Regardless of what ultimately comes out of the Senate with respect to a non-binding resolution on the escalation on Iraq, or on Iraq in general, the republicans have handed the Democrats a gift in what can be called the smallest of consolations in the illegal occupation of Iraq.
And regardless of whether American voters wanted change or wanted bi-partisanship (as many of the republicans who refuse to accept the reality of an ass-whooping like to say), the bi-partisanship that Americans wanted was “Iraq Study Group”-style. Certainly NOT more of the same tired failed policies in Iraq with a shiny new label.
So, with the vote in the Senate yesterday to block the debate on two specific proposals on Iraq – it doesn’t matter how the republicans are spinning this vote. They have been branded as “blocking debate on troop increases”. And with this, they are now saddled with the impression that they are once again banding together to put party over country – to deny the American public what they wanted when they voted overwhelmingly in November, and at a time when poll after poll indicates that an exit strategy from Iraq is what is wanted more than anything else.
We know that first impressions are very difficult to overcome – witness the “flip flop” meme, even though this was nonsense. But if you take a look at the roundup from today’s major newspapers, it doesn’t look too good for the republicans.
LA Times: GOP bats down resolution debate. The most serious congressional challenge to President Bush’s Iraq war strategy stalled Monday when Senate Republicans blocked consideration of a resolution criticizing his plan to boost troop levels.
That was the first paragraph. What about the Washington Post?
GOP Stalls Debate on Troop Increase. A long-awaited Senate showdown on the war in Iraq was shut down before it even started yesterday, when nearly all Republicans voted to stop the Senate from considering a resolution opposing President Bush’s plan to send 21,500 additional combat troops into battle.
That isn’t going to play well with the roughly 60% who are against the escalation. And the WaPo story was on Page A1.
As for the NY Times:
GOP Senators Block Debate on Iraq Policy. Republicans on Monday blocked Senate debate on a bipartisan resolution opposing President Bush’s troop buildup in Iraq, leaving in doubt whether the Senate would render a judgment on what lawmakers of both parties described as the paramount issue of the day.
But it doesn’t stop there. Every business traveler and vacationing American will find the following in their USA Today outside their hotel door when they wake up:
Vote on Iraq is blocked by GOP. Republicans blocked the Senate from delivering a politically embarrassing rebuke of President Bush’s Iraq policy Monday in a maneuver that could have implications for the conduct of the war and for next year’s elections.
Even in places like Kentucky and Utah, the headlines or opening paragraph of the stories talk of republicans blocking a vote and debate on Iraq.
I may be mistaken here, but it would seem to me that this is something that Americans won’t soon forget. If there is to be any meaningful legislation, then it will be “despite republican efforts to block it”. If there is not anything meaningful, or if there is further bickering, it will now fall under the cloud of “GOP in favor of ‘more of the same’ in Iraq”. Any republicans up for reelection in 2008 now are saddled with more than just the “rubber stamp” of the prior 6 years. They now will have the “supporting party over country in blocking change of direction in Iraq”.
Of course, I hope that any efforts and actions taken will not result in additional death and can help bring some form of stability long enough to get our troops redeployed safely. However, with the details of the events unfolding and military leaders inclucing the Joint Chiefs of Staff indicating that they are not only against this escalation, but even if there was to be an escalation it would need way way way more than 25,000 troops I am not hopeful.
In that case, I unfortunately can not think that things will turn around for the better over the next two years. In that case, an even more pissed off public will resent the fact that even the Democratic efforts that we here deem to fall way short of meaningful were being blocked by republicans will come back to haunt them and bite them in the ass. And any thoughts or dreams by the republicans to make the Iraq debacle a “Democratic” or even a “bi-partisan” responsibility have taken a serious body blow with their actions yesterday.
But hey, if there is a small silver lining in this horrific cloud of blood and violence, it is the fact that the republicans took a giant step yesterday towards making themselves a minority party for many more years.
also in orange
Recommended over there.
I’m glad the Repubs are making their partisanship over the people position clear to all, but how do we get past this impasse? Does congress have to cut war funding to bring the debate into the open?
I’m not sure of the exact strategy here. Reid had to know where this was going…they’d never have the 60 votes for cloture. So what to do now?
good question. They are going to need to do something – Americans want it. But if the republicans keep stalling or blocking it, then eventually something will have to give, and it will be the “r’s” that look real bad.
Not that any of this gets us out any sooner….
Maybe, just maybe, those headlines will bring the American public to see precisely who is in charge of this war. And maybe, just maybe, the Dems will see an opportunity to capitalize on the headlines and start making headlines of their own.
Thanks, clammyc, for these bits of good news today.
What makes you think this isn’t what Reid wanted? What makes you think that he and the Dems won’t go along with EXPANDING the war into Iran (esp. considering their loud sabre-rattling lately)?
