CAPTION: Anti-war protesters are held back by Texas police as the motorcade of U.S. President George Bush. Reuters/Yahoo
SPECIAL REPORT by Alohaleezy (who’s at work so I’m posting for her):
Bush Passes Cindy on Way To Raise Millions
As Mr. Bush heads out to the big fundraiser today [where he picked up $2 million], he gets his first glimpse of Cindy’s camp seen here( It surprises me that he didn’t use the helicopters to avoid this great scene. MORE BELOW With Update and A SPECIAL SURPRISE PHOTO that NEEDS A BooTrib CAPTION!
Update [2005-8-12 16:48:6 by susanhu]: From OutrageMeter’s Kos diary:
If you’re coming to Crawford
by outragemeter
Thu Aug 11th, 2005 at 22:44:37 PDT
There was a meeting this evening at the Peace House to discuss the serious problem of too many cars. I cannot stress enough how much time dealing with this issue is taking from the volunteers time needed for other things. If you come, please, please car pool.
After checking in at Peace House and getting oriented, move your car to the football field parking lot a short distance away. It will be monitored by volunteers. Take one of the “shuttles” to the camp site, there is simply no place there left to park.
We will be adding to the Crawford Peace House site tomorrow to allow folks to request/offer rides from their locales to Crawford. We’ll also have a map and directions.
As I mentioned in the previous diary, the House is now wired, and I will try to find a way to take questions via email, to give the phone answerers some relief.
Please recommend this, or at least link to it in other Cindy diaries, so that the word gets out. Thank you.
There are two Bush events at which some activists will be staging some kind of protest. One is Friday evening at a fundraiser at another ranch down the road. We probably will just try to line the road so that attenders will have to see us.
On Saturday, Bush is supposed to attend a local softball game. I don’t know the details on what kind of action will take place. Just again trying to be visible to Bubbleboy and cohorts, in essence.
Alohaleezy continues her sneak report from her workplace:
Quotes from a Rueters story just minutes ago:
When Bush’s black sport utility vehicle carried him past the site to a Republican fund-raiser, the protest leader, Cindy Sheehan, whose son was one of the nearly 1,850 U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq, held up a sign that said: “Why do you make time for donors and not for me?”
Other signs said: “Iraq is Arabic for Vietnam” and “Bring Them Home Now.” Some protesters held up white crosses as well.
The protest vigil began last Saturday and is being led by Sheehan, who has been demanding a meeting with Bush to discuss her opposition to the Iraq war.
Guess Dear Leader has to prove he isn’t a coward, huh? Why not get out of the car and face this courageous woman?I have to say I am surprised that let George out of his bubble? Are they trying to show that he isn’t a coward? It proves to me he is a coward, otherwise he would have gotten out of the car and faced her right there and then. Have you no shame George?
Official Caption: “President Bush walks along a gravel road on his ranch in Crawford, Texas, after speaking with reporters on discussions with his defense and foreign policy teams, Thursday, Aug. 11, 2005. The wide-ranging talks touched on violence in Iraq and standoffs with Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programs to anti-American sentiment abroad, especially in the Middle East. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
How about: The Power of One Heehee… or, “Headin’ out to the road to bum a ride from MilitaryTracy and Brinnaine!“
Look at that!
Look at all those scary terrorist threats to national security behind that yellow ribbon! Thank Gawd for the S.S. and Local Sherriffs for saving our Glorious Dear Leader from all those frightening Mommies!
THE actual ribbon that means someone is trying to support the troops. 🙂
I wish I could give you a 12 for this!
The original use was for hostages, inspired by the “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” song. As late as Bush’s first bungled crisis, in his first months in office, yellow ribbons were displayed for the Navy air crew held hostage by China after a crash-landing in their territory. In a typical Bush foreign policy triumph, we did get the plane back in boxes after China had spent weeks pouring over it.
So applying yellow ribbons to hype the sympathy for the world’s leading superpower’s invading army two years later was one slick switcheroo.
But now the sad irony is that these troops, especially reservists and national guard, really are hostages of Bush’s policies.
But didn’t the original song refer to a guy getting out of prison???
That has always bothered me.
And then it was adopted during the Iran hostage crisis because people remembered the song.
An Urban Legends site.
I see evidently that the ribbons began to be used for the army during Gulf I.
The Navy always told us NOT to place yellow wreaths or balloons and such (before China manufactured Yellow Ribbons for the ass of cars) NOT untill the morning of their return because this alerted our being alone.
It’s all propaganda. It’s what regimes use to control their lemmings.
My bumpersticker remains clear of those yellow band aids of apathy. 😉
about 100 yards from the road…not that Dear Leader would glance in their direction…and with his rose-colored glasses he can’t read the signs anyways…”buncha hippies and ingrates…don’t they realize ‘merka and ‘merkans are safer now that we’re blowin’ up those Eye-raquis?…Pass me a mint julep, Laura….”
