Oh, the things you can learn by surfing the internet. For example, did you know that teaching your children about Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny will scar them for life, likely turn them into murderers who hate Jesus and when they are rightly executed for their crimes they’ll go straight to hell?
Well, you do now.
Which is why the Pasco County School System in Florida Schools did the right thing by firing a substitute teacher for improper use of magic.
Substitute teacher Jim Piculas does a 30-second magic trick where a toothpick disappears then reappears.
But after performing it in front of a classroom at Rushe Middle School in Land ‘O Lakes, Piculas said his job did a disappearing act of its own.
“I get a call the middle of the day from the supervisor of substitute teachers. He says, ‘Jim, we have a huge issue. You can’t take any more assignments. You need to come in right away,'” he said.
When Piculas went in, he learned his little magic trick cast a spell that went much farther than he’d hoped.
“I said, ‘Well Pat, can you explain this to me?’ ‘You’ve been accused of wizardry,’ [he said]. Wizardry?” he asked.
This is the clearly right decision. Piculas should not only be fired, he ought to be burned at the stake for his Satanic ways. Because if belief in Santa Claus is a one way ticket to hell for your child, imagine what watching a magic trick performed by a substitute teacher will do for his or her eternal soul? Naturally, a few evolutionist, atheistic, liberal fascist scientists are defending Wizard Piculas for making a toothpick disappear before the eyes of poor innocent school children, but who in their right, God fearing, mind would ever listen to what they have to say?
He who shall (not) be fired deserves our unfettered support.
Right… making toothpicks disappear is clearly satanic. After all, if you made off with enough toothpicks, you might be able to create Magic Missiles or even build your own broomstick, and you can just imagine where THAT kind of stuff can lead….
In Iraq, they somehow managed to make millions of dollars in cash disappear. Now that’s what I call true wizardry…. especially since they seemed unable to explain how the trick was done. It’s a mystery….
the stupid burns.
“wizardry”. What a bunch of fucking thickwits.
floridians do seem a bit daft…must be something in the water that makes them so testy.
They did vote for Hillary. Proves they’re crazy.
I suspect it has something to do with living in a state that looks like a flacid penis.
And the wingers think Rev Wright is wacky???
Bureaucrats are bureaucrats. The mentality exists in government as well as our school systems. Bureaucrats beget bureaucrats which makes it all a vicous cycle in which the mentality reigns over our lives. The forces supporting the status quo are inexorable.
Bureaucrats are bureaucrats. The mentality exists in government as well as our school systems. Bureaucrats beget bureaucrats which makes it all a vicous cycle in which the mentality reigns over our lives. The forces supporting the status quo are inexorable.
Too bad for the Pasco County School System that…
It isn’t just bureaucrats or nit-wits versus common sense. It is a matter of religious belief versus knowledge.
If you believe that the toothpick disappeared and then discovered that it was a trick… THEN believing that somebody in a book turned water into wine or raised the dead could also be called into question. What if it is all tricks and lies? Once the questions start, the assault upon delusion begins. Absolute authority (because I SAID SO) rests on very shaky ground, so authoritarians must firmly repel any questionable matters.
After all, if a parent (the most trusted authority) would lie about tooth-fairies, then why wouldn’t they lie about angels? If a parent would lie, with nothing at stake, then a preacher or pope who is out there gathering money and power would certainly lie and embellish those lies.
The Bible is full of stories about men turning sticks into snakes, water into blood or wine, making rocks weep, and other such visual tricks. Stories.
Ignorant and fearful people in the swampland of Florida and marble halls of Washington cling desperately to the reality of those stories.
In my youth I performed miracles on a regular basis. For example, I was well known for my trick of turning beer into urine. Not that there was all that much difference in the taste, considering the quality of the beer I used to drink.
There is a psychogenic mushroom amanatia muscaria, which becomes stronger when it is filtered through the human kidneys. Thus, you ingest it, piss it out saving the contents, and drink it again. Voila, the drink gets stronger, the party gets better and everyone wants to screw. Or so I have been told.
Just thought you might want to know, Steven.
You can never have enough close friends.
Be careful of this mushroom. Its look-alike cousin is very lethal. Best leave them both alone.
Ignod = Dongi backwards
I never got invited to those sorts of parties :-(.
You’re not missing anything. 😉
This could be a windfall for the teacher, not to mention give a wake up call to these folks.
Oh, that’s right. It’s Florida. Nevermind.
If it were New York, where the AFT prevails, it would be a different story, indeed. As a former Grievance Chairman and Chief Negotiator, I speak with some expertise. We call this type of case a “winner.”
Always, you try the winners and negotiate the losers.
As you pointed out, that poor guy is in Florida, land of stolen elections and right winged school board members. He doesn’t have a chance and for what? For performing a common parlor trick. Is there any hope at all for this state. Not much.
In heaven there are no right-to-work laws.
Where a person loses their job just because they change genders, no matter that they were qualified for it before.
Why is this dimwit a supervisor, anyways? He calls the guy in to ask him to explain wizardry? I would just take him aside and tell him to not do any more of those things – that there are crazy people out there who are batshit crazy who misinterpret things.
In Norwich CT they arrested a substitute because of some students using the computer to download porn. The sub had no idea what was going on …there was only one computer in the class and probably wasn’t really paying much attention..
they tried to jail the sub but finally it got resolved without jail time. Who would want such a life?
I sooooo agree. The Media has seemed to think, and the meme probably started with politicians schluffing off their responsibilities for screwing up public education by blaming teachers for every little problem in the classroom and out.
Teachers are not babysitters or playground monitors. Parents are.
Apparently the kid was “traumatized“.
What can you say about America’s religious spectrum? Officially there’s no Ministry of Religion, no Cabinet seat called the Department of Christianity, but….
Administration Yields on Wiccan Symbol: Pentacle to Be Permitted on Tombstones in U.S. Military Burial Grounds
An American Tragedy: Pat Tillman’s Uncertain Death
Damn, it was only an “illusion” !!!! No different than a card trick.
But then he did do a really scary thing.
(I got better,though…….)