Check out this genius:

[Richard] Malley was arrested in August 2013, when he and two other members of a “Minuteman militia group” were scouting for smugglers in the desert area near Gila Bend.

Malley mistook an undercover Sheriff’s deputy for a drug smuggler, and soon the deputy found himself staring down the barrel of an AR-15 rifle.

The approach prompted a tense standoff between the two, with Malley only standing down once the deputy produced enough identification to satisfy the defendant.

“He thought he was one of the good guys,” said defense attorney Jason Squires. But, he said, “There is no excuse for ever putting somebody whose job is to be law enforcement in danger. Even if they’re wearing weird clothes, pretending to be a drug dealer, that’s their job.”

This clown just got sentenced to six months in jail. Of course, he’ll be able to leave his prison six days a week to go to work, so he’ll be getting plenty of fresh air. Hopefully, he won’t use this opportunity to play at vigilante. Hopefully, he’s got that out of his system.