National Geographic News is reporting that some neuroscientists believe the heart drug propranolol may help treat or prevent Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
Other researchers argue that the emotional stress that atrocities cause can be a necessary part of life and should not be supressed. For instance, would you want a soldier to be desensitized to the horrors of killing innocent children so he does it again?
Researchers say the beta-blocker propranolol, commonly prescribed to treat high blood pressure and heart problems, disrupts the way the brain stores memories.
If taken at the right time, the drug may benefit people who suffer post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), said Joseph LeDoux, a neuroscientist at New York University.
“We’re not erasing memories,” he said. “But we think it will reduce the emotional component of the memory.”
The science journal Nature reported Wednesday that LeDoux and colleagues are conducting a clinical trial of propranolol in PTSD patients.
Propranolol has been used not only for high blood pressure, but also for the nerves and anxiety that accompany stressful events like public speaking.
Memories are active at two points, storage, and recall. In order to be most effective, our soldiers would need to take the drug immediately following whatever trauma they witness or suffer, during the storage phase. It may only help a little if taken later during the recall phase.
Other researchers warn that propranolol could be abused. They fear the government could give it to soldiers to desensitize them to the atrocities of war, creating virtually unfeeling killing machines.
This is a delicate issue. PTSD can be a debilitating condition. On the other hand, a person who has no emotional connection to their experiences is what we commonly call a psychopath. What do you think?
How convenient- now along with the ‘brainwashing’ at bootcamp, a pill can be given to quell emotions.
Apparently the Bush Admin are all taking it and probably get it for free from the drug company lobbyists.
And as if the dumbing down of the populace isn’t enough lets now tone humanity down with a pill.
“There is nothing to Fear, but fear itself.”
But let’s face it, popping a pill is easier than dealing with living.
Why is it that the idea of other people’s emotions is so frightening to us? We’ve all got them, usually we can understand each other because of them. Why must we make drugs that discourage violent behavior illegal and make drugs that promote it popular.
Now that the drug companies have figured out how to suppress the emotions that help us to make sense of the world, we can control everybody. Plus we can sell a lot of guns – Without liability thanks to our representative government.
I had never thought of it that way. I don’t smoke dope, I never did….I have too much to do and would rather mainline caffeine. I already hear Bill Maher making the point that people just don’t roll a fatty and then want to go out and kill something or someone.
This reads like another “don’t raise the drawbridge, lower the river” solution propagated by the same people that helped create the “Prozac Nation”. Dose your kids with Ritalin, the mentally ill with lithium or thorazine, and the depressed with barbituates. By all means, do not increase funding for mental health treatment.
And the condition is not limited to combat troops:
If the concept gains traction expect to see propranolol on the cover of Time. Also expect to see cuts in funding for mental health buried on page C29 next to the viagra ads. This “solution” is brought to you by the same people who propagate the myth that Cannabis Sativa L is an “evil weed”, but the THC pills they make are just fine.
Snake oil by any other name.
BINGO…. ; )