Okay, this ad is pretty comical. I love how it promotes smoking.
If Herman Cain didn’t have a long history of being a conservative, I’d begin to suspect that he’s just pulling the GOP’s chain. One thing is for sure; he’s not taking this race seriously. And, yet, he has an 8-10 point advantage in the Iowa polls; he’s in second place in New Hampshire; he’s up by ten points in South Carolina, and he’s tied with Romney nationally.
And he’s done this without really even trying.
And he’s done this without really even trying.
Exactly!! Someone said last week that he has like no staff in Iowa. In fact, I think we all thought he was just another grifter a la Newt. Will he get serious now?
Not if this ad is any indication.
I’m still thinking that the wingers believe that if they wanna get rid of this black man in office, they’ll have to send a winger black man to do the job.
Thus, they’ll rid themselves of the stink of racism in their ranks if Cain succeeds. And like you said, if Cain begins to take himself seriously. Then again, we may be lowballing the public’s ability to be taken once more. Remember Dubya pulled that good ole boy shyt in 2000…
This haggard-looking a-hole may be thumbing his nose at the anti-smoking (and supposedly limousine liberal) movement by taking a puff, but I’m sure he’s also sending a message to the minions about how okay Cain really is. And that’s what I don’t like.
The power behind the throne thing scares me, too. Todd Palin, anyone?
oh, it’s not that hard, really.
just tell republicans what they wanna hear. that’s all.
although that does require a phd in wingnuttia and a talent for limbo dancing …
This is really a Herman Cain commercial. Really.
You know who these commercials remind me of? Mike Gravel.
Better than Demon Sheep! But what kind of dogwhistle is yellow flowers?
That may be the most amazing piece of cynical, pandering performance art I’ve ever seen out of a campaign.
I don’t even know where to begin.
Was there an implication that the two of them just got done having sex?
well, now.
I hadn’t thought of that.
You are assuming that the selling of the president can ACTUALLY be more complicated than the selling of pizza.
Well, maybe it is or maybe it isn’t but you can make a lot of money selling the president to people who buy pizza.
What I find interesting is the cigarette smoking shot is obviously so deliberate. The Jim Beam hangover on his face too. It smacks of life sucks and you gotta do some sucky things to deal with. it.
Yeah, well life does have a lot of suck in it. Self destruction can be a rational response. Or not. Expecting the rest of us to join in I pretty much think not
Did anyone else see Rachel last night? Cain is essentially a sock puppet for the Koch Brothers’ astroturf machine. He has no visible campaign infrastructure in Iowa or New Hampshire or anywhere else. Mark Block, the guy in the video, is Wisconsin state director for Americans for Prosperity. Everybody who is anybody in Cain’s campaign is directly or indirectly connected to AFP.
He has no visible campaign apparatus anywhere. All he has is a national astroturf machine backed by unlimited money. Yet he is ahead or tied with Romney everywhere that matters going into the Republican nominating carnival. This is Citizens United incarnate. If it doesn’t worry you, then you haven’t been paying attention.
he’s grifting, trying to become Fox’s new A-B-C.
he is NOT serious, though he is a bought and paid for Koch Brothers stooge.
I remember thinking in the 2008 election what a joke the field of Republican presidential candidates was. There were only two people running who were both viable and who I felt weren’t a joke: John McCain and Mitt Romney, and neither one was impressive to say the least. Meanwhile, while there was fierce fighting on the Democratic side, I felt in the end I could have supported any of the three front runners without reservation if they won.
And now the Republican field is even weaker than then. Now there’s only one plausible candidate, and the runner ups are even more unbelievable.
Cain’s about as serious as Trump was and yes Palin; playin a joke on America and raking in the cash for their own show/books/coffers. Ad does everything but bold print “Gotcha!” as a subtitle.
(Emphasis mine.) Good observation. Didn’t take ’em long to figure out how to base an entire Presidential campaign on CU funding, did it? Could it turn out that Citizens United will make the Republican Party irrelevant?
What motivates people to support Herman Cain, anyway? A lot of self-described conservatives just want to piss off liberals. Perhaps the Tea Partiers who support Cain just want to piss off “RINOs”?
Jon Stewart in one of his best segments ever caught by Paddy from last night
Definitely a performance artist. “Mark Block” is clearly an homage to the great French historian Marc Bloch, murdered by the Nazis in 1944. The cigarette is a subtle reference to French Resistance’s cool under fire, . . .
To me it seems the problem is rather that the GOP has made it extremely hard on itself. After GW’s disgrace and the permanent minority cult of the Tea Party, disdaining the very notion of federal government, what possible national platform could a candidate claim for himself? The constituency of republican primary voters seems helplessly divided by ideological jeremiads and the fantasy worlds of various factions. Policy wise if it’s not a tax they can cut, a budget they can cut (or pretend to in many national cases), a civil right they can abridge, a transnational conglomerate they can coddle, or a foreign location they can bombard, they don’t know what to do with it. There’s nothing there.
That really reminds me of this ad:
And the inevitable parody of the ad.
What a classic. Blows Mike Gravel, “Demon Sheep,” and all the others away.