That’s the closest Dim Son has gotten to any protestors–anti-war or anti-administration–in the last five years.
Actually, remember the Coronation Parade? When they got to the protestors, the motorcade sped up. Had to keep that from Dim Son so he wouldn’t cry and go on a binge again. LOL
didn’t have a fucking helicopter landing pad.
We “saw” Condi and Rummy going in and out yesterday by ‘copter.
Piece o’ crap cowards, one and all.
I am so glad you are here on this thread. I am making arrangements to be down there the 26th. Can we hook up? I just got someone to cover for me and will book my tickets when I go home for lunch at noon(west coast).
You betcha — just let me know when you get your plans solidified — where are you flying into? Do you need a ride from the airport?
Oh, and I did manage to post a diary (“I’m not brave, because I’m not afraid.”) but it only represents about 1/10th of what I have to say….just having a bit of a hard time processing at the moment.
I sure will let you know. And will read diary too. Can’t wait to meet you.
Flying in to Austin, Will get in touch soon.
Okey doke!
I did it, I did it folks. Bri..I am flying into Austin on the 26th. I booked a car so that is covered. If anyone wants to hitch a ride and/or meet up I am willing to take you to Crawford. Bri…how can I best get in touch with you?
Email Susan, she has my email and phone#! 😉
Will do. I am going to the Padres game tonight so will be in touch tomorrow?
I just got home and saw this, wow great!!!!
I am so proud of you, my friend, and all of you who are making this trek…
Oh Diane, I just couldn’t not go. My son is very supportive but said Mom, what if it’s over by then? I know in my heart it won’t be and as the days go by people will start dwindling and Cindy needs our support. I am compelled to go. I just wish it could be sooner but work and other commitments are keeping me from doing that. I am so looking forward to meeting all the virtual friends down there and shaking Cindy’s hand and thanking her personally.
Perhaps he thought they were just serfs clearing brush at the manor, err, ranch. 😉
Susanhu, you have got to stop with the catchy headlines, girl… I thought this was said a protestor was shot by a drive-by Bush supporter! And yesterday, you had one that said something about plot to assassinate the President… course you were talking about FDR…
clever, gets my attention anyway… kudos
I just got that phrase — “Drive-by shooting” — in my head and kept twisting it around to try to make it fit :):)
me bad. Oh, and don’t forget to think up a caption for the new photo added at the bottom.
George:”God, I need a drink.”
Well, sir, you’ve failed the roadside test. I’m going to have to ask you to take a breathalyzer.
“Can’t stand these stupid protesters. I don’t care what Dick says anymore, I’m leaving the country before it’s too late.”
My whole life could have been different. I feel REALLY bad. I need to take go for a walk and think about this!”
help me find my dog?”
…I should send the twins to Iraq to keep things from getting worse. Maybe I could ask Mom to go instead.”
Like so many times before…
I’m the President by gawd… how much effort does it take for ’em to clean up my DUI… can’t ride the bike, too many photos of me falling off… jeeezz, Pop, why didn’t you tell me what a lousy job this is… even with Dick doing all the work… I have to show up for stupid chicken and green peas, or barbeque… gawd I hate that messy stuff… going home now and settle back with a little coke…
Photo Caption: Out of Gas
South End of Ass**le Going to Hell
My mind processed it as Bush doing a drive-by shooting of protestors.
The scary part is that I wasdn’t surprised, thought it entirely plausible given what we know about that evil, thoughtless, horrible person.
So why is Bush walking along a yellow gravel road by himself?? If he has time to walk around for PHOTO OPS why can’t he fucking meet with these parents????
And I about had a heart attack – thought it read Bush SHOOTS PROTESTORS. ACKKKKKKKKKKK
In the time that Bush was “speaking with reporters on discussions with his defense and foreign policy teams,” how many people were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan?
“Confoundit what was that dance Rummy taught me?? It’s just a step to the left? Or is that… it’s just a step to the riiiiiight.
Damn! Fucking off and wasting time on a dirt road is HUUUUUUUUUUUUURD WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERK.”
Damn, I need to get over to Abu Ghraib and do some partying with those guys, it sounds just like my frat days. I wonder if they will have any cocaine and whiskey, then it will really be like those days at school.
From YellowBeard
“Stagger stagger roll roll hop stagger roll roll hop stagger roll”
or The Wiz:
“I’m off to see the Wizard, the wonderful wizard of OIL”
Those WMDs must be around here somewhere.
Yellowbeard, one of the best movies of all time! Ever so quotable, too.
We love that movie too. It’s like Part Mel Brooks Part Monty Python, Part Cheech and Chong 🙂
“Boy, this Cowardly Lion stuff is hard work.”
“Unca Dick said Oz was around here somewhere. We’re just turning the corner… this yellow brick road is in its last throes…”
Thanks for keeping us updated on all this, Susan and alohaleezy and brinn and everyone. My TV died… are the cable or other media showing much of this at all?
