I wanted to write something outside the context of the protest I am organizing, to address a larger issue.  I don’t think it is all that complicated, though the ideas I’ll discuss have had a huge impact on me personally.  But my larger proposal is simple enough that I think I can say it succinctly.

First, on a personal level, I’m feeling very moved by my continuing education in the theory and practice of non-violent conflict.  I made it through almost 39 years of life, and 20 years of formal education, and I learned almost nothing about this concept.  But within a year, I’ve learned enough so that I believe it is an extraordinarily powerful idea.  One capable of re-shaping our world.  The idea, at its essence, is very simple.  It is an understanding that governments govern, and oppressors oppress, only with the consent of the people.  To the extent people can organize and direct their action, no government or oppressive force can continue in ways fundamentally opposed to the human will.  And this resistance is most effective, when it is done in the absence of violence.  Resistance by arms results in tyranny.  Unjust means result in unjust ends.  There is much detail to be learned by those who have harnessed the power of this idea in the past.  But that is the fundamental concept.

Second, this idea does not rest easy with average Americans.  To be sure, it has been harnessed here.  Most famously in the civil rights protests of the ’60s.  But many in this war-like culture, even those who label themselves in the more liberal or permissive  wings of the political spectrum, do not understand non-violent conflict as a means of seeking change.  We are well versed in actual conflict.  Be it wars.  Or simply fighting to get our way.  And with the rigid beliefs by most that change will come through the orderly process at the ballot-box.  When in fact, our largest problems go unanswered, and often unaddressed by both of the major political parties who share power.
Third, this is a time of great need in our nation’s history.

Our country has waged a war that is recognized by most of the world as a violation of international law.  This war was prosecuted by our executive, rubber-stamped by our legislature, and affirmed with democratic elections.  The War in Iraq is the policy of our nation, unless the majority who oppose the war and occupation take action to end it.

Our country is now beginning to wage a second war that will be recognized by most of the world as a violation of international law.  There are reports today that we are supporting a known terrorist group that is operating inside Iran (an act of war).  We have flown surveillance planes over Iran in anticipation of bombing.  It has been reported that our government is actively planning bombing, and that first-strike nuclear weapons are being considered seriously as an option.  We are a rogue nation.  We have elected a mad man.  Our elected officials are doing nothing to oversee his conduct, or to prevent him from another disastrous war.

Fourth, through our mass media, there has already been enough hype so that the people of our nation feel threatened by Iran.  A Los Angeles Times poll today indicated that Americans now favor bombing of Iran by at 48% to a 40% margin.

Fifth, though an election is scheduled in seven months, and there is some hope that a different party might rise to power in the Congress, the new party has not firmly embraced an opposition to the impending war with Iran.

Sixth, it is incumbent on those of us with an understanding of this situation, to act to avoid another illegal war.

Seventh, given adequate leadership and organization, Americans opposed to another illegal war can use the tools of non-violent conflict to stop a war in Iran.  And to end the war in Iraq.  Even outside the political context, the significant proportion of the American public who understand that we are on a perilous and illegal course, can take decisive action to end these threats.  These actions require the use of disciplined non-violent conflict on a massive scale.  The methods available are numerous (e.g., a general national strike, a sustained consumer boycott, massive mobilizations of peaceful gatherings around government buildings.)

Eight, we here on this blog carry a significant responsibility to our country.  We are more informed about the threats our country’s current government poses to world stability than those Americans educated by the mass media.  We are also participants in a flexible and dynamic mode of communication:  the blogoshpere.  From this platform, we have the ability to organize.  We have the knowledge of the wrong.  We have the tools at our disposal to mount an effective opposition.  To sit by and fail to act is a grave omission of duty.

My plan is simple:  1)  We organize a committee to define goals to stop the war in Iran and Iraq, 2) the committee reports the findings here on this blog, 3)    the committee includes in its report a plan for a non-violent campaign to be organized via the Internet, and implemented on the ground,  4)  we recruit a large contingent of bloggers to implement the plan.  We don’t stop until our government withdraws the troops from Iraq and publically abandons its plans for the use of military force in Iran.