I don’t have any illusions about the state of American media. I know they cater to the lowest common demoninator, and I know ratings are more important than any other consideration. And I am not a fan of politically correct speech. I don’t want to limit the free expression of ideas. But, I am still shocked at what you can get away with saying on America’s airwaves and still maintain your job. If I had a radio program, I would expect to get fired for any of the following:
1. stating that I hated the families of people that died on 9/11.
2. referring to the mainly African-American people that were stranded in the flood waters of New Orleans as ‘scumbags’.
3. stating a desire to murder Michael Moore.
4. applauding the torture of another human being.
5. calling the father of a recently decapitated American citizen a ‘scumbag’.
Even if I didn’t lose my job as a radio personality for saying these hateful things, I would expect that uttering them would preclude me from getting a job in the mainstream media. If I had any shot at all of landing a plum job on the cable news, I would expect it to be FOX News that would give the offer. But CNN?
But according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, CNN has hired a man that has made all of the aforementioned statements. His name is Glenn Beck, and I have never heard of him. However, when I read his quotes at Media Matters, I recognized them. I just hadn’t realized they had all originated from the same source.
After you get done reading the quotes in full (below the fold), please contact CNN and let them know that you think it is unacceptable to air the views of someone as overtly racist as Glenn Beck.
* On families of the victims of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks: “[T]his is horrible to say, and I wonder if I’m alone in this — you know, it took me about a year to start hating the 9-11 victims’ families? Took me about a year.”
* On Hurricane Katrina survivors who remained in New Orleans: “And that’s all we’re hearing about, are the people in New Orleans. Those are the only ones that we’re seeing on television are the scumbags — and again, it’s not all the people in New Orleans. Most of the people in New Orleans got out! It’s just a small percentage of those who were left in New Orleans, or who decided to stay in New Orleans, and they’re getting all the attention.”
* Discussing disclosures from a caller who claimed to have tortured prisoners in U.S. custody: “I’ve got to tell you, I appreciate your service. … Good for you. Good for — I mean, good for you. Is it because you did it for the country? … I have to tell you, when all is said and done, I’m glad people like you are on our side.”
* On filmmaker Michael Moore: “Hang on, let me just tell you what I’m thinking. I’m thinking about killing Michael Moore, and I’m wondering if I could kill him myself, or if I would need to hire somebody to do it. No, I think I could. I think he could be looking me in the eye, you know, and I could just be choking the life out — is this wrong?”
* On the father of Nick Berg, American civilian executed in Iraq: “The want to be a better person today than I was yesterday says he’s a dad, he’s grieving, but I don’t buy that. I’m sorry, I don’t buy it. I think he is grieving, but I think he’s a scumbag as well. I don’t like this guy at all.”
I sent my email.
Me too!
Outrageous!!! What kind of program do they have in mind for this wingnut?
I sent my email; think it’ll do any good?
that horrible liberal media is at it again.
Where are all the conservative voices these days? Shameful I tell you, just shameful.
Frankly I’ve given up on CNN. I don’t watch them unless there is some breaking story I want to get the initial details about.
They’re a travesty at this point, but then again so is MsNBC.
Fox, btw is a monstrosity.
If they persist in their decision to give this man a platform for his racism (against Arabs and against blacks) that is reason enough to boycott CNN and the sponsors of his program.
The one show I enjoyed at 7pm PT was Aaron Brown’s Newshour. I could RELY on Brown to cover most of the important stories of the day, and to tell me a few more I might not have heard about. And I loved his bit at the end of the show, showing us the next day’s newspaper headlines.
There is nothing wrong with Anderson Cooper. He’s a fine reporter and a longtime journalist. But he’s been PREENED to do an entirely different kind of show than Aaron Brown did — and it’s much lighter, less substantive, and less newsy.
This Beck hiring is just one more sign of the dumbing down of CNN.
Keith Olbermann on “Countdown” named the head of CNN Headline News as today’s “Worst Person in the World” for the hiring of Glenn Beck.
I would write a letter to CNN protesting this hire, but since I don’t watch them, I doubt they would care to hear what I have to say. I do intend to write a letter to MSNBC suggesting they hire Aaron Brown and give him a show directly opposite whatever show Beck is put on, then see who gets the better ratings. (Actually, I’d love to have Brown follow Keith’s show, with Rita Cosby relegated to Special Reporter In Charge Of Missing White People In Distress, but that’s just me…)
Gee, sounds like Glenn Beck is perfect for a job spouting BushCo’s lies and talking points…but I’ll email CNN anyway.
My email:
Shame on you CNN. I can’t believe CNN has stooped to hiring Glenn Beck.
You’re sinking every day in the ratings. I guess it shouldn’t surprise the world to see you’re hiring scum. It’s the depth you’re at now. At long last, have you no shame?
“I have recently learned that CNN has hired radio host and bigot Glenn Beck to be another on-air personality. This is despicable. I have had the mispleasure of listening to Mr. Beck’s rantings and I must say that by hiring him, CNN is lowering its already questionable standards. This is a man who has made the following comments:
I realize that in the quest to capture ratings and ad dollars the cable “news” networks have wholeheartedly taken cue from the disgusting FoxNEWS channel in lowering their content to the lowest common demoninator, appealing to people’s fears and prejudices. I am saddened, however that CNN has tossed aside any shred of dignity and legitimatcy in hiring Mr. Beck. I will therefore refrain from watching any CNN and Headline News and I will also be contacting your advertisers to let them know that I will not buy their products so long as they advertise on your pathetic little network. Thanks for your time.”
Here’s mine.
families refer to those who have been critical of Mr. Danger, the “investigation,” or other aspects of US policies, and the reason he does not like Mr. Berg’s father is due to his remarks that indicated something of a lukewarm zeal for the crusade, on the part of his son as well as himself, as well as some impertinent questions regarding his son’s death.
If I am correct, then those views, as well as the others he expressed, would be quite in line with US manstream opinion, and thus he would be a good fit with the majority of viewers of any of the news channels.
you see this as more a matter of modern manners?
you can get. CNN is frequently and unjustly smeared as having a more “liberal” slant than the other two Washington press release disseminators, and to put this unfair and damaging talk to rest, they have been making a concerted effort to broadcast the “news” to the audience they have, and hoping to get the audience that Fox has.
And hiring Beck is consistent with that effort. It is also possible that Neal Boortz wanted too much money.
In Central Florida leading up to the war. They got huge publicity on local news stations, and it was sickening. They had bands and everything.
This is part of my email…
Glenn Beck!!! WHAT???!!! If you hire this man, that’s it, you will be sending a very clear message that CNN as a news source is dead and CNN has become another fluffy, wanna be Fox network. Have you been bought by the owners of FOX faux news? What a shame. Are you now trying to compete with Rush Limbaugh? Ignorance, hate, bigotry, racism, violence – CNN would prefer to air these kinds of opinions than find some credible journalists with integrity? I support debate – honest, credible, fact filled debate, but this man does not provide a credible conservative or progressive point of view. This will be it for me, if you hire this man, you will lose another viewer. Do you really still not understand that most Americans are actually searching for a news source they CAN trust? One that isn’t paid or intimidated by the White House…one that…gasp…actually tries to investigate and report on hard hitting real stories! Like torture, spying on Americans, a President who thinks he’s a dictator…
Thank God the blogs are set up to fill the void. It would be incredibly clever and show amazing foresight if CNN would start scooping up some of the successful bloggers and start a real, honest, progressive show. Forget progressive – how about a show that shows BOTH sides instead of just the conservative and have someone fact check as the show goes along. One with dialogue about actual issues…and I don’t mean abortion, gay rights or creationism in our class rooms. Start replacing the “pretty” talking heads with educated and credible, fact based people.
Ahhh, what the hell – you’ve already proven you don’t pay much attention to the needs of your audience. Thank goodness for blogs, I really don’t know where I would get accurate, timely, important information if not for the internet. CNN is done as a credible news source. Ahhhh, if only you could find the reporters that went after Clinton when he lied to the American people, as I recall, there was almost nonstop coverage of his “sins”, and yet, we hardly hear anything from ANY of the “liberally biased” news sources about the crimes of our current President. You betray the American people when you protect criminals instead of providing us with clear, unbiased, FACTS (that have been checked, double sourced..but for goodness sake – stop repeating White House talking points as though they were fact)
Oh well, my two cents. I think you’re already done…your reputation and credibility are damaged.