Apparently there was a dog and pony show GOP debate last night in which many candidates vomited all over the stage regurgitated talking points that the Republican fanboys and fangals base lapped up. Oh and some personal attacks against Obama and each other, and “the librul media” (i.e., John King, who does the best imitation of a tape recorder I know). And a lizard said: “Look over there! Saul Alinsky! Saul Alinsky! Saul Alinsky!” to bring the house down. In short, a complete waste of time, even if you were a Republican. This is why I don’t watch train wrecks. You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.
“…deflecting criticism on the economy by talking about wealth inequality.”
That’s a tautology. “Wealth inequality” doesn’t happen in a vacuum, it happens in the context of an economy.
The candidates don’t know this (I cannot make myself believe they have sufficient savvy with economics to know what you mentioned), and/or are banking their audience doesn’t know this.
Idiocracy–today’s Republican party in action
The candidates don’t know this (I cannot make myself believe they have sufficient savvy with economics to know what you mentioned), and/or are banking their audience doesn’t know this.
Idiocracy–today’s Republican party in action
Ah, but there are train wrecks and there are train wrecks. The one depicted early on in last summer’s Super 8 was worth the price of admission.
As a bonus, it was that train wreck that set loose the rampaging monster on an unsuspecting town. So it does have something in common with the GOP debates, too.
“dog and pony show”.
A D&P Show is a demonstration of some features of things. Computer fairs have D&P shows.
No, the Repukeliscum “debates” are “freak shows”, “geek shows” (in the classic meaning of the word – a “geek” was an old drunk who had basically become insane through alcohol abuse and would bite the heads off live chickens and such), or something else like that.
Good point. The dogs and ponies in such a show are cute, smart, well-educated in their roles, and entertaining to watch.
None of the above would apply to the GOP freak show.