Progress Pond

Switzerblog announces his candidacy for Washington State Party Chair!

Cross-posted at Washblog.

When I heard the news that Paul Berendt was resigning his post as State Party Chair after 11 years, I was very drunk and standing on a bridge over the Strip in Las Vegas. Naturally, my thoughts turned less to my future in the party, and more towards finding a place to sit down. I am now partly sober, and have had time to consider what all this means to me. I was not considering running for State Party Chair, but after reading this diary at Kos which contains two comments urging me to run, and receiving a third query about my future from N in Seattle, I did some basic math. As we’ve learned from Family Guy, one comment equals one billion people. So I realized that 3 billion people want me to run for State Party Chair for the Washington State Democrats. Today, I proudly announce the candidacy of switzerblog for State Party Chair – the people’s voice cannot be ignored!
I know that when I am State Party Chair, I will work for YOU. And that will be a lot of hard work, because I don’t like most of you, but I pledge to you today that I will try my hardest, every single day, to be friendly and not act repulsed when I meet you on the street or in my office. Because the Party runs because of you and all your hard work. Without the hard work and dedication of people who don’t know any better than to make phone calls to complete strangers and walk around in the rain knocking on people’s doors for candidates, this Party would go absolutely nowhere. Because I sure won’t do any of that stuff! No, what I will do is fight for YOU, the everyday working man (or woman) Democrat.

Before I get into my platform, let me tell you a few things about myself. I am a heterosexual person, although I find Jake Gyllenhall entrancingly handsome and L.L. Cool J simply dreamy. I feel what I feel. Next, you should know that switzerblog is not the name I was born with. My name was franceblog, but when I joined my partner germanyblog, I agreed to take a neutral name. Some of you in Eastern Washington may not approve of my lifestyle, but I feel strongly that the Democratic party should be inclusive. I am a D-List celebrity at Daily Kos, which means that when I write a diary, as many as seven people may read it at any given time. Some say I’m an idiot, but that’s because they’re jealous of my upper body musculature.

My platform:

I need your help. This is YOUR campaign. There are several strong, worthy candidates seeking this position, and the other three guys, too. It will not be easy, but I know with your support, and your many generous contributions, the era of old-style politics will end and the era of blog-run Party structures can begin. Join me in my fight for Democratic principles today! I need your endorsements, your support, and your evangelism – go tell your friends that the day of switzerblog has come!

Please, leave your ideas, endorsements, and the things you want me to believe in the comments below. I humbly ask for your vote, and thank you for your support. May his noodly appendage be upon America.

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