Party politicians (let alone them making an attempt to co-opt it).
That’s why the news that OWS-allied groups are taking action in other cities, and (more significantly, at least for the moment) that TWU Local #100—which is a major force in the NYC labor movement and in NYC politics—will support and join OWS is significant.
Best case scenario (at least, best I can imagine in the short-term): OWS forms a de facto alliance with organized labor, the demonstrations persist nonviolently in the face of increased repression, the “Take Back the American Dream” summit in Washington next week reinforces the sense that there is a gathering force on the left, and we roll from there—perhaps (though still unlikely) breaking through the media blackout sufficiently to force passage of the American Jobs Act.
I agree with Tarheel Dem’s assertion elsewhere on this thread that it’s early days and, especially for those of us at a distance from the events in NYC, too soon to tell whether OWS can be a catalyst for a wider and more powerful progressive response to the current economic crisis.
I hope that there are enough good leaders and followers among the OWS folks, and enough good mentors for them among the older progressive leaders in NYC.
what’s behind opposition to Occupy Wall Street
Erm, that’s what Glenn Greenwald sez.
My bad.
The impression that Occupy is nothing but dirty fucking hippies is nothing but propoganda. It’s like seeing 40,ooo in the street and the “media” picks up on the 3 kids with black masks burning a flag and only runs with that. Typical. Lazy media and lazy assumption by the public about these protests.
I don’t see this movement as political. Mainly because politicians that I once supported aren’t supporting anything I hold dear. I see it as people taking back their power, their voice.
I see it as people finally getting off their comfortable asses and making a stand and in many cases seeing for the first time just how brutal and disgusting our “elected” and our police force are.
How easily ignored they are. How easily censored they are.
It’s pissing people off. Many types of people.
But if there is a political line. Let me say that I side with the Occupiers. I can no longer stomach this administration seeing me, his “lefty base”, as the enemy to be ignored. I’ve heard crickets about the attacks on unions, the attacks on the environment, the attacks on Planned Parenthood. Where was Obama when we murdered Troy Davis? Where’s Obama on Wall Street?
It’s not about right or left, red or blue. It’s not about votes. It is now about life or death. Our children are dying from lack of basic health care. Kids wasting away at home from a toothache while the crowds chant, “let him die!”. People can no longer “afford” to be peasants doing the mindless bidding of the “job creators” and the “elected”. Our morale hasn’t improved despite the continued beatings.
This admin. doesn’t stand with me and my family. He’s done a few good things but he’s backstabbed our family on many key issues. But it’s his deafening silence that angers and disappoints me the most.
I will never vote Republican or Libertarian. I’d rather be burned at the stake instead. But I will damn sure require that the nest POTUS I vote for doesn’t throw me and mine to the pigs.
Occupy Wall Street is no longer blacked out. We can sit on the sidelines, we can critique them and armchair bloggerback them, but one has to admit… it’s not going away and it should only grow more and more.
Solidarity! It has meaning again.