Look, sometimes real life intervenes and I have to fulfill certain obligations that require me to be away from a computer for extended periods of time. If you’ve been around here over the last ten years, you know that this doesn’t happen very often, although I will be going on a very rare vacation beginning in the middle of next week.
In any case, I saw that there was a shooting in a black church down in Charleston, South Carolina, and then I did manage to see that they had identified the shooter, apprehended him, and begun to interview people who grew up with him and knew him.
I didn’t know much beyond these things until this morning, and I certainly didn’t know that people were already calling this some kind of false flag operation intended to further the cause of gun control. I suppose that is predictable, but it’s hard for me to anticipate just how low Sen. Lindsey Graham will go, despite my incredibly low opinion of his character. Appearing on The View, Senator Graham at first said a couple of things that struck me as fair and sensible:
Graham wanted to assure viewers that this act is not a “window into the soul” of South Carolina. “It’s not who we are, it’s not who our country is, it’s about this guy,” he said of the assailant, “and this guy’s got tons of problems and to kill people in a church after sitting with them for an hour shows you tells you how whacked out this kid is.”
Yeah, I know that South Carolina has a special kind of bad history with racial matters, having started the whole Civil War and everything, but we didn’t say that the tragedy in Newtown was a window into the soul of Connecticut or the movie theater shooting in Aurora was a window into the soul of Colorado. These shootings happen in many states and have many motives, and it’s pretty obvious that despite the clear racial motive of the South Carolina tragedy, it was the act of sick individual and not a reflection of some widespread character flaw in South Carolinians.
But Sen. Graham then went a little further, and what he said was simply inexcusable:
But despite the fact that the Justice Department has labeled the attack a “hate crime,” Graham was not willing to go that far. “There are real people who are organized out there to kill people in religion and based on race, this guy’s just whacked out,” he said. “But it’s 2015. There are people out there looking for Christians to kill them.”
Now, it’s nice that Graham was willing to acknowledge that the victims here were Christians because that strongly implies that they were human beings. But, even with as little as I’ve read about this story, I’ve already picked up on the fact that his roommate said he was “big into segregation” and wanted to start a race war, that he was into the white supremacy movement enough to think Rhodesia was a special place, that he had Confederate Flag vanity plates, and that eyewitness survivors of the attack said that he complained about black people raping white people.
Under the circumstances, I think it was safe to say that this was a hate crime, and also that it was a hate crime directed against black people for being black. So far, I haven’t seen anything to indicate that this was a hate crime against Christians for being Christian. And to suggest that that is what this was is to do two things. First, it denies the legitimacy of the trauma this causes all black people regardless of their religious beliefs. Second, it feeds the paranoia of white Christians, many of whom already have an unhealthy and borderline insane persecution complex.
In other words, it’s just a shitty thing to do.
This guy was mentally unstable, may have been suffering from opiate addiction, and clearly had anger issues. But someone had to feed him this crap about the great Apartheid regime in South Africa and the long lost white wonderland of Rhodesia. People fed him hate and paranoia which he then channelled through his sick mind into mass murder. We’ll always have sick people, but we don’t need to make them sicker. We don’t need to give them the fucked up ideas that they turn into action.
This guy turned his anger on black people. The next guy may turn his anger on so-called secularists because politicians like Lindsey Graham are saying that secularists are out to get Christians.
We should have leaders who tamp down paranoia. They should be tamping it down even in the black community right now, because it’s beginning to feel like it’s open season for black people in this country and this mass killing can too easily fit into that narrative. We have a problem with police violence against black people in this country, but this lunatic wasn’t a police officer and his actions were basically unrelated to the culture and training of police.
Yet, Lindsey Graham won’t even acknowledge this feeling, which is something you have to do first before you can help people settle down their fears a bit and keep things in perspective. Graham isn’t interested in settling down people’s fears. He never is.
He wants you to be afraid all the time, which is how he gets you to support his domestic policies and his foreign policy adventures.
He’s an awful person, and I wish everyone could see right through him. Unfortunately, he’s a very effective politician.
Lindsey Graham is a sniveling shit. It’s sickening that he is consistently re-elected and it speaks volumes about his constituents.
