There is not a whole lot that I actually disagree with in this Ruth Marcus column, I just wonder why she bothered to write it. Her thesis is that the Obama reelection campaign is going to be mean and nasty, and that it will focus on how dreadful his Republican opponent is and on how awful it will be if Republicans are in charge again. Admittedly, this is a bit different from “Hope and Change,” but it’s hardly inaccurate. Ms. Marcus says that Obama will be all about “fear and loathing,” but she doesn’t suggest that Obama will be distorting anyone’s record. If Obama was planning to use surrogates to go out and say that Mitt Romney is really the illegitimate son of an Indonesian muezzin who, instead of doing his Mormon missionary work, spent his time in Paris having an affair with Alain-Philippe Malagnac d’Argens de Villèle, then I might get what Marcus is driving at. That might smack of desperation. But to point out that Mitt Romney has no core and that he made his fortune screwing over ordinary American workers? Them’s the facts.
I understand that Ruth Marcus has a column to write and a deadline to meet. She must produce something. But what she produced is trite and obvious. And it lacks any balance. Has she listened to what the Republican candidates have been saying about the president? Does she think that they are running on hope and change instead of fear and loathing? And, more to the point, how are their attacks for factual accuracy? These candidates are engaged in a game of one-upmanship to see who can create the most regressive tax code, the most cruel immigration policy, the most anti-gay platform, the most environmentally unsound energy policy, the most jingoistic foreign policy, and the most anti-woman/children stance possible. Meanwhile, they do nothing but lie about the president’s record, not to mention basic everyday facts about how the world works.
Under the circumstances, it seems a little stupid to nitpick the president for hitting back.
Ruth Marcus is an idiot. Why, you ask? Here is a reminder:
Yes, the pundits should be happy. He is finally the “angry black man” they so longed for.
They just want to keep the shiny happy Obama they treasured so much in 2008 over McCain. Yeah, right.
If Obama’s going to reprise Truman’s campaign against the “Do-Nothing Republican Congress”, he might as well dust off this oldie-but-goodie too: “I don’t give them Hell. I just tell the truth about them and they think it’s Hell.”,_Harry!
I guess this would make Biden Alben Barkley. It fits.
It’s not an accident the republican field is composed of clowns and empty suits. It’s a function of their dead-end ideological hardening and abhorrence for democratic government. It’s natural that such an atmosphere would bring forth candidates who are less contenders for the world’s weightiest office and more competitors to be mascot for whatever incoherent mess of slogans defines conservatism today. Mitt’s trying to lay low and be about nothing so the base doesn’t cut him out and he can dupe “independents”. But being about absolutely nothing, having zero identifiable substance, turns out to be as much of a liability as being a clown.
For the Ferengi pundit class, this is a feature, not a bug. In assisting their NeoConfederate owners, they must make use of all stereotypes, memes, and whatever other FUD they can gin up to take down the President. Under those guidelines, they eagerly lament the fact that PBO isn’t laying down like a good little Dem and is in fact calling these clowns out for who and what they are.
And I just finished watching the President’s speech today on infrastructure, wherein he called out a pack of prominent Congressional Republicans by name and dared them to oppose the latest part of his jobs bill being presented to Congress, to tell all the construction workers and freight shippers and so forth in their home states why they insist on blocking funds for rebuilding bridges and highways.
I expect the howls of injured outrage will echo mightily throughout the marble halls and rightwing blogosphere over Obama’s unjust incivility.