Whatchoo gonna do

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When they come for you?

Into The Woods posted a wonderful diary today (Sat., 10/29) called Thoughts on November 8 – What Are You Prepared to Do?. In it, (s)he asked:

If this election is stolen, what are you prepared to do?

If control of our government is usurped by those that have no true belief in constitutional democracy, what are you prepared to do?

Will you be ready, willing and able to join a general strike by Monday, November 13?

This got me to thinking.

There is a general feeling of dread in the blogleft air as we await the seemingly inevitable attempt at inventing yet another new reality that will be made by BushCo before November 7th.

Will it be an Iranian surprise?

A terror surprise?

A vote theft surprise?

Some terrible cocktail of all three simultaneously this time?

Will they pull the dead rabbit out of the hat one more time, as they have so MANY times just as we thought that we had them dead to rights?

I am sure that they will try, and if they DO succeed and then look at us in that wonderful bully-faced way they have and say “Whatchoo gonna DO about it, motherfucker?”

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What ARE we going to do?

THIS time.

Take it lying down? As usual?

Hit the streets and get mopped up like the children we are in the face of unthinking cops and brutally efficient armor? (This ain’t Fallujah, y’know. It’s Peoria. Kalamazoo. And points north south east and west. The REAL demilitarized zone. Even the good ol’ boys ain’t got the firepower to deal with Swat Central. In fact, most of the good ol’ boys are either so old they can’t see to use their weapons or they are a PART of Swat Central. The ghetto boys? Homeboy Security? Not yet, baby. Not yet. Too stoned, too greedy and no ideology worth risking death to uphold.)

Continue with our obsessive complaining on the blogs while we work inside the very Borg machine  to which our impotence has sentenced us? Until a stronger force from outside quite literally blows America off of the map? (It’s coming, kiddies. The storm’s a’forming as we speak in ALL areas of the Third World. Bet on it. They have met the enemy, and it is US.)

No viable alternatives?

I disagree.


Our most effective tactic, given the circumstances.

Bet on it.

Slow but sure.

STARVE the motherfuckers out.

Read on for more.

“What are you ptrepared to do?”

I am prepared.

Peepared to do exactly the same thing that I have been doing in a progressively stronger and stronger manner ever since the assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK and Malcolm X.

This has been a mean 50 years. The forces of…and let’s not pull punches here, OK?…the literal forces of evil have taken over this country.

And I have said in every way available to me short of total self-destruction, “Get thee behind me.”

We CANNOT beat this system in the streets, although there will most certainly be some sort of armed resistance arise should a real, identifiable coup occur.

But we CAN beat it by denying it the very sustenance upon which it feeds.

Our work, our money and our attention.


If the DemRats do manage to take over and (inevitably, in my own view) try to continue the same sleight of mind game under different cover…DENY THEM YOUR COOPERATION ON ANY BUT THE MOST BASIC, NEED-TO-SURVIVE LEVELS.

General strike?

Ain’t gonna happen.

Not hard enough, for SURE.

No left-wing party structure to organize it.

No left-wing media structure to encourage it.

This ain’t Italy or France, y’know.

It’s Mediamerica.

CORPORATE Mediamerica.

It is the Corps against which a general strike would be called.

That would be bad for business. REALLY bad, so you would not hear much positive about it on ANY network.

Including MSNBC.

Bet on it.

General strikes are unamerican and all, don’tcha know.

But if the brains of this country…and that’s who is populating these blogs, for better or for worse, the brains of this country…if the brains of this country stepped away from the corporate vehicle in every way that they possibly could, the country itself would literally fail within 5 years.

Reject the media. Turn the shit off, off, OFF!!!

Reject the money machine. The usury machine. The corporate machine. The educational machine. The hype machine. The healthcare machine. The insurance machine. In every way possible.

If we (WHOEVER the hell “we” are…the ones who  have realized just what is going down here, for starters, who have spent relatively long periods of time trying to figure out just what the fuck to do about it, have generally failed, have generally shrugged our shoulders and said “Well, I guess that’s just the way the world is.”)…if WE managed to deny the Great Corp Machine 10% or 15% or 20% or 80% of the fruits of our labors, it would fold like the house of cards it really is.

WE have been the glue holding it together. In fact, we have been THE CARDS THEMSELVES.

Deal yourselves out.

Play you own damned cards.

Make revolution on a personal scale.

Don’t be afraid.

You be bettah off.

Come and join me outside.

It’s NICE out here.

Come play, and let all the drudges worry themselves into failure.

Bye now.

Gotta go work outside the system. (Wages are steady if you know what you are doing…but short. Steady but short. Sufficient however, if you are not greedy.)

40+ years and counting.



Like that.

Now, don’t you feel…better?