The killer seems to be made from the same mold so many hate killers are made from. Young white male, shunned by everyone, angry, and harboring feelings of resentment and hatred for a specific target. His own father gave him a gun for his birthday! His friend admitted that Roof had made many comments about blacks and expressed how he had a plan to kill them. He is a monster assembled and abetted by his friends and family.
And the NRA, and FOX and Lindsy Graham all gobsmacked that this sort of thing could happen! Well, the gun lobby assures us this was an isolated case and if those people in the Bible study class had guns, they could have stopped Roof. The pure insanity of that thinking leaves me stunned and sickened.
It’s heartbreaking that this country cannot set their guns aside. If a school filled with little dead children and a slaughtered Bible study group who welcomed a snake into their circle doesn’t move people toward change, nothing will.
Psychologically, people like Graham out of the nineteenth century. Walking/talking bundles of Defense Mechanisms. (No wonder they pine for the Antebellum south and the Gilded Age.)
Not surprising that Senator Huckleberry J Butchmeup* loves killing people of color in poor countries.
*Charles Pierce’s name for Lindsey Graham.
Only 672,941 people in South Carolina’s 4,625,364 people voted for Lindsey Graham in 2014. A total of 480,933 voted for unknown Democrat Brad Hutto. Thomas Ravenel, a candidate by petition, won 47,588 vote ahead of Libertarian Victor Kocher with 33,839. Graham carried the Upstate and the Coast, but lost the Midlands. So less than 14% of his constituents voted for him. That’s a political process problem, not an attitude problem.
You are going by total population, a number of whom can’t vote, i.e. underage.
Number of registered voters – 2,888,768 (2014)
Percent of potential voters registered – 75 (November 9, 2010 election)
Percent of registered voters who voted – 68.9 (2012 general election)
Percent of potential voters who voted – 38.3 (November 9, 2010 election)
So he really got the votes of 23% of the registered voters. If they voted like in 2010, 31% of the voters didn’t care at all who won.
Let me amend my posting by saying that “none of the above” won hands down. IMHO, “None of the above” should be a choice on every ballot. Then, maybe, the politicians will get it and realize that Congressmen rate lower in the public esteem than used car salesmen.
South Carolina is a classic one-party state. You vote for the one party (or try to upset in a primary), cast an ineffective protest vote, or vote with your feet for “none of the above”. Lindsey Graham lost to “none of the above” quite substantially if there are that many registered voters.
If the percent of potential voters registered in 75% in 2010 and not much higher in 2014, the number of potential voters is in the 3.8 million range. If the percentage of potential voters who voted is 38,3%, the potential mobilizable voters is 61.7%. That’s a lot of upside for someone who figures out how to register and motivate them.
And around 900,000 mobilizable registered voters.
In one-party states the political process close to dies and only the elites vote. It becomes their internecine fight, after all.
This is a case that I would agree calls for a massive get out the vote effort. I also still argue that you have to give people a reason to vote for you. “I’m not Lindsey Graham, but I would vote like him” doesn’t cut it.
Graham is only speaking to those 672,941 SC voters. He wants to win the SC GOP primary. The political process does not allow him morals.
Lucky for him, because he doesn’t have any.
I have a couple of issues with your take on Lindsey Graham, mostly in the direction that you were far too even-handed.
3, The culture of fear is how the GOP gets Americans to suspend their day-to-day reasonable judgement. That is why they’ve created an addictive media environment that is dedicating to pushing fear of one sort or another.
Also, leaving one individual alive specifically designated to tell of the event indicates something other than being whacked out.
Well, I read that he was recently arrested for possession of suboxone, which is something you would only want to have if you suffer from opiate withdrawal.
Of course, since it has a street value, you could also have it purely for the purpose of selling it to someone with an opiate problem, so it’s not absolutely guaranteed that he’s the addict.
It’s just highly likely.
Suboxone is prescribed to opiate addicts to give them relief from withdrawal symptoms so they won’t feel compelled to use, but it is used on the street to keep people from having to suffer between being able to score, or when they’re out of money, or for a really sub-rate opiate high.
It’s supposed to prevent you from getting high if you use, but it doesn’t really interfere with an addict’s ability to keep using. It just makes it a smoother ride.