.. toy soldier, that is
Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend,
Do it in the name of Bushie,
Rove’ll justify it in the end
There won’t be any Guckert blowing
Come the judgment day
On the bloody morning after, boohoohoo
One tinpot dictator strolls away
(obscure billy jack reference)
props on the Billy Jack reference …
Actually, Bush does kinda remind me of Bernard …
Bernard! I couldn’t remember his name, I just remembered the ‘vette in the lake.
(and sadly, all the lyrics to the damn song)
By the way, Tom Laughlin aka Billy Jack, is an anti-war acivist as well.
Not so obscure to many of us oldsters here…
Barry Crimmins is on with Randi Rhodes right now …
his name in the dust, this time without using his hands. Unfortunately, all he managed was the dotted line.
. . . that his shadow looks just a tad like a swastika?
I’m surprised there’s any shadow at all.
The shadow must be Photoshopped. I bet he doesn’t have a reflection either.
Puny little shadow … bet that’s not all about him that’s puny. Starting at the top with his brain.
Microscopic, I bet…got tweezers? 🙂
What was it Dicky said?
Right foot.
Left foot.
Ok… right… left… left… DAMN.
Right… left… right… left… Look Ma! No hands!
To riff on your idea:
“Right foot… left foot… chew!”
“Right foot… left foot… chew!”
“… Dang Juicy Fruit! Right foot…”
“Damn, when I said ‘Bring it On,’ I didn’t mean Bring it On Down to Crawford….”
With his office clothes on a gravel road, he seems to wince from the pressure of his pretensions.
Guess Dear Leader has to prove he isn’t a coward, huh?
The Wall Street Journal editorial page is watching.
You show ’em you’re tough.
This ain’t no foolin’ around!”
Mom said nothin’s EVER my fault.
motorcades, helicopters, suv…
Just when is this fucker going to start conserving oil??? Wouldn’t that be a “swell” way to commerorate his so-called Energy Bill?
SuzQ at the Kos had a great run down of Bush’ Ranch. It’s basically a triple wide modular, inviting all these politicians during thet HOTTEST part of the year – aka AIR CONDITIONING – which we all know eats up energy… plus the commuting cost cause his new ranch that doesn’t sustain anything is inthe middle of nowhere.
The WarMonger President is also the Wasteful President…
Wasting resources and lives – is hurrrrd werrrrk
Get the fucker for war crimes – it’s the least this country can do so we can hold our heads up high once again.
Here’s an important message from The BRAD BLOG‘s ever-faithful behind-the-scenes news-gatherer, radio-show-producer, and all-around great-big-help, Kat L-Estrange:
I’m willing to bet they told bubble boy that the protesters were gone, that his marvellous speachificating had driven them away, but that he had to wear a blindfold anyway while driving because he might see something morally corrupting out the windows.
I’m honestly beginning to suspect that Bush has no clue what he’s doing or what’s going on around him. He just follows orders.
What a tool.
Cindy is on w Randi right now.
Iconoclast’s Deborah Mathews reporting (photos follow this segment):
Cindy’s lawyer is with officers at the tent, the chopper is still circling, but a lot lower. The motorcade is expected momentarily.
Here comes another police car. Here comes the motorcade led by six highway patrol cars. They are traveling fast. Here they come. I see the motorcade.
They warned the protestors that they could be run over… so why the hell are they speeding by them??? Are they wanting an accident????? Are they wanting to hurt Americans? Helicopters and cops and SS – Oh my – Gowd forbid there’s an accident and people are hurt or killed.
I mean… if the Sheriff and SS and Bush actually gave a rat’s ass about HUMANS and “sympathized” why the hell isn’t he driving carefully?
“Man, it’s hard work walkin’ and chewin’ gum at the same time!”
“Hmmm, I bet my ass looks good in these black pants. “
Gotta prove to these people I can walk without falling off the road…I fell off the wagon, off the bike, off the scooterthingy, off the bike again, off the couch, off the bike again, dang I’m one clumsy fucker, but this walking thing I think I can handle?
(didn’t come out right the first time)
All I ever wanted.
Had to get away.
Susan, I think you captured it.
I don’t know if anyone has noticed, but this is the seminal moment for the Bush presidency.
What we have is a “drive-by presidency.”
Our President is “Drive-By” George.
Most bushes move little… this one just drives by.
“Drive by.” That encapsulates this administration.
Thanks, Susan. Now we know how to pigeonhole is group.
Disproving the idea that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, George Bush finds only gravel.
‘Somewhere along the line I knew there’d be girls, visions, everything; somewhere along the line the pearl would be handed to me.’
Rip –
Caption: Why did the chicken(hawk) cross the road?
To avoid the Mother of all war protests.
cluck, cluck, cluck…
That was great. 🙂
Thanks. 🙂