Brendan is off visiting family. Martin has lots to do for the Washington Monthly, some of which will likely be posted here at some point. Me? My brain is fried.

So what to talk about? I’ve got nothing new to say about ISIS, Ebola and Ferguson, et alia, that hasn’t already been said a million times before. As for the midterm elections, all I keep hearing is keeping the Senate out of Republican hands is unlikely. Not that electoral politics are my bailiwick, anyway.

In NY, my state, there really isn’t much going on. Cuomo, the Republican in Dem clothing will win another term as governor. I barely see any ads for any candidates except for a few local legislative races. Like most years, the New York elections won’t change much of anything, at the state or federal level. In a strange sense, I feel I’m completely out of the loop for that reason.

So, tell me, what is happening in your neck of the woods? Some of you live in critical battleground states (I hate that term, but can’t think of a better one), and I’d love to hear your thoughts about what you think will happen on November 4th.

And yes, this is an open thread. Here’s one of my favorite songs, by the way.

Ps. Don’t forget to check out the diaries, as there is some good stuff there, like this one, for example, by BobX.