With the correct medical supervision, it can help addicts kick, but, again, it has a street value for a reason.
If you have suboxone in your possession, the chances are extremely high that you’re badly addicted to opiates.
W. J. Hamilton, a Charleston attorney and transit activist describes the communities that Dylann Roof grew up in.
Daily Kos: Not a Great Day in South Carolina
What does suboxone do to judgement?
A report stated that Roof sat for an hour debating whether to “complete his mission.”
For me the strategic rationality of his act in assassinating punitively the state senator responsible for the law mandating body cams for all South Carolina law enforcement officers carries a lot of weight of rationality. It is on a par with the assassination of Medgar Evers. There is a toxic cultural brew in the suburbs that W. J. Hamilton describes, but I’m not sure it extends to a psychiatric defense.
Another interesting wrinkle. Law enforcement granted him the courtesy of a bulletproof vest for transport, and he and the murderer of Freddie Gray are in protective cells in the jail. It almost smells like professional courtesy. Although losing a prisoner to assassination might be a concern.
The #blacklivesmatter folks have pointed out that whatever the reasons, it is in practice a demonstration of white privilege.
I would have assumed they didn’t want the ignominy of having him shot while in police custody. Not that they usually have such sensibilities but this was obviously going to be a high profile police.
Why is he sick? I don’t understand the reflexive reach of that, I really don’t. Should we play “White Supremacist Shooter Bingo”?
Is it simply because in your mind “normal” people don’t do things like this? I reject the notion that this is “not who we are”. This is exactly who we are. The same was said about our torture regime, in fact John Oliver had a segment about it about it not being “who we are”. I just don’t agree. Maybe it’s reflexive because we won’t come face to face with it; white supremacist, patriarchal violence is our founding, our history, indeed, who we are. Many countries abroad associate the Confederate Flag not with the south, but with America. That should frighten anyone. That flag was raised during our initial occupation of Japan. It has flown in many of our imperial adventures abroad.
If it ever became a thing somewhere around the world during an Oktoberfest to raise swastika flags and the Reichskriegsflagge, it would make me panic. Somehow (gee I wonder how) this flag has been known as part of the U.S. culture and identity abroad. And that’s not who we are? Nonsense.
Shit when the asshole was arrested he was handed a bulletproof vest!
He was known to be armed. And he was arrested not only with little fanfare, but given protection by the law against what the police imagine hordes of black vigilantes who would want to shoot him.
That is racism. Right there. Full display. Who we are, indeed.
Like the constant violence and aggression abroad: they make us do it but we are really, really nice, peace loving, generous.
They really are legally required to protect people that they arrest. that’s why it’s called being in custody.
Tell that to the parents of Freddie Gray.
Some lives are more valuable than others.
And the CPD told me that handcuffs that cut into my wrists was what was called being in custody; look at Dylann Roof’s handcuffs.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. it just feels that way.
Freddie Gray’s rights were violated. Your rights were violated. If you are saying that they are not violating his because he is white and they agree with him, I do not dispute this. They should protect everyone they arrest, even mass murderers and terrorists. When I say that this person (I won’t say man) has rights that should be honored just like the rights of the Gitmo prisoners should be honored, I’m not saying any more than that the Constitution should be followed. If we don’t, we are no different than they.
You got my meaning. Don’t give him the royal treatment just because you don’t want the accountability of body cams. Obey the Constitution with everyone.
Sad but true. People who live in a country where mass shootings and race-based violence occur, say, once a century can claim “this is not who we are.”
We can’t.
Like Norway.
That symbol of state sponsored oppression the legislature put up seems a pretty clear “window into the soul” of South Carolina.
Window into the soul? More like “gushing sewerpipe OUT of the soul” of SC.
Or the souls of the legislators who locked it to the flagpole.
They have no souls.
It’s a creed as old as the bible …
Not surprising, the NRA lobby cares for the weapons of US citizens … Obama in Washington DC supplies our ‘friends’ across the world with arms, missiles and fighter aircraft. As the US is restless and domestic gun violence is part of American folklore and culture, these mass killings won’t be halted. Obama is clearly not a visionery, violence across the globe and Islamic terror has multiplied under his watch.
The murderer is NOT mentally ill.
