In 1930, Harry Anslinger became the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics. In the current Politico Magazine, Johann Hari has a feature on his effort to ruin Billie Holiday and the whole Jazz community. Mr. Anslinger was a bad man.
Jazz was the opposite of everything Harry Anslinger believed in. It is improvised, relaxed, free-form. It follows its own rhythm. Worst of all, it is a mongrel music made up of European, Caribbean and African echoes, all mating on American shores. To Anslinger, this was musical anarchy and evidence of a recurrence of the primitive impulses that lurk in black people, waiting to emerge. “It sounded,” his internal memos said, “like the jungles in the dead of night.” Another memo warned that “unbelievably ancient indecent rites of the East Indies are resurrected” in this black man’s music. The lives of the jazzmen, he said, “reek of filth.”
His agents reported back to him that “many among the jazzmen think they are playing magnificently when under the influence of marihuana but they are actually becoming hopelessly confused and playing horribly.”
The Bureau believed that marijuana slowed down your perception of time dramatically, and this was why jazz music sounded so freakish—the musicians were literally living at a different, inhuman rhythm. “Music hath charms,” their memos say, “but not this music.” Indeed, Anslinger took jazz as yet more proof that marijuana drives people insane. For example, the song “That Funny Reefer Man” contains the line “Any time he gets a notion, he can walk across the ocean.” Anslinger’s agents warned that’s exactly what drug users were like: “He does think that.”
Anslinger looked out over a scene filled with rebels like Charlie Parker, Louis Armstrong and Thelonious Monk, and—as the journalist Larry Sloman recorded—he longed to see them all behind bars. He wrote to all the agents he had sent to follow them and instructed: “Please prepare all cases in your jurisdiction involving musicians in violation of the marijuana laws. We will have a great national round-up arrest of all such persons on a single day. I will let you know what day.” His advice on drug raids to his men was always simple: “Shoot first.”
This next bit will appall you, but it hopefully will not surprise you.
One night, in 1939, Billie Holiday stood on stage in New York City and sang a song that was unlike anything anyone had heard before. ‘Strange Fruit’ was a musical lament against lynching. It imagined black bodies hanging from trees as a dark fruit native to the South. Here was a black woman, before a mixed audience, grieving for the racist murders in the United States. Immediately after, Billie Holiday received her first threat from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics.
There’s always someone willing to do the dirty work.
Harry had heard whispers that she was using heroin, and—after she flatly refused to be silent about racism—he assigned an agent named Jimmy Fletcher to track her every move. Harry hated to hire black agents, but if he sent white guys into Harlem and Baltimore, they stood out straight away. Jimmy Fletcher was the answer. His job was to bust his own people, but Anslinger was insistent that no black man in his Bureau could ever become a white man’s boss. Jimmy was allowed through the door at the Bureau, but never up the stairs. He was and would remain an “archive man”—a street agent whose job was to figure out who was selling, who was supplying and who should be busted. He would carry large amounts of drugs with him, and he was allowed to deal drugs himself so he could gain the confidence of the people he was secretly plotting to arrest.
Many agents in this position would shoot heroin with their clients, to “prove” they weren’t cops. We don’t know whether Jimmy joined in, but we do know he had no pity for addicts: “I never knew a victim,” he said. “You victimize yourself by becoming a junkie.”
Here’s Billie Holiday’s obituary in the New York Times from July 18, 1959.
Here’s a version of Strange Fruit.
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
I’ve definitely gotta get my hands on his new book.
Guess we shouldn’t overlook the WaPo report: FBI files tell how addicted agent was able to get the drugs
If the FBI could or were willing to really look, wonder how much more heroin and cocaine has gone missing over the years. And not just for the personal use of agents but as a revenue source for some.
Making drugs illegal is often tied to racism. Have a minority group that uses a particular drug and want to create criminals where there weren’t criminals before?
Just fucking outlaw it. Boom, go arrest ’em.
Cannabis was outlawed because blacks and hispanics were the targets. Outlaw it, and now you can go give ’em shit whenever you want. Because drugs = crime when you’re able to write the laws.
It’s also why every cannabis user and cannabis supporters are so adamant about ending the prohibition against cannabis (and I believe all drugs, every single one of them, should be legal).
There is literally no reason that cannabis should be illegal. Besides being safe with literally no LD50 value that makes sense, it is medicine. And hemp fibers can be used for paper and wood products rather than trees that scrub carbon and pollution.
Ad nauseum.
Anslinger was just one more fucking scumbag who never should have been within a galaxy of a lever of power. Of course today, Anslingers are a dime-a-dozen, since our whole culture is about power/profit.
Create fear, create laws, control people, control power, cash your check.
Earlier west coast, state prohibitions were aimed at Mexicans. At the federal level it was ramped up within several laws as it became apparent that the prohibition on alcohol was going to have to go. Whatever would the new and increasingly larger and more powerful FBI do without the 18th Amendment? Make work for an agency.
Just as the CIA was turned into make work for all those surplus white male liberal arts college graduates.
Not the first time that FBI agents made idiosyncratic artistic judgments in order to validate the Bureau’s enforcement of criminal laws. At least in other cases, they were trying to interpret laws which claimed to define what is and is not “obscene”, often a dubious thing to ask of an officer.
But in this case, black people made music that got Anslinger’s dick hard, so they had to be put in jail to defend his moral conflicts. I just read the story; thanks for linking it, Boo. What evil treatment Holliday received. And even with this on top of all her other troubles, Billie’s note to the agent who put her in for her longest jail term is amazingly mature and full of proper perspective.
Tonight, Oprah aired a program that showcased and celebrated, the Legends That Paved the Way as part of her monthlong Selma at 50 programming.
If you missed it, I hope you catch it.
Oprah Winfrey presents: Legends Who Paved The Way
Also too, OWN is rebroadcasting a number of their Selma 50 programs today and tomorrow
I don’t get it. I can’t even imagine jazz music as being particularly offensive or subversive. He’s not even just talking about lyrics. Its like the 18th century music’s banned in Europe for bringing on weird moods. I simply cannot get it.
well, it was supposed to be subversive.
It was anti-sex repression. Jazz released “the beast” within. A mix of extreme Christianity and political manipulation. Think of 1984 and the Junior Anti-Sex League.
That is the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard. People are insane.
A bit of MLK last speeches you may not have heard! A snippet…not quite the “I Have A Dream” MLK most white people are comfortable with
MLK on Economic Justice
Here in Asia, moving amongst the various expat communities, I occasionally run into the ghosts of Harry Anslinger. These “ghosts” as I call them are generally from rural conservative high schools in places like Oklahomophobia that don’t seem to offer any sort of drug awareness education in their health classes. These creeps refer to getting high derisively, as “smoking drugs.” As soon as I hear that nails on the chalkboard, cringe worthy, reference to smoking pot, I know I’m in the company of someone whose parents were most likely John Birchers, and from families where the social/cultural revolution of the 60’s and 70’s never took place. Interestingly enough, these same ghosts are often the most belligerent abusers of alcohol which they don’t consider a drug, because of its dominance as America’s acceptable liquid drug of choice.
That song still chills me to the bone.
The same as when I first heard it, back in the early 70’s at a black friends parent’s house.
We started off listening to “race records” of comedians like Redd Foxx.
Then, he played some Monk and Coltrane, and he finished off with Billie Holiday’s signature song.
I was crying like a baby a few lines in.