They did nothing for YEARS, whining about being in the minority. They ran (and fundraised!) by promising to do something. Yet here we are, they’re barely there a month, and the Republicans continue to kick their asses. However, as they RAN against the war, they will have the war hung around their necks, because they don’t fight hard and loud to differentiate themselves from the Republicans. People will come away from this week, and the months to come, knowing that the Donks offered up bills that were little different from the Republicans, that they moved those bills right to appease the obstructionist Reps and that the Republicans were able to block them anyway.
Mark my words, the Republicans will run against Bush, and they’ll run against this war. It will likely be a serious, scary theofascist like Brownback who buries pro-war McCain & Guiliani, and they will run saying “The Democrat Party promised you they’d stop the war, and they did nothing. Vote for us, and we WILL stop the war.” Offering nothing different, Hillary/Obama/Edwards will be Kerry/Edwards all over again, with them parading around in front of flags and uniforms promising to be “tough” and “strong”, yet not tough enough to practice basic politics.
They don’t represent you, with a few notable exceptions. They need to be abandoned and replaced. The left needs to withdraw support, and convince the few elected officials with integrity and our values to step away from the party. It’s time for the Democratic Party to die so that space in the debate will open up for a real left. Quit voting for them, quit donating to them, quit giving them the benefit of the doubt. If you want the war to end, if you want corporate hegemony to end, if you want TRUE universal healthcare and not some insurance industry suckup like Edwards and Hillary propose, then you need to abandon the Democrats, because they care only about Republicans and Republican voters. They want Webb, not Feingold. Militarism, not humanism. They are your enemy as surely as the Republicans are.
can I mark you down as predicting a President Brownback then?
I’ll put it in the same shoebox as your landslide Santorum prediction.
we’ll see … as we’ll also see that Casey is little different from Santorum.
we Brownback supporters need all the help we can get, but we never expected that you would see our strengths so early.
I was pleasantly surprised by Casey’s morning after pill vote. That’s a difference from Ricky that I didn’t expect.
I’ll actually predict that he’ll be the (losing) Republican candidate. They are scrambling. McCain has bought himself AK-47s for the fistfight, but his stand on the war will put him out of the ring. Guiliani? Not in this world. You can’t get the far-rights to vote for gay rights. (Hey, We aren’t the ones who hammered how important that issue was for the past eight years, they are.)
Given who shows up for the primaries, and that they begin in Iowa and South Carolina, I’d bet on Brownback to win, then lose.
or Huckabee.
Listening to the comments on the Senate floor yesterday, I was struck by how the war seems to mean something different to a lot of the Senators. It is not about the dying, the suffering, the loss of prestige, the increased threats to our nation. It was about the size of their gentials, about who could prevail. Dammit, it was about them! They just don’t get it or they just don’t care.
Will end the war in two years? By my calculations (with a surge and urban warfare) that’s 2000 more of our kids killed, 20,000 more paraplegics and amputees. I can’t even begin to estimate the Iraquis lost in the next two years.
Come on now! We lost a dozen of our youth while they monkeyed around with procedural voting. These are human lives, Senators…where is your shame?
Hillary’s comments reek of opportunism and bullshit to me.
“End it when I take office so I don’t have to deal with it.”
Um, why not use your power in the Senate and a strong voice to end it NOW?
Yeah her saying if president she’d stop the war may have sounded like a good soundbite to her at first-tough talk, but if people think about it for a minute they’ll be asking the same thing as I am…you’re a powerful Senator why aren’t you talking tough now and doing something in the not 2 years from now. I think she jumped the shark with that moronic statement, at least I hope so.
I went to bed totally disgusted with the hypocracy of people like Smith, Hagel, Brownback/Collins…and got up feeling very positive. They’ve bought it; it’s theirs forever.
Today’s the day that Move On and others should be running ads with little clips of those senators declaring themselves against the war, and then a “crawl” saying “Senator (Smith/Hagel/Brownback/Collins) voted to prevent discussion of the war on Monday.” Now! While it’s still fresh in people’s minds. Hammer it home and wrap it up in newspaper to drop on their front porch.
Sounds like a plan.
Thanks Clammyc! It is indeed going to come back and bite them in the ass. After all, they have been hell bent on being wrong at all levels as of late and show no signs of stopping anytime soon. They wish to salvage what is left of the party and most will throw themselves on the grenade that is Iraq to save it. The funny part is that the political grenade they see and are willing to throw themselves on is really an IED. I hope it takes all their political careers down. The bastards deserve all the grief and damage they receive in return for this.
So now that the dems are in power, what do we have-the rethugs still are running things. This is beyond embarrassing.
It may be that this is an albatross for the rethugs but I’m sure other people in the general public might be wondering why with the dems crowing after the elections about being in power why are they still being one upped by the repugnants. It doesn’t do a damn bit of good to have the power if they are too afraid to use it.