He is a card carrying racist who did exactly what he wanted to do.
With malice and forethought.
Those people died because they were Black.
He can be both mentally ill, going through drug withdrawl, and a racist.
Legally, he is not mentally ill if he knew the nature of his act and knew that it was against the law. It’s a high bar, else surely Charles Manson and Richard Speck would have been in sanitariums not prisons.
The bar for an insanity defense is very high. Plenty of people that meet the clinical criteria for mental illness are convicted because they don’t meet the legal criteria for insanity.
And the way that bar is raised and lowered screams about the hypocrisy of “equal justice under the law”.
Don’t be surprised if there are racist funds for a high-powered lawyer to help those “poor victims, his parents” get their precious off.
There are probably funding sites collecting money right now.
According to the media, it was his encounter with Council of Conservative Citizens propaganda during the George Zimmerman trial that turned him into the racist he became, especially their shocking list of black-on-white crime.
There’s an organization that has been one or two hops from murders and bombings for 50 years (and now vets GOP members of Congress). The killings at Emmanuel A.M.E. Church give the FBI a probable cause to examine everyone one hop or two hops away from him as possible terrorists like him and to get a warrant to search their past communications with Roof. They seem to do it for Muslims even without probable cause. Notice the key word is “warrant” as in Title II court warrant, not sketchy FISC warrant. But no. Instead they will go for psychiatric defense setup and avoid the question of who else is out there who has talked about killing black people. It is another clear sign that law enforcement is not serious about ending violence against black, and what the NSA and FBI say about the purpose of mass surveillance is far from the truth.
Someone who kills the one black leader most likely to put an end to police violence against blacks in Charleston, if not in South Carolina, has done bigoted law enforcement a huge favor. Meanwhile all the politicians opposed to that policy shed crocodile tears.
And white America wants premature forgiveness and closure without taking down the institutions and symbols that continue to prop up the propaganda, institutions, and laws that create Dylann Roofs.
There’s not a national insanity defense bar, but it doesn’t now differ to a large extent among the states.
John Eleuthère du Pont (worth tens, if not hundreds, of million dollars:
D Roof doesn’t come anywhere near close to getting off on an insanity defense. If he posted the “manifesto” being attributed to him, it was a cut and paste work from racist, fascist internet sites. A shorter version of Brevik’s cut and paste “manifesto.” He apparently flunked ninth grade and dropped out on repeating it.
Council of Conservative Citizens ?
Kouncil of Konservative Kitizens ?
Uh Huh
Uh Huh
WSJ On Charleston: Don’t Blame ‘Institutionalized Racism’ — It ‘No Longer Exists’
ByCatherine Thompson
PublishedJune 19, 2015, 11:40 AM EDT 1
The editorial board of the Wall Street Journal on Friday suggested that “institutionalized racism” was not a driving force in the massacre of nine people Wednesday night at a historic black church in Charleston, South Carolina because it “no longer exists.”
“What causes young men such as Dylann Roof to erupt in homicidal rage, whatever their motivation, is a problem that defies explanation beyond the reality that evil still stalks humanity,” the editorial stated. “It is no small solace that in committing such an act today, he stands alone.”
Politicians and pundits like former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R) and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R) have also said that the suspected killer’s motive remains unknown, even though authorities at both the federal and local levels are investigating the shooting as a hate crime.
The Wall Street Journal editorial added that Roof “brings to mind the mentally troubled young men who committed horrific mass murders” in places like Newtown, Connecticut and Aurora, Colorado.
I’m trying to translate the Journal’s babble, and it seems to be that because Mr. Roof was apprehended quickly, it shows that nobody’s racist anymore. After all, Byron de la Beckwith walked around free for decades before finally being brought to trial for killing Medgar Evers. Prosecution of the perpetrators of the 1963 bombing of that church in Birmingham lay dormant for years. So see? We’re all post-racist now, because Roof was identified right away and arrested. See? Nothing more to discuss!
Couldn’t possibly have had anything to do with the Charleston murderer being photographed and the picture being widely disseminated within hours of the massacre.
I believe the WSJ would respond that it was a white woman who recognized young Dylann and called the authorities. So, you know, racism doesn’t exist. Quod erat demondumdum.
