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Press Briefing in Jordan – Obama Incoherent on Syrian Issue

I watched the press briefing of President Obama with King Abdullah II in Amman, Jordan. Many cucial issues were covered and both leaders answered questions from journalists. It was quite interesting to watch. There was one single stumbling block for President Obama on a question about US as a superpower and the inaction to put an end to the  catastrophe in Syria. The immense suffering, massacre of 70,000 Syrians, millions of displaced persons, the suffering of refugees in camps across the border and the endless acts of war crimes. Isn’t Obama worried that a splintered opposition with a strong extremist element in the fighting will offer a worse alternative to the Assad regime.


This is exactly what I expected, because the Syrian campaign for regime change was illegal and ill conceived plan supported by regional allies Turkey, Jordan, Gulf States, UK, France and the US under leadersip of Hillary Clinton. Jordan is providing $550m for 460,000 Syrian refugees, children, women, elderly and the wounded. King Abdullah expects the numbers will double this year. A similar expection had been given by UNHRC for the death toll to double in 2013. Obama mentions the US is the largest donor for humanitarian aid … that is a poor excuse for a failed policy. Shame. No end in sight.


Obama on Syria: “Something has been broken”

AMMAN, Jordan (AP) — President Barack Obama says he’s very concerned about Syria becoming an enclave for extremism after the rule of President Bashar Assad is over.

Obama said during a news conference in Jordan Friday that something has been broken in Syria and won’t be fixed immediately after Assad’s regime is gone.

He said Assad has ruled over the tragic and heartbreaking deaths of innocents. He said extremists survive in that kind of chaos. Obama said he’s confident Assad will go, it’s just a question of when.

Obama pledges $200m for refugees in Jordan

AMMAN, Jordan (AlJazeera) – Jordan’s king and the country’s top military brass welcomed President Obama on Friday as the leaders headed into talks focusing on the conflict in Syria.

King Abdullah II says Jordan has “historically opened our arms to many of our neighbours … that is a challenge we just cannot turn our backs on. Refugees will continue to come … but the problem is the burden it is having on Jordan.”

Obama emphasised US support for Syria by saying, “We have led with deeds, we are the single-largest humanitarian donor to the Syrian people.”

The US president acknowledged the problems of adding military support to Syria: “The US often finds that if it goes in militarily it is criticised; if it does not, people will ask why not?”

On Syrian President Assad’s legitimacy, Obama was clear: “[Assad] has lost all legitimacy because he is willing to slaughter his own people. I am confident that Assad will go – it is not a question of if but when … so we have to think about what comes after that.”

{Update1} President Obama Holds a Press Conference with King Abdullah II of Jordan – Video 45 min.

[As soon as a video becomes available, I will provide an update – Oui]

White House Videos – Middle East Trip

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