Progress Pond

The Skirpal Poisoning, SpookWorld and the RussiaGate Movement

(This was originally written as a reply on Booman’s recent post “How Russia Can Ease the Tensions.” [<>] It grew. Now a standalone. Read on.)


We must apply the cui bono test to this poisoning.


Who profits from its media dissemination?
The first thing that occurred to me when this whole story went down was “Why was this particular spook poisoned?” If it was a simple punishment or attempted deletion of a functioning and dangerous enemy of Russia, why use a nerve agent that has been widely identified as a Russian weapon? Really. I mean…as far as the real spook pros are concerned, how many ways are there to kill somebody? An apparently bungled burglary or mugging, a car bomb or tampered steering/brakes? The list is endless. This guy wasn’t living some some sequestered, heavily guarded life, he was walking around the suburbs of London going to shopping centers and restaurants. In a heavy crowd, an ice pick in the back will do the trick and no one will even see the act.

Are the Russians that dumb? I mean…these are the same “Russians” who apparently fooled the entire U.S. security system and helped get Trump elected, right? If it was them, it was meant as a serious message. To whom? Who knows? Other double/triple/quadruple agents, probably. “Keep your mouths shut. We can take you out too.”

Or…it was performed by other agencies that are trying to brand Russia as the world villain of the moment. I wonder who that might be?

Again…the use of the Novichok nerve agent is a curious one. If it was non-Russian agencies that wanted Skirpal out of the way (for whatever spooky-spook-spook reasons), why use an identifiably Russian tool? I suppose it might be the “kill two birds with one stone and not get caught” angle…get rid of Skirpal and simultaneously harm the Russians or at least provide yet another excuse to place more blame on them…but given the apparently endless, international media shitstorm over Russian influence on the Trump regime, it sounds to me like just another attempt to play “Blame The Russians.”

Is Putin a dictator?


In the normal course of state business, do he and his little helpers routinely kill or imprison opponents?

Also certainly.

And the same thing…minus the fairly simple “elected dictator” idea, because we/they have another form of governmental hustle going on…goes for his western opponents. If you think not, you are living in a dream world. The moment the leader of a major power leader is elected, he or she has blood on their hands. That’s the way it works. Innocent blood? Often. Bet on it.

It’s part of the job description.

It’s part of the control mechanism.

Any attempt to deny it this is laughable.

So…where’s the beef in this little Skirpal poisoning shit sandwich?

Damned if I know, and damned if I care. Skirpal chose to be part of the spook world, and his luck ran out. SO sorry!!!

Only one thing is certain.

It was spook work.

Bet on that as well.

Which spooks?

Does it really make much of a difference?

In a sense, all  spooks are more allied with each other than they they are with their supposed employers. They play a dangerous game with huge rewards. Look at Putin for all you need to know on that account. He is a world champion spook….the world champion, for now at least…with riches and power beyond belief.

Like mobsters, in the end, they are all allied against the “law-abiding” world.

Like classic gangster organizations, they claim to be “Making the neighborhood safe for ‘us.’ “…whomever that particular “us”might be. What they always eventually seem to be really doing is making that neighborhood a source for their own power and profit.

As above, so below.

Bet on that as well.


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