Why do we have to put up with this crap?
A bill introduced by Sen. Don White, R-Indiana, would prohibit private health insurance plans sold in Pennsylvania’s state “exchange” — created under the new federal health care law — from offering abortions and require rape victims to report the crime within 72 hours in order to receive an abortion.
The insurance exchanges, which don’t go into effect until 2014, will serve those who do not have access to employer-based health plans, including the unemployed and small business employees.
Under the law, any health insurance plan that contracts with the exchange must create a system to ensure no federal funds are used for abortion coverage — including the collection of two separate payments from the beneficiary, one for abortion coverage and one for all other health care coverage.
The proposed bill would deny insurance plans participating in the exchange from covering abortions except in cases where the pregnancy was caused by rape or incest, or where the life of the woman is in danger.
The bill would require also rape survivors to personally report the crime and identify the assailant, if known, within 72 hours in order for their health insurance to cover an abortion procedure.
Because, you know, so many women make false accusations of rape so they can receive a subsidy to provide for their abortion.
This is why I refuse to endorse ANY government involvement in abortion, even if it prevents women from getting a 3rd trimester abortion for any reason she so chooses. They always go through backdoor ways to make it defacto illegal.
Get the coat hangers ready.
Tell me again why I should hope that Stupak get re-elected.
He retired.
Damn! He escaped!
Can you explain to me why people vote Republican? are
they attract the meanness vote. p.s. get off my lawn.
Anyone know what the percentage of rape victims is who don’t report the crime within 72 hours? I’d bet it’s substantial. In the case of incest or minors, virtually 100%.
Because there is an Indiana County in Pennsylvania with this profile:
* Democratic: 26,653 (45.89%)
* Republican: 24,159 (41.60%)
* Other Parties: 7,265 (12.51%)
And these demographics:
And that county elected a Republican to the state legislature.
And folks in the county work there. And the county ships a million Christmas trees every year. And then there’s this:
And the talk shows are those broadcast by KDKA and WCCS (Homer City). And Godstock Ministries and The Christian Witness, Inc. have stations that broadcast religious programming to folks in the county.
I suspect while some of the details about crops and industry are different, there are a whole bunch of counties like this between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.
well, golly gee Booman, I wonder where White got the idea to do an end-run around Roe:
Why do we have to put up with this crap? It’s right there in the reforms Booman. You’re aware of the structural obstacles to progressive aims, so you shouldn’t be surprised by the sausage-making and capitulation. When it works to create something positive, you should be happy, it’s not like we gave away the store and got nothing. Women with pre-existing conditions like AIDS can still enter the high risk pool, they just can’t have an abortion. it’s not like AIDS babies live very long.
Don’t hate the playah. And by the way, while the anti-abortion forces don’t like the bill, they see a good deal when they get one:
So a few rape victims will have to report within 72 hours to get an abortion in pennsylvania, big deal. the important thing is that some of us will get subsidies to buy insurance from the same companies that are jacking their rates, doing whatever they can to skirt the law, and attacking democrats in campaign ads.
First of all, the bill has been proposed. That doesn’t mean it will pass and be signed into law.
Secondly, who do you blame for Stupak and Ben Nelson’s blackmail?
i blame the Democratic Party itself, which has no sense of discipline, is only too happy to let various members go their own way without consequence, and in many cases doesn’t even believe in its own platform (like their statement that “”The Democratic Party strongly and unequivocally supports Roe v. Wade and a woman’s right to choose a safe and legal abortion, regardless of ability to pay, and we oppose any and all efforts to weaken or undermine that right.” (p. 50)).
the contrast between the number of democrats who rolled over for bush and the number of republicans who rolled over for Obama is striking.
still gonna vote for the losers, because a bad friend is better than a committed enemy, but let’s stop pretending that these attacks on reproductive rights are the sole province of republicans. They are simply taking advantage of opportunities written into the democrats’ new law.
and regarding the “we’re screwed” post upstairs, democrats had ample warnings about John Roberts, and that lack of discipline didn’t pay off then either.
Look, the GOP decided a long time ago that it was going to vote as a parliamentary bloc. The democrats have not adapted to this.