Progress Pond

Episode 13 of the Progress Pondcast is Live!

You can listen to Episode 13 on Apple or Spotify.

It’s the second episode with a guest and it’s a good one. Bill Hangley Jr. is a longtime Philadelphia journalist and musician who recently did a guest post here at the Pond: The Case of Kamala. He joined us to discuss the controversy over President Biden dropping out and also to promote his amazing new song: For My Father, Who Loves the Law. He really writes great songs, and I love his voice.

After Brendan and I discuss the serious weirdness of the Republican National Convention for a bit, Bill joins us to talk about a wide range of topics all related to the upcoming presidential election. It’s probably the most interesting conversation we’ve had yet on the Pondcast. Bill’s a really insightful and original thinker and helps us think through where we go from here.

We’d also like to announce that we set up a Patreon page for the pondcast, and ask that you become a member, paying or otherwise. We definitely need some financial support to be able to produce a regular podcast, and I think it’s important that we’re able to add our voices to the discussion in these crazy times and this most consequential election cycle. We have an interview with a member of the Pennsylvania legislature lined up and are hoping to have guests much more frequently going forward.

If you like and subscribe to the pondcast, that will also help us add listeners, which is important to making the project viable.

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