Editorial board is 100% white. Were they wearing their KKK robes when they wrote this misdirection.
Did Jeb! only get half the GOP/NRA talking points?
Jeb Bush: ‘I Don’t Know’ If Charleston Shooting Was Racially Motivated
Or did he just forget to mention that the murderer is “a mentally ill anti-Christian?”
Doesn’t that make Jeb! a half-wit?
He hates these cans!
hat tip-BJ
James Baldwin – The Prophet
Thank you for putting this up. Facebooked to my diverse friends.
Stealing that for my blog tonight.
TPMNJ bully-in-chief on Charleston murders:
Fantasizing someone throwing creme filled donuts into his pie hole.
Well, this bully certainly does “more to show that we love each other” every day, doesn’t he? Using his Governor’s microphone and bully pulpit to berate schoolteachers and other New Jersey residents who he views as his political enemies- that’s his “display of…love and good faith,” apparently.
Also, Republican voter outreach. A mass murderer screams that he is a mass murderer because he hates black people and wants to start a race war, but simply sitting with that fact and naming it for what it is appears to be too dangerous for GOP Presidential candidates’ election prospects.
The American right wing seems to me to be a completely unredeemable political movement at the moment.
Interesting article on poverty and the racial divide. Poverty amongst white Americans has been quite persistent and the GOP wants to keep it that way. Discontent harbors anger and a structural mood for discrimination and violent acts. Not just on family domestic issues but also to fuel racism and homophobia. Guns gives you the ultimate feeling of superiority (in the wrong hands). It’s the great EQUALIZER. Every crazy can automotivate himself for a target. Enough bs around in social media and on the air waves of conservative media … perpetuum mobile.
This guy uttered the words: “you (blacks) rape our women and want to take over the country.” Roof wanted to ignites a race war in his warped mind … just Google those two terms. Enough said.
○ This Homeland Security Employee Is Preparing for a Coming Race War
○ These ten charts show the black-white economic gap hasn’t budged in 50 years
Leading in South and red states (U.S. Census)
Mississippi......... 22,5 %
New Mexico.......... 21,7
D.C................. 21,3
Arizona............. 20,2
Kentucky............ 20,0
Louisiana........... 19,2
North Carolina...... 18,6
Tennessee........... 18,1
Nevada.............. 17,4
West Virginia....... 17,3
Arkansas............ 17,1
Texas............... 16,8
Alabama............. 16,7
Georgia............. 16,3
South Carolina...... 15,9
I’m actually surprised that SC’s poverty rate is the lowest on this list. Guess that it can be attributed to the yuppification of Charleston and the coast and, to a lesser degree, the upstate area which is really quite lovely. That yuppification is due in no small part to folks from colder parts of the country electing to retire and live there.
My brother, who has lived for than 30 years in the D.C. area, told me a long time ago that when residents there and further North elect to vacation or retire, they will go no further into the South than S.C. Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi were/are pretty much off limits.
He and I, born and raised in Georgia, sorta always got a kick out of that. Of course, Florida didn’t factor into our discussion for obvious reasons.
○ South Carolina – Demographics of Poor Children
White ..... 16%
Black ..... 44%
Hispanic .. 40%
Asian ..... 21%
○ Per Capita Income by Race and Hispanic Origin by County
I can’t help but notice the big drop in poverty amongst both blacks and whites 1959 to 1975. It ended with Jimmy and stayed pretty constant until Clinton with white poverty constant throughout Clinton’s regimes and rose for groups through the W years.
I know your point is the difference between races, but it does pretty well damn right wing economic policies.
I’d really like to see that graph extended on both ends, say 1945 to 2015.
And now that the machine is trying to turn off the volume on whether or not this was an act of ‘terrorism’; for all those trying to detour the conversation away from calling this a hate crime, let’s give them a new label; racial terrorism.
On CNN there was a discussion about remarks made by judge James Gosnell at the bond hearing of Daryll Roof today. The remarks were ill-founded, I couldn’t trace what these were. (updated: video of hearing) I did find this case about Magistrate James Gosnell …
Yes…that shhh pissed me off royally and it made ALOT of people mad
Actually, in the back of the pack. It’s clearly an official talking point that this is a crime against “Christians” rather than a terrorist hate crime against blacks. It’s all of Fox News and nearly every GOP candidate has toed this line, including Bush. The organized GOP reaction is obscene. This tragedy’s dog whistle word is “Christian”.
The mental illness is a collective insanity among many in SC, the South and sadly much of America that says there can’t be racism because “we elected a few Indian governors and appointed a Black senator”. “Gosh, we even have a mixed-race President!”And clearly the shooter was “whacko” because a sane person wouldn’t shoot nine people.
(Question: Would a sane person blow up a church with many young black kids in it?” Sure he would. It’s happened.)
From the first reports yesterday I didn’t even think to equate this shooting with Newtown or Aurora, or Lynchburg, or Stockton, or Luby Cafeteria, or Columbine…
As I said when I told some roommates about the shooting, “Nine dead blacks, White shooter on the run who did NOT kill himself. You figure it out.”
Frankly, after years of trying to understand and be open minded to Southern sensibilities, I’ve had enough. Actually, I’ve had enough long ago, but I just wouldn’t admit it.
Tear down the battle flags and suffocate any notion that somehow the South was and is justified in keeping Black as low as possible in keeping the black population a repressed, controlled and marginalized as possible.
Do it now. The “conversation” is over. Being pro-confederate is NOT patriotic or right with God. It is not crazy. Its just wrong.
Hear! Hear! It is non-Southern tolerance (co-dependence?) of Southern atrocities that has ensured that this issue has continued after 1776. And it is non-Southern ambivalence about their own atrocities (Oscar Grant, Eric Garner, and so on) that fuels that tolerance.
Exactly. And I speak from the position of having two ancestors die of dysentery fighting for the state troops of the Confederate States of America. One died in the US Army prison camp in Elmira NY. And today I found that there are more South Carolinians (old high school buddies) who share my view (and some who don’t and most who think it’s a trivial issue even though it fires up the bigots). Our politeness has never forced the issue. It is time that Southerners and non-Southerners who want to see the madness ended force the issue, especially before 2016 silly season.
We almost had that conversation ended in the 1970s; then Ronald Reagan announced his campaign in Philadelphia, Mississippi. Like Daniel Snyder announcing his new team logo at Wounded Knee.
Assassinating the guy who pushed through the South Carolina body-cam bill is not the act of a whacko. This was not even the bombing of the 16th St. Baptist Church in Birmingham. It is more like the assassination of Medgar Evers or Martin Luther King. Decapitating the leadership by a prominent local leader and elected official. Wonder who is going to fill out Clementa Pinckney’s term in the SC Senate.
Ya know, what a number of white Americans are grappling with even more now with this Charleston shooting, than say others, is that this “kid” (oh and fuq those calling these grown azz 21 year old man a “kid”) views as expressed are not that far removed from their “crazy” uncle/cousin/brother or Fox News watching mother/father/grandparent.
So what makes this dude different than their relative or good friend? Well its gotta be “mental illness’, or bad parenting or drugs or tv or Internet. Cause hey sure my blah blah tells racist jokes or talk about “those people” taking over the country or what about that “nigger in da White House” or them people on welfare. They talk about “taking their country back” too.
I mean who doesn’t have a “crazy”, racist, bigot blah blah in their family….doesn’t everybody?Hell naw.
This terrorist took it further than ur “crazy” relation, but he started as they are doing now…and most certainly learned hate from someone.
That’s what some white folk are having trouble dealing with after this massacre in Charleston. That’s what Fix News/GOP pols/white Christian folks are grappling with now. It’s got to be anything but the hate and jokes and rhetoric that’s been spewing for years in “polite company”.
Yeah, I know that South Carolina has a special kind of bad history with racial matters, having started the whole Civil War and everything, but we didn’t say that the tragedy in Newtown was a window into the soul of Connecticut or the movie theater shooting in Aurora was a window into the soul of Colorado. These shootings happen in many states and have many motives, and it’s pretty obvious that despite the clear racial motive of the South Carolina tragedy, it was the act of sick individual and not a reflection of some widespread character flaw in South Carolinians.
The same parallel came to me, too, immediately I saw a picture of the shooter.
He looked like just another white kid lunatic mass murderer of the kind we have seen too much of.