NEW: CSPAN TV is showing Bolton hrng, split-screen. (Well, it was.)
“Bolton is the poster child of what the diplomatic corps should not be.” (But he’ll vote him out of committee. Sigh.)
(Note: Voinovich’s speech is far deeper and more profound about our country’s foreign policy than that quote.) CNN/MSNBC covering it live now. MSNBC: “Stunning remarks this morning.” VOINOVICH has guts! Will vote NO! (ALERT: CSPAN3 (wtf?). Listen/watch via CSPAN online. CSPAN3 (video/audio). Laura at War and Piece wrote, “Senate Intelligence committee staff send word that tomorrow’s Bolton hearings by their fellow Foreign Relations committee should be interesting …” More below, with a NEW poll:
Update: One legitimate justification for requesting the US identities from NSA intercepts involves counterintelligence concerns. Did Bolton’s crew try to portray Fulton Armstrong and/or Christian Westermann as spies for Cuba? There seems to be a bizarre degree of extreme reluctance of Fleitz, Freedman and Bolton’s backers now to explain the particular subject at issue or their reason for their heated communications about it or their reluctance to discuss it. Such a witchhunt would constitute an unusually vicious way to attempt to retaliate against intel analysts one disagrees with, wouldn’t it?
Posted by Laura at May 11, 2005 10:14 PM
So, I’m guessing it’ll be on CSPAN2 starting at 10:00 tomorrow (05.12.05) morning.
Here’s the formal announcement of tomorrow’s hearing:
Foreign Relations
Business meeting to consider the nominations of
John Robert Bolton, of Maryland, to be the U.S.
Representative to the United Nations, with the
rank and status of Ambassador, and the U.S.
Representative in the Security Council of the
United Nations, and to be U.S. Representative to
the Sessions of the General Assembly of the
United Nations during his tenure of service as
U.S. Representative to the United Nations.
Update [2005-5-12 6:36:43 by susanhbu]: From NBC First Read